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  1. Packers2010

    Man lets do this now: Life experience: Bored and give me reasons to live on.

    your a gambler? me too? what you play? ( my troll answer) this is what keeps me going everyday. just thought of not hearing this again makes me live on. even though my life is close to it's ****test point ever. ( my real answer)
  2. Packers2010

    Moving in together???

    lol femistist bullplop. so he lets her move in with him and she gets a job when...? like never!
  3. Packers2010

    Letter from JP Morgan CEO to Gold Diggers - MUST READ

    good email response. though i would have been more harsh.
  4. Packers2010

    Watch this documentary

    ok i made it to the end. and i have to say this is the biggest motivation for me. not to turn out like theses guys
  5. Packers2010

    You should only pursue women when your life is set

    it's about having a well rounded life. you don't want to become a dr. but be a virgin do you?
  6. Packers2010

    I'm not getting any pvssy

    welcome to the club bro. we meet on thursdays. what i have learnt over the past 7 months is this. you have to get your LIFE sorted before you can get the girl. talking to women is just like poker. you have to put IN the work to get results the results don't come within logging 100k hands in...
  7. Packers2010

    The Universal Female Excuse Archive! Add any female excuses you've gotten or heard!

    as a funny side story. i remember a girl telling me she could get a cab home when i offerd to give her a lift home. i just said whatever and change the subject. then i asked a again she said cab. then third time she went with me. that was pretty huge for me to see that
  8. Packers2010

    The most powerful weapon you have is..

    this is true. i thought what i would do if i had the same situation. turns out i would wonder why the ugly girl doesn't like me because i know i can get her and i wouldn't bother wit the hot girls because i know she doesn't like me. funny when things are reversed.
  9. Packers2010

    Do you do poorly with the kind of women you prefer?

    girls are just girls. they're not good, not bad, not hot nor ugly. they are just girls. sometimes we forget that.
  10. Packers2010

    LIVE Chat Tonight

    48 days till the season starts man!
  11. Packers2010

    Feel good or feel happy

    hmm.. well there was this one time i went on a date with a girl and it went well. ( or so i thought i was 15 at the time i had no idea.) but realy today was pretty good. start to work out, got some **** done was good. good not great
  12. Packers2010

    [FR] Cheating vvhore

    great post man. i see what you mean. run YOUR game on the ALL chicks. don't change your game for different chicks. kind of like poker really
  13. Packers2010

    5 things I would tell my younger self about girls.

    great post man. 5 things i would tell me younger self as of today. ( i'm in a ****ty mood) 1) punch your bully square in the face and curb stomp him on his head then piss on his corps 2) depression is for weak people 3) ALWAYS have one foot out of the door 4) YOU are the boss. no one else...
  14. Packers2010

    Sad day today guys

    why would you watch porn but not fap? defeats the purpose right?
  15. Packers2010

    True Story: I Dated An Ex-Pickup Artist (Article)

    if that is her in the picture, she gets a 0 bro edit: if feminist didn't exist, we wouldn't have PUA's because we would be getting it just fine.
  16. Packers2010

    Does my friend like me???

    if you been friends wit her for 5 years. I say. it's better to find other girls then it is to keep wishing you was with this one. trust me. I should know.
  17. Packers2010

    I have had it with women
  18. Packers2010

    Taking a co-worker out tomorrow after work

    that's ok then. i think he was more talking about the western world. if i did that in perth.. would probs look like i love all things asian. though i don't i just love the food.
  19. Packers2010

    What is your lifestyle?

    hmm.. mine is changing. i used to be a huge poker guy. ( like.. i dropped out of school and tried for a year to make it as a poker pro. that didn't turn out. so now i am in school ( and i love it. was doing I.T before accounting is much more my style). i don't drink i don't smoke, nor do i...
  20. Packers2010

    Dressing nicer is getting expensive

    my total wardrobe probs cost less then 1k and i have HEAPS of stuff. Sale racks bro. all GOOD store has to have a sale to get rid of stock