It always seems like the hot ones are the most insecure. Even though they have a train of orbiters lined up, receive lots of compliments everyday and approached by countless men, they usually seem to have more insecurities than the less hot ones.
Why is this?
How do you maintain a red pill mindset in a marriage and keep your marriage together?
How is the game different in a marriage compared to a relationship?
Stop looking for assurance that she isn't cheating and start being rational.
She's clearly suspicious about the whole which means she either cheated or was about to.
Instant access to ALL the male attention she could ever want.
Hundreds of fit guys. Most fairly attractive themselves.
She's probably fit and attractive herself.
Do the math.
She is the kind of girl that will usually put out on the first date.
Her telling you she's focusing on her kids and such is just her ASD kicking in to give her plausible deniability.
Yes. I know a hot girl who is an engineer. She pretty much just goes by herself. Likes to stay at home, play video games and watch anime. Proper loner.
Sometimes, it's because they haven't met anyone that strikes their fancy even though they get tons of attention from men.
It's the start of a relationship so it's not shocking. The question is if she'll still be fvcking your brains out two or three years into the relationship. Just enjoy it for now.
Apparently, she has been accused by some male staffers of groping and sexually harassing them. How ironic. This is what I've been saying. Men need to start using women's own bullets back on them. Sadly, she won't receive as much coverage compared to a male lawmaker who would have been hung out...
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