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  1. Papa_smu

    I’m so fvckin Disappointed in myself: Gotta change

    I second that. There were plenty of times I got sidetracked and it lead to some painful mistakes. However, it's getting back on track is what is most important. What works best for me is focusing on one or two challenging goals at a time. You don't have to give up everything else entirely...
  2. Papa_smu

    nicksaiz65 Odyssey

    I would start now with the blog. You're starting to see success and it wouldn't hurt to capture those moments with blog entries for others to read. Who knows, by the time you graduate, you'll have a nice passive income stream coming in to cover for your expenses.
  3. Papa_smu

    nicksaiz65 Odyssey

    What classes are you taking?
  4. Papa_smu

    nicksaiz65 Odyssey

    Looking clean cut brotha!
  5. Papa_smu

    Liking myself even though I'm very different

    It isn't supposed to be easy, however only a few rocks turned to diamonds through loads of time and pressure.
  6. Papa_smu

    What happened to me, man? Life Story Reflections

    @nicksaiz65 This is quite normal when you're at this stage in your life. You're making some big changes in areas of your life that are very much different to your old self. Of course, you're going to have some conflicts with your identity. Putting yourself out there socially and being outside...
  7. Papa_smu


    I believe they call it a social lubricant. Though like motor oil, it tends to make mess of things if used too much. :\ What I tried last night was drinking bourbon in a glass. That helped slow down how much I drank through out the night. As for emotion, it does seem to bring out our "true"...
  8. Papa_smu

    How To Deal With An Idiot At My Work Place?

    Firstly, I'm sorry you have to come to work with this guy. I've worked with people much similar in the past, and not only makes being productive all the more difficult but doesn't do much help with work-related stress. These options you mentioned can be taken but why try settling this by...
  9. Papa_smu

    nicksaiz65 Odyssey

    Glad your posting again :D keep up the awesome work!
  10. Papa_smu

    Worried about political climate

    I heard if you take a picture of you and your date kissing, there is more evidence in your favor. Of course this what I heard, I wouldn't take it as legal advice
  11. Papa_smu

    Why do power movements tire me out so fast? And what are some good power movements/exercises too?

    There are several energy systems that are at play here. You have your quick stores within your cells which can be used immediately, no oxygen required. And then you have your energy system which consumes energy without the presence of oxygen. Because there is a higher demand for energy in such...
  12. Papa_smu

    Feeling sleepy at the gym all the time

    Judging from the time and not considering the intensity and nutritional intake; There are two scenarios that I've experienced or witness in other athletes: The CMS is getting overloaded and isn't getting ample time to recover from the current workload. It's common for young guys to take on more...
  13. Papa_smu

    Feeling sleepy at the gym all the time

    I second that as well. How long have you been doing your routine?
  14. Papa_smu

    A better approach to vision boards

    I wasn't sure where to put this, so I ended up putting it here. I thought this article was a good approach to achieving your goals. The key take-away is imagining the process of achieving, not so much...
  15. Papa_smu

    TS Online

    Don't worry it wasn't by choice. The landlord thought at the time that it was a he, but I found out two weeks later that it was a she over an innocent dinner, in the apartment, with just the dining room light on. O.O
  16. Papa_smu

    TS Online

    Just remember, when you think you had it bad after finding out your date is trans, just think how bad it would be to live with one for a year. I should know...
  17. Papa_smu

    America first

    No, because you didn't even bother to pull the facts from those sources and compare them with your rebuttal. If you really wanted to support your case and actually be taken seriously, you would have taken the time to counter argue my points from the sources. But you know what? I'll let you be...
  18. Papa_smu

    America first

    Question is, did you even look in at the links I posted? Because if you didn't, I'm not taking you seriously.
  19. Papa_smu

    America first

    I'm sorry, that is false. China is exempt and will be till 2030 with meeting its emission goals. But quite frankly, they are more concerned with maintaining their economic growth.
  20. Papa_smu

    Daygame rejection "I don't give out my number to a cheap hobo like you"

    Actually she insulted him, I don't blame him for shooting back. Though, I think he could of nixed the rhinoplasty part. Whole point was to get her interested, and one upping her isn't going to do the trick.