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  1. A

    buying a cell phone online w/ 2 yr. contract

    I used to work for Sprint/Verizon. Let me tell you, there's really no way around a 2 year contact if you want to get the "new customer" price for a phone. I had the sprint employee plan for over a year, and I believe they were the most reliable out of any company. I'm with T-Mobile...
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    Ignoring Versus Choosing.

    I really liked this post. A-Unit I've always liked your posts, and your one of the guys I search for when I'm looking for stuff about inner game, and life in general. Its true and most people don't live it. You really do have CHOICE in life. I'm guilty of ignoring what I don't want in...
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    why are guys scared to approach?

    No you're wrong. Girls love getting approached. They love it even more if it's from a guy the MAY consider dating. They will act like they think you're annoying (if you do it wrong) but DEEP DOWN they NEED to know that guys desire them. And besides club/bar/ party settings the...
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    Asking for a chick's number

    Standard animal crackers # close: "Give me your number" Then just SHUT UP NO MATTER WHAT SHE SAYS. Actually...I've only been refused once, she said bf... Now as far as meeting up...thats another game. #'s aren't shlt. I suggest gaming girls you meet in class MUCH MORE and...
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    Not Calling Girls

    Yea I posted something similar to this awhile back. I didn't call a lot of the girls that I felt the pickup wasn't that great, but looking back I believe I have a better understanding as far as getting girls to meet up than I did before. Here are some tips that I have been using...
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    why are guys scared to approach?

    Guys are scared of rejection/emberassment. Whoever it was that said he's afraid of approaching the girls he KNEW he would succeed with is retarted, and has too big of an ego in his head. You may or may not succeed with any particular woman. The best you can do is give it a shot. There's...
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    My Sarging Workbook - Sargeholic Hunts His HB9

    Awesome name man. Good times keep the thread rolling. If you say the 1st 5 min are the worst for you, get an opener that gives you something to talk about. Then you don't have to worry about what to say, and your approach anxiety will lessen. But...sorry man, anxiety is ALWAYS going...
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    DEBATE--Should goodlooking guys act like a DJ?

    I went out to the club tonight, and one set asked me if I WAS THE DJ!!! I just told them I was the owner.. animal crackers
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    Apartment Overhaul: Building the ultimate'pad'.

    Not enough for your 2 bisexual girlfriends...
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    The "I'm a loser" Opener

    That sounds funny. Have you field tested it? animal crackers
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    Black-Italain AKA Ninja, Called out by ME

    AHHAHAHAHAHAHA I knew he was a troll That's awesome, way to call him out. The joys of internet drama! animal crackers
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    I don't talk to girls.

    Excuser. Maybe your gay? Otherwise you would make it happen.
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    Such a Hard time Meeting New people

    ps. This works for guys AND girls. It's just being normal and social.
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    Such a Hard time Meeting New people

    Here's a concrete plan on what you can ACTUALLY PUT INTO ACTION The basics are, get in shape, eat right, stay on top of your life, loosen up and have fun. Got it! Alright, what are 3 different things that you enjoy doing that involve other people. No internet surfing allowed. Take...
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    Social Proof in College

    You don't need social proof for street approach. In bars it helps A LOT. Implicit social proof: Tell fun stories about stuff that happened to you....with friends (especially girls). I used to be at university also, and I knew a hundred or so people, but some days I would barely see...
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    Post to end all arguements of KBJ's vs. DJ's

    Hell yea black italian. I've read some of your posts and to be honest...I thought you were just shlting out of your mouth, but I'm glad you posted pics. I can tell you're in the game. As for the girls that aren't hot. Yea, I've had a couple of those too. I don't really care. At the time...
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    Seducer or Lech?

    I have never been considered a "lech" as you call it from doing a cold approach. I was very afraid of coming across this way before I got in field, and I know your coming from the right place, but you're just going to scare a lot of guys here. Its only creepy if you make it creepy...
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    FR: Clubbing Part III

    Cool report man. It sounds like you say the same kind of stuff to girls that I do, thats wierd. The qualifying stuff rules. I think that's a big part of non-flaking. Unless your doing a 5 min pickup (in that case you qualify them in phone game) then girls don't even know why you want to...
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    Movies every aspiring DJ should watch!

    Sleepless in Seattle - This is a PUA at his best. Best to watch on no sleep. The Lion King - Watch how ALPHA simba's dad is. Our goal as DJs is to be a leader like he was. Napoleon Dynamite - MONEY way to ask a girl to prom. DRAW A PICTURE OF HER! Also watch his bodylanguage...
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    How do you approach Guys?

    We must field test this immediately...