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  1. S

    Hardwired for attraction

    I'm not sure if it is genetically wired or not... I think it's a person to person thing. Personally i do not really care if a woman has a good pair of hips or a bit of a tummy. I don't find it unattractive at all, in fact it can look very good for me personally. On the other hand, i won't...
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    "I like getting you off"....grr

    Yes, just wack off before you start, it helps... a lot! ;-)
  3. S

    Some tips from the female perspective

    Miss DJ, You obviously don't 'get it'. Pvssy slaves? That's what i would call the guys who just don't get it. It's like not understanding why a puppy will only want something if you throw it away... They perceive not 'needing' and being a challenge as a WAY to get women. This in itself is...
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    Women Fvck Beliefs, Not Techniques

    No hurt feelings here. Save your disconnect advice broh, you are breaking it to the wrong guy... Oh and about the poor AFC's... They need to read the bible, then take it into the field and just TRY IT. They need to grab their balls and realize that leaving comfort zones is the only way to...
  5. S

    Is she a Tease or Not

    Sounds to me like she is using sex as leverage on you. In the sense of "I'm not going to give you any sex till you do this or that". That's bullsh!t. Any woman who uses sex for anything but fun and pleasure is not worth your time imho. So she's worried about her rep, she's worried you'll...
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    Please score me

    Sounds like she isn't all that attracted to you. Atleast not enough to fvck you. But her age is also a factor i think (on the LMR). On the other hand it may not mean anything at all. Could be she was just looking for you to justify why things were progressing that fast... basically looking for...
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    Unbelievable twist in this relationship

    That's how i thought of it when i read the post... I mean, you ate her out... while knowing that there was possibly some other guys **** in there not too long ago... :/ I think you should have made her chase you more instead of giving in at her first request. You can tell she got what she...
  8. S


    The point is not to act angry or upset about it. If you do it sort of says you were really looking forward to it (too much) and you put time asside for it. It should be something in terms of, oh she cancels, ok np, i just go do this other thing i was going to do a bit earlier then. Or even...
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    you know that your...

    Errr, sounds more like being an a-hole to me... :confused:
  10. S

    How to conquer my fear ?

    Just start by challenging your fears. It's the best way to get rid of them. You don't have to go all out and just jump in the water if that's to big a step. Start with just waving or smiling, nodding, whatever, some form of affirmation, when a girl makes EC. Then move up to extending your...
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    Women Fvck Beliefs, Not Techniques

    Your right Ruckus, i do care. Maybe it's not my place to point out that these kind of topics are nothing but mastrubation that doesn't mean i have to put up with being flamed like a piece of crap though. Anyways, i'm going to take the OP's advice now and stay off this thread...
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    Women Fvck Beliefs, Not Techniques

    Ohnoes! DJ4eva totally exposed my KBJ azz and blew my DJ cover!! :rolleyes: Hey look man, i'm sry if you took what i said the wrong way and made it into something it's not. I'm just trying to figure out why you keep making these elaborate posts about trying to bring the poor deluded DJ's of...
  13. S

    Women Fvck Beliefs, Not Techniques

    So what you are saying is that you needed those 20 posts to make things clear for YOURSELF? Cause if not, i have to say i haven't heard anything 'new' in all of your 20 posts except different terms for what's pretty much common knowledge to anyone who's been here more than 3 month's and is...
  14. S

    Ugly and fat girls come in handy

    What are you guys on about?! How is it 'using' when other women approach you while your gf/date is next to you :confused: It's just social proof that's all. I also don't see why it has to be UG's for that, HB's and other cool guys are way better social proof ;-) Btw Vincent, It's...
  15. S

    I thought i was done before but im pretty sure im done now

    I got to agree with Jariel here... Your posts are confusing ME, I wonder how SHE feels. Ok, confusion is mostly a good thing, but too much of it isn't. I don't think you were gaming her right, you were a bit to distant imho. That first time you refused her for sex cause you drowned your...
  16. S

    I'll text you later k?

    Well hmm, you shouldn't 'wait' for it perse. If she texts, ok great, if not, well no time to worry about that! When i get something like this i just leave them alone for a while then i'll ring sometime later and see if they are free for anything. If not, that's all she wrote ;-)
  17. S

    Guys I really need your help...

    Dump her... Right NOW! Call her, tell her 'hey what's up, i just called to say i'm dumping you, kthxbye!' Then get help, read the bible to start, maybe read a few books on "how to: not be a complete doormat".