Viroid... I drew my conclusion from many different sources that I have read in the past. I just posted that page because it was the first thing I found about the topic, and having some source to back me up is better than no source at all.
I wont even bother to use a source for anything anymore. Nomatter what it will be "unreliable".. even if it is only unreliable because I'm a vegetarian.
Eating plants is still killing a living organism to gain its nutrients, whether it has a brain and a central nervous system is really immaterial.
Yeah, but people go vegan because they want to cause the least amount of pain possible. It is more than just the idea of killing: it is the idea of the pain an animal has to experience. Nomatter what, humans will have to kill living organisms to live, but by eating animals you are causing alot of pain. Animals eat plants, so even if plants
can feel pain, vegetarianism would still be the best choice. That would mean to get meat you would have to kill animals in the process of getting the plants which would be killed to feed the animals being raised for meat, which are then killed and turned into food.
The past few days I have been eating dairy and eggs again. It is very weird after 15 months without eating any. I have found that I really wasn't missing much by avoiding dairy and eggs. I have adapted to a healthier lifestyle without many greasy foods, and I barely ever eat candy. The only things I can think of that are vegetarian with eggs and dairy is pizza and milk chocolate (among many other desserts.) The reason that I am not going to eat a vegan diet anymore is because I hate cooking. I know exactly how to be a healthy vegan, but to do it you either have to cook all of your own food, or have a family member who is willing to cook it all for you. I have always been a small guy, but in the last 2 years I think my weight has stayed the same or gone down a few pounds, which isnt normal between 14 & 16. I am 5'7 and I weigh 115 lbs. With those stats you might think I barely eat anything, but I eat SO DAMN MUCH! I eat all day long, but I think my problem is with what I eat. At lunch I usually have raw vegetables, fruits and a PB&J while my friends eat greasy cheese sticks and pizza, or just a bag of chips and a soda, yet they gain weight from their tiny little bag of chips and I lose weight from my meal. I eat alot of soy products and recently I have had alot of avacado, because when I ask other vegans on a message board what I can eat to gain weight, they can only think of avacado and coconut. The avacado isnt exactly helping much.
Here are my reasons for wanting to be vegan:
- I truly believe that it is the best choice morally. If I eat meat and tell myself there is nothing wrong with it, I will be lying to myself.
And why I don't want to be vegan
If I were to eat meat I would NEVER have to cook again.
More food choices. (though there are alternatives for EVERYTHING now... its just a b*tch because you have to cook usually)
Leather. I could wear shoes that I like. (Birkenstocks are the only nice ones... good non-leather sandals... most non-leather shoes arent too nice.) I have a decent synthetic leather belt... people never believe me that it isn't real leather.. but I have seen leather belts that look ALOT nicer. I am really into German cars (Porsche, Audi, BMW, and Benz) and they are rarely made with cloth seats. My benz happens to have tech-leather (synthetic).
Wool sweaters look nice.
I wouldn't have to worry about what I am going to eat at later meals.
Less cooking= less stress & more fun, more time to do something I enjoy.
I cant imagine girls thinking vegetarianism is attractive.
I could gain weight much more easily.
I am afraid that veganism may stunt my growth. I have heard about adults who were vegan for a year or so, but went back to eating meat, and then they gained a few feet or inches. The hot actress who plays the doctor on Scrubs named Elliot Reed was on a talkshow talking about how this happened to her. Of course, some people don't know what they are doing when they go vegan, so they eat only a few different foods and they sometimes dont eat much at all. The actress may have forgot to mention that while vegan she was also anorexic... I knew a girl last year who said she was vegan as an excuse for never eating anything in public. On a vegan forum that I frequently visit I have been told things like "there is no evidence that people's growth is stunted by veganism. It can be a very healthy diet." I am thinking that it might not be worth taking the chance. I want to get taller than 5'7.
So basically to me it is a choice of ignorance and bliss or morals and unhappiness. Hard to decide. I'd appreciate any advice.