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  1. J

    Top 12 Mens Wardrobe Apparel Items

    Mr. Someoneelse has the most practical advice of all posts I see on this thread. You actually know how to dress for pickup. Kudos to you. As for the blazer to meet the girls of your dreams for real? And let me should have golden colored buttons and should be paired...
  2. J

    When the eyes of desire are upon you

    Come on bb. It's not that simple for most. I'm sure you give off a vibe.
  3. J

    Long Distance?

    Most people cannot tolerate unpredictability. Everything must be analyzable. Damn be it whether or not it's an accurate predictor of anything or not. People do this for stock market price movement predictions, the weather, or what not. They are wrong about as much as they are right (if not...
  4. J

    Getting the girl of your dreams

    I thought that this had to be a joke but the body language and voice tone spoke otherwise......
  5. J

    Long Distance?

    I would like to respectfully disagree with this statement. If you have decent career prospects and are focusing on building your career, you will have to pour everything you got to get a coast-to-coast LDR to work. If you're gonna spread yourself thin and give a 1/2 a** effort might as well...
  6. J

    Long Distance?

    I've seen a lot (>7-10) of successful LDRs that worked out in the end. We're talking as extreme as 5k miles apart 3-7+ years. The one thing in common about the couples in these relationships is that they are from countries where feminists haven't overturned the cultural roles of males and...
  7. J

    Japan - The Land Of Plenty For The AFC

    As much as that article sounds like something that came out of Japanese Cosmo, there is quite an element of truth to it. If I were to help fill in the details, this sounds like a typical scenario of a Beta white male courting a Japanese HB whose looks are <8 on a scale of 10. In Japan, the...
  8. J

    where to go from here

    And why may I ask were you not able to complete your studies? Perhaps you should pick up where you left off. It's not as if the course credits disappear overnight. That's a start.
  9. J

    Quit work, abandon everything, and focus on starting a business

    More like top 13-15 and you're gonna be fine. You said you wanted to go to MGMT consulting? Top 13-15 will still do it.
  10. J

    Axe marketing: Appeal to the AFC

    I was talking to my friend's daughter in high school one time and somehow we got into a conversation about an axe commercial showing girls swarming over a guy who sprayed the deodorant. After that commercial I heard that every HS guy would spray and entire can of it every day and it would...
  11. J

    How did you know she was the One?

    Again...I'm not a married man but these are the reasons I'm seriously considering marriage: 1) My career headed south and I lost it all.... and then my ex bailed. My current gf saw what I went through, stood by my side, and appreciated me for WHO I was rather than WHAT I had. I don't care...
  12. J

    How did you know she was the One?

    I'm not married, but I'm gonna say that it's dangerous to view anyone as "the one". I believe in a gaussian distribution (bell curve). You can marry anyone but some you're gonna be extremely unhappy with, some you'll be ok with, and at the other end of the spectrum, you'll be extremely...
  13. J

    Feeling like the biggest chump in the world right now need to feel as if you're the biggest chump in the world. Lots of us went through a similar situation. Just GET OUT and survive. That should be your first priority.
  14. J

    Feeling like the biggest chump in the world right now

    2nd the BPD. This one without a doubt. I HOPE you can run.
  15. J

    Can testosterone therapy alone turn a lifelong beta male into an alpha male?

    My god unless you have testosterone deficiency I highly advise going against this route. Exercise, lift, eat foods that would drive testosterone levels higher. Are you crazy to risk the side effects associated with it JUST to become "alpha" (if that ever does happen). Imagine that you do...
  16. J

    Confidence and the 1st night I slept with my wife

    And bought her a drink on top of that and it worked!
  17. J

    what makes a man a man?

    +1 for BB. That was touching post.
  18. J

    Booking a hotel for sex

    I won't go into detail, but I'll give you the links. You can use to bid on really good hotels and drop the price bigtime. If you want to know how to bid go to they have records of previous bids that will allow you to determine what range of bids you should...
  19. J

    how would you handle this?

    iono backbreaker as much as it is easy to say that this guy is AFC for doing that, it gets super hard to control such a career driven woman (in a man's sport) especially in a situation where her income is like what....100:1 ratio? I don't know who this girl is but that article states she made...
  20. J

    Female AFCs and how to handle them.

    Depends man. You've been on this forum for 1.5+ years so I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't asking this q b/c she's a super problematic insecure girl. If that's the case however, you pump and dump. If that's not and she's legit and likes you and vice versa then I...