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  1. N

    Boot Camp Journal

    Re: Walden, man.... What a newbie, what a moron. Nick
  2. N

    Advanced 30 second rule applications

    Self gratifying bump
  3. N

    Advanced 30 second rule applications

    My second advanced tip ... not for newbies (Newbies will try this rather than the 3 second rule and will get really frustrated). Nope, you did not read incorrectly nor did I make a spelling error. Its the thirty second rule! The reason for the three second rule is so that you are forced to...
  4. N

    How often should I work those arms guys?

    So far I'm doing it twice a week, with dumbells, the simple dumbell exercise where you raise them to your shoulders, as well as the exercise where you lift them above your head (really a shoulder exercise). I've deicded to work out the arms more but I'm not sure whether pushing it beyond...
  5. N

    Where did all the bible worthy posts go?

    One day, we will return to the time where there were more posts on the discussion forum regarding living the life rather than how the Bible needs to be professionally written / completely ravamped / have an associated test. Do you know how long it took to "professionally" rewrite the 10% of...
  6. N

    Have you read the Bible??? Really?

    I don't see the need... It's due for forum changes, true, but an OVERHAUL? Nick
  7. N

    Advanced eye contact tips

    I have some time left before Uni year three begins so I think I will invest it in you guys once again. I'm going to hopefully write a series of advanced tips - NOT NEWBIE TIPS, like I have been doing for oh so long now. So, if you're new or still clueless about women, consult the simple tips...
  8. N

    What if your right is bigger than your left?

    I'm right handed, as are about 90% of you. This means that, for some reason, my right side does a little more work than my left side in workouts, and as you can imagine, its starting to become noticable (if you look really hard) that my right boob is bigger than my left boob. Funnily, my left...
  9. N

    Tiger Eye journal

    I'll never be able to read all of these journals from everyone ... I'll try to catch up every now and then, but I love the way people are actually starting to take action! I'm really pleased. Nick
  10. N

    Boot Camp week 1 (Response thread)

    Hey guys, I'm so glad people are using the book. I'd like to pop in every now and then, and for this purpose I will use red text. Just remember, that this is an early stage. You WILL get setbacks. NEVER let them get to you. You will soon learn that rejection is a big part of the game...
  11. N

    Pimples, blackheads and zits, Oh My!

    Just to close: FOOD HAS ALMOST EVERYTHING TO DO WITH ACNE. A group of people go around asking people who don't have spots what they eat, and they all reply "chocolate". Therefore, eating chocolate does not cause acne... seriously, this is how they think. This is an illustrative example, but...
  12. N

    Pimples, blackheads and zits, Oh My!

    No, no, no, no, no... Soap has a 5-8% effect on acne. Its good for squeezing the remaining effect if added to everything else you do, but it should not be a primary measure. Tablets mess up your immune system a little. Soon, you won't be able to use antibiotics to cure anything else that...
  13. N

    DJ eBook now finished and available

    Width of 800 retaining aspect ratio sounds good to me! Thanks man, Nick PS: ALL I can think of now in my meditation state is "*****", "*****"
  14. N

    DJ eBook now finished and available

    Looks good, Demon, I'd love to use it. The problem is, it's about one quarter of the size in both dimensions that would look optimal on the front page. If you can make it bigger I would use it. Nick PS: Yes, you all heard correctly, working on a 1.1 update...
  15. N

    Pimples, blackheads and zits, Oh My!

    #1 and #2 are not good tidbits of advice. Here's info from the FAQ: I’m speaking to you from years of actual experience. See a doctor, or preferably a student doctor who has probably had a lot of these complaints or dermatologist. Reject the suggestion of antibiotics, which is probably...
  16. N

    DJ eBook now finished and available

    Word versions of the three PDFs in the DJB are now available.
  17. N

    DJ eBook now finished and available

    Do you have MS Word? My source was written in Word, and the links are clickable on that particular document. Edit: Just checked stats, 1398 of you downloaded the book so far...
  18. N

    DJ eBook now finished and available

    Not a new version - its the Boot Camp with bible articles included. About 10% Nick