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  1. J

    You were lied to. The divorce rate is not 50%

    I'll also say I never understood the point of marriage. Countless women I've dated asked me why I don't get married. I ask them what's in it for me. They say "love". I'm like, what does a contract have to do with love? I've been in love and currently am in love as is she without the paper. It...
  2. J

    You were lied to. The divorce rate is not 50%

    No OP, we weren't lied to, you misunderstood the statistic. About 33% of first marriages end in divorce, 50% of second and 75% of third marriages. You can infer the more often you've been married and divorced, the less of a big deal it is to you to divorce again so the more likely you are to...
  3. J

    Am *I* too argumentative with her?

    So pick my battles? Leave the trivial stuff alone, if she says she doesn't want flowers let it go? As long as she is doing the important stuff I ask for let the smaller stuff go? Won't this be seen as submissive behavior?
  4. J

    The myth of the alpha male...backed up by studies

    You just said everything the article said, go read it before commenting....It talks about prestige, not dominance and aggression, studies show almost no women (less than 1%) want a dominant or aggressive man, same as a submissive man. What they want is prestige, confidence, strength...
  5. J

    Am *I* too argumentative with her?

    She follows my boundaries to a T, even calls me to ask about anything unclear or if xyz is OK, and when I tell her no that's dangerous I don't want you to do it, she accepts it and says OK. She asks me if I'm ok with her doing this or that now in general if there is anything unclear, no argument...
  6. J

    The myth of the alpha male...backed up by studies

    And it makes sense...I've seen HOT women with beta looking guys (especially Asian culture). The article discusses studies that indicate yes, women like men who compete and dominate over other men, but they don't like aggressive and domineering behavior in a relationship. On the same note, they...
  7. J

    A direct insult.

    My girlfriend jokes with me that she doesn't like me or that I'm ugly (once when I caught her staring at me and asked her about it) when we are bantering, as does her daughter and I joke with them like that either back or first sometimes. She knows she's not ugly, she get's hit on constantly and...
  8. J

    At what point does it make SENSE to get married?

    She's actually been asked for that by a company that wants her to teach AND to trade on 1 million like a hedge fund and keep a portion of the profits of her trading if she can prove it. She does this with 100K and lives off the income. The rest of her money is in real estate projects where she...
  9. J

    At what point does it make SENSE to get married?

    VERY astute observation...
  10. J

    Was this a test to see if I give in?

    Turns out she miscommunicated. English is not her first language and she doesn't think much when she speaks. What she meant was her friends man ALWAYS joins her when she tries to hang out with her friend. That's what she was asking about, how to deal with that because she thinks it's weird that...
  11. J

    At what point does it make SENSE to get married?

    I could see it would absolutely be worth it if she was very wealthy and there was no prenup for example. I've heard women say oh why don't you get married, and I ask them, what's in it for me? They respond with "love" and I'm like, I can get that without the contract. Ironically the last woman...
  12. J

    Was this a test to see if I give in?

    An attention *****? Who hasn't dated in three years since her divorce, and despite being a dime, has only been with three guys in her life other than me. Makes sense. Even her family and her kids told me she hasn't dated in three years since her divorce and even her sisters have asked her why...
  13. J

    Was this a test to see if I give in?

    What's wrong with her inviting me to the dinner? She didn't bring that up...just that she wants to go out with her and her talk about something she doesn't want me to hear....and you say I'm the one being unreasonable? So my gf should be allowed to go out with a woman and her...
  14. J

    Was this a test to see if I give in?

    Right, she is an obvious liar and cheater because she asked me if she can hang out with her friend and her husband who is 70 years old, both of whom know I'm her boyfriend. Thanks for the input lol.
  15. J

    Was this a test to see if I give in?

    Let me tell you all the people I've met who's gf or wife hung out with men in a group setting, at a bar, at a restaurant, etc. and was either 1) drugged and raped or 2) cheated and was using group outings as a way to date other men initially... There is such a thing as group dates, and it's no...
  16. J

    Was this a test to see if I give in?

    You know that women test for strength, we men test for compliance. I got compliance from her, she got strength from me. So we have established boundaries which she is following, such as no hanging out with other men even in a group setting such as networking events, etc. Once in a while she...
  17. J

    Boundaries, male friends, and reality

    Yeah, and she called me from the venue and after she got home an hour later. She got hit on by guys repeatedly while sitting at a table with her girlfriends. In fact her girlfriends said they are jealous she get's all the attention. She is very petite and attractive so guys hit on her a lot...
  18. J

    Cancelling date....

    My gf and I just spent a lot of time together on a trip. She's been even more communicative since we got back, (texts and calls daily, sometimes calls twice a day). We don't live together at this time. She wasn't feeling well the other day so I went to check on her and help her feel better. We...
  19. J

    Boundaries, male friends, and reality

    Agreed. Come to think of it, I've seen a lot of guru's say you must set boundaries to increase attraction via gaining respect. Beta males allow women to do whatever they want for fear of losing her. The beta's follow her lead. Alpha's and Sigma's lead and tell her that if you want to be with me...