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  1. X

    whats some healthy fruits to put into a smotthie

    agree on Blueberries.... and Strawberries are second in line in the antioxident level so I would stick with those I cant recall the source but 1 kiwi contains 15% of the USRDA of vitamins, with some protein to boot. When ranked Kiwi tops the list in vitamins, way above oranges for Vitamin C...
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    Super-Slow Training

    Thanks for the responses, I won't be wasting any time with it.
  3. X

    Eggs... Should I consume the yolk, too?

    Also there is the matter of "good" and "bad" cholestorol, as I recall eggs dont contribute very much bad cholesterol at all. On top of that, its the serum cholestorol that you need to watch out for, that is the amount thats floating around in your blood and creating blockage. Have it checked...
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    Super-Slow Training

    Alright lately Ive been hearing a lot on the "Super-Slow Training" method in the news, which is basically when you lift instead of normally taking 4-6 seconds to complete you take 14-16. Ive heard that there are fantastic gains to be made here, but it just doesnt make sense to me that this...
  5. X

    Would not having breakfast have an effect on weight loss?

    Its reasoning like this that people fail at weight loss. Its called Breakfast because you are "Breaking a Fast" from not eating for 8 hours. Your body is built for survival; when it senses that it is going without food it will HANG ON to fat as much as possible. Your metabolism also slows...
  6. X

    Milk helps you to lose weight?

    The calories and carbs keep me away from milk but I eat most of its derivatives... lowfat yogurt, cottage cheese... they have much longer protein chains anyway. I get my A and D vits from plenty of other sources, like Cod Liver Oil, so no worries there. On a side note, calcium is pretty...
  7. X

    Sweet foods with low carbs...?

    Sure, fruit contains simple sugars, but I would think that not getting scurvy slightly outweighs the risk of a blood sugar spike (unless diabetic). There are different levels of sugar content, as stated in my original reply. Fruits have low carb content for their volume, therefore are more...
  8. X

    Sweet foods with low carbs...?

    In general fruits and vegetables are low in carbs, its the soda, candy, etc sweets you want to avoid that are high in carb content. Personally I dont trust the chemicals in artificial sweetners and use cinnimon as a low carb alternative sweetener. Once I tried it in my tea I just cant drink...
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    It could be a number of reasons, look back to what has changed in the past few months and what you are doing different. When did you start noticing things changing? To take a wild stab at it, assuming you have no health problems, then if you are complaining about putting clothes on, you might...
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    Coral calcium...

    I know all about the benefits of cranberry juice, but I drink plain ol' water to "filter" the kidneys. Use something pure, otherwise you're just giving the kidneys more work to do. Is this cranberry juice off the shelf or from a juicer? My bet is that it has tons of sugar, which is the worst...
  11. X

    Milk vs. Water vs. Supplement

    I don't think we just started drinking cow's milk for the random enjoyment of it. It turns out that cow's milk is fairly close to human milk in terms of its percentages. Cow's milk has a little less fat, a little less sugar and about three times more protein than human milk does...
  12. X

    Got a job,no time to go to the gym!!!

    For a time at my last job I would go during lunch, the downtown gym was a couple of blocks away. My "lunch" was the protein shake after the workout. The point is, you make the time for something that is important to you.
  13. X

    What is a balanced and healthy diet??

    :D lol, no offense bro. I dont really mean it against you in particular, BUT... this board is starting to sound like a broken record."Do a search!" "Read Diesel's guide!" "Awwww another newbie question, Ive read this a million times before!" I can listen to Atlanta's 99X or some other...
  14. X

    What is a balanced and healthy diet??

    Diesel worshippers aside, would would like to add to the good posts so far by saying to limit your intake of salt and refined sugar. Dont add salt to anything. Cinnamon makes a great substitute for sugar, I use it in my oatmeal for instance. Although not necessary, if you hate vegetables...
  15. X

    This woman wants to Tone..

    I dunno, if shes only interested in going because of you, well I dont expect her to keep a gym regiment. She sounds like the kind of woman who really likes to "exercise" ...from walking laps around the mall chatting with some other tennis-shoed skirt... in other words, to socialize and be...
  16. X

    Can you bulk as a vegetarian?

    That article was a good laugh. The only reason any living organism needs a brain is to move. In fact, there is an organism that lives in the ocean that spends the first part of its life swimming around. Then it finds a good rock to attach to and then digests (absorbs) its own brain to...
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    Why is coffee bad for you?

    I havent read anything good about coffee. In fact when my dad had high blood pressure what was the first thing his doctor asked him? Not "do you smoke" or "how much alcohol do you use" but "How much coffee do you drink?" Personally I only drink green tea, which has very little caffeine in...
  18. X

    Can you bulk as a vegetarian?

    Our ancestors almost became extinct because of carnivores. The hyenas were a little different back then, standing three feet at the shoulder. North America was off limits to us for a loooong time, like thousands of years, because lots of people would get eaten if they tried. Well, thanks to...
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    Tanning Bed Question

    well, you DID ask :) anyway its a bit of an exaggeration but they are necessary Protective goggles should always be worn when indoor tanning. Eyelid skin is too thin to protect the eyes from UVA rays. Severe burning of the lids and internal eye damage may result when goggles are not used...
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    Tanning Bed Question

    Well if you want to get across the curb with the aide of a dog and like carrying around tin cups with pencils in them, sure, toss them to the side. Eyelids are too thin to absorb UV rays so your eyes will take in the remainder.