Originally posted by DIESEL:
The Veggie diet robs your body of testosterone.. that which makes us men.
Great point, Diesel. I believe I read a study on this too. Ill try to find it.
Its probably because a lot of vegetarians are going to be deficient in some nutrients without even knowing it. It happens very easily when you remove an entire category of nutrient dense food from your diet. Even if youre deficient in one vitamin or mineral it can throw your whole endocrine system out of whack.
Also, to any man who used to eat meat and was converted to a life of veggie burgers and Tofurkey (what the mother fukk??) by some girl. SHAME ON YOU. GROW A FUKKIN PAIR AND ASSERT YOUR GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO BE A FUKKIN RED-MEAT EATING TESTOSTERONE PUMPING NEANDERTHAL !!!
They might as well have eyes on the sides of their heads just waiting to be eaten like the rest of the prey in this world.
p.s. I have the sneaking suspicion that most girls think male veggies are kind of wussed-out.
Yep, I think its a subconscious thing. In caveman days the women would go collect the veggies while the MEN would go kill a wild animal. Would a women rather fukk a leaf eater or a FLESH eater.
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