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  1. El Payaso


    Certainly nothing to waste your time pondering over.
  2. El Payaso

    LinkedIn--Who's viewed your profile

    No, you don't have to be a paying member to see who's viewed your profile.
  3. El Payaso

    LinkedIn--Who's viewed your profile

    Yes, LinkedIn will notify them every time you view their profile.
  4. El Payaso

    article: Guys, unless you are really hot you are probably better off not wasting your time on Tinder

    Tinder has become an app for attention seeking women to get validation, compliments, text buddies, e-orbiters, Instagram followers, free meals and drinks etc. Majority of them have no intention of going out or putting out.
  5. El Payaso

    The femynists win again: no more swimsuit competition for Miss America

    Never watched it so I don't care. They can wear burqas for all I care.
  6. El Payaso

    How to stop GF using pet names

    I think he doesn't like it because he doesn't want to be too attached. Just tell her you don't like pet names.
  7. El Payaso

    GF going bar hopping without me

    Your title should be "My EX-GF went bar hopping without me".
  8. El Payaso

    How beta are these men?

    The Sun has a habit of making stories up. I wouldn't trust them.
  9. El Payaso

    Article: Why the friend zone is a GOOD place to be

    The writer is a woman. That should tell you all you need to know.
  10. El Payaso

    How to discuss finances if thinking LTR?

    Red flags everywhere. Do not proceed. Please make a U-turn.
  11. El Payaso

    What's the best way to nuke a woman's hamster?

    My intention is to get her off my nuts. Like I said, I have no interest in her anymore but she keeps bugging me. Mind you, I have gotten two new numbers since I nexted her and she keeps getting them from friends. At this point, I figure if she knew I was dating someone else, she would leave me...
  12. El Payaso

    What's the best way to nuke a woman's hamster?

    My ego isn't hurt. She was just a waste of time and a flaking tease. Call me hurt or whatever you want, I don't really care. I would like to give her a taste of her own medicine so in the future she learns not to water people's time.
  13. El Payaso

    Women's hamster brains vs. Game

    Women's brains are called hamsters not because they are stupid or dumb. Rather because of the way their thought process works. When a man behaves or responds in a way that a woman isn't used to, her brain goes into overdrive trying to make meaning of it and generate possible causes as to why he...
  14. El Payaso

    What's the best way to nuke a woman's hamster?

    There was a woman I was trying to hook up with a while ago. She was playing hard to get so I decided to next her. Now she's chasing after me. Constantly blowing up my phone, sending me pictures, asking when can we meet up etc. I am currently seeing someone else and have no interest in her...
  15. El Payaso

    Manhattan women with no car

    Public transportation?
  16. El Payaso

    Moved in with GF this week used to be daily but lost interested in sex already!?

    It's only gonna get worse. You should start pulling your interest level back.
  17. El Payaso

    can you **** in the back seat?

    You are probably going to be having sex in your car 1% or less of the entire time that you use it. It would be better to buy a car that is best suited for the other things that you use it for the other 99% of the time. Buy something that will reliably get you to work, school, your business or...
  18. El Payaso

    Plate getting insecure and showing remorse. Drop or Salvage?

    You can't be serious with this question. This isn't just red flags. This has STOP signs with flashing red lights all over. She will NEVER be stable. At best, she's a sperm rag. Nothing more.