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  1. Rollo Tomassi

    A woman's perspective [Mod: Moved from MM]

    I think you have me confused with this guy: Post #25 It's funny how a post like this provokes all these desperate grasps at validating an idealization. Even an obvious troll post meant to prompt an 'exception to the rule' discussion...
  2. Rollo Tomassi

    A woman's perspective [Mod: Moved from MM]

    Oh no! We've offended the sensibilities of a rare 'woman' who innocuously joined SoSuave who was telling us how wrong we are about women. Dammit! Just when we were getting to the root of our bitter misogyny. Now the Mods will lock this thread and she'll never come back to save us from dying...
  3. Rollo Tomassi

    A woman's perspective [Mod: Moved from MM]

    And yet oddly you seem to have a complete mastery and understanding of all the concepts and terminologies the manosphere has developed over the last decade. May I be the first to congratulate you on your astounding perceptiveness in so brief a learning period. It sure is a good thing that you...
  4. Rollo Tomassi

    A woman's perspective [Mod: Moved from MM]

    So, show of hands, how many guys here live in a house they bought that they couldn't afford, sight unseen before they signed the title? The brochure really makes it look so good doesn't it?
  5. Rollo Tomassi

    A woman's perspective [Mod: Moved from MM]

    Hey guys look! An albino unicorn! And all the white knights said, "Ooooohh,..see? The ideal Quality Woman really DOES exist! And she really 'gets it' at such a young age too! Wow! You see? Not all women are like that." and all of the fears they had about their self-righteous ego...
  6. Rollo Tomassi

    Reclaimed virgin????

    Wow. On TLC, who'd have thought?
  7. Rollo Tomassi

    Deangelo's Wedding Video

    I got this in my blog inbox a few days ago: The latest news to rock the PUA world and take game to the next level. David De Angelo aka Eben Pagan, CEO of DoubleYourDating and the single most financially successful PUA guru in the history of game, has simultaneously come out as bi-sexual...
  8. Rollo Tomassi

    Female Friends

    Women have boyfriends and girlfriends. If you're not ƒucking her, you're her girlfriend.
  9. Rollo Tomassi

    6.5 Testing me

    An HB6 will think she's an HB8 if her facebook friends tell her she is. Social media is blowing women's self-perceived sexual market value WAY out of proportion.
  10. Rollo Tomassi

    Would you spend time with yourself

    Alright, I read through your situation. First things first, drop the booze and the pills. They aren't helping you, they're not relaxing you, they are killing you. They are not a remedy and you cannot make any progress until you can think straight. When you're unhealthy, you make bad decisions...
  11. Rollo Tomassi

    She Called Me Brother During Phone Conversation

    :rolleyes: Her covert message is that she'd consider sex with you to be incest.
  12. Rollo Tomassi

    An Intro and some questions

    MARK, put an age on your user profile. Read the forum rules.
  13. Rollo Tomassi

    Roissy vs Heartiste

    One of the inherent dangers of becoming the go-to guy on Game or anything that rubs the feminine defined reality the wrong way is that you paint a pretty big target on yourself. Literally and figuratively. I'm not a proponent of Roissy's politics, but I definitively co-sign with his perspective...
  14. Rollo Tomassi

    Roissy vs Heartiste

    Heartiste is Roissy, you'll just have to trust me on that. And he did do a follow up on the Kutcher / Moore breakup:
  15. Rollo Tomassi

    article: Why Millennial Women Are Burning Out At Work By 30

    Women: Victims of oppression, victims of success.
  16. Rollo Tomassi

    Hot and Heavy

    You do realize that 30 pounds above your ideal weight makes you obese, right? Just saying,..
  17. Rollo Tomassi

    Rationalmale - For Rollo

    Glad you're all getting something out of it. I kind of resisted making a blog because it's not really conducive to the way I prefer to organize my thoughts. I'd much rather engage in forum discourse because I can get immediate counterpoints to what I'm thinking and then the ideas evolve more...
  18. Rollo Tomassi


    Check her wrists and forearms, she might be a cutter.
  19. Rollo Tomassi

    The Real World

    I think this is where most of the disconnect you feel comes from. I don't actively game Mrs. Tomassi now because after 15 years of marriage that Game became who I was. You may not call it Game, but that Game IS you. I suspect that both our wives are on the same page with regard to what they...
  20. Rollo Tomassi

    Article: Why women cheat

    Oh there's lots more, you're just not challenging yourself. How about, "It's your baby", or "It wasn't your baby" after 18 years, or "I aborted our baby because I thought you'd just be an deadbeat Dad" when she was never pregnant.