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  1. S

    The state of Europe

    The fundamental error is the continuing unjust and unnatural forcing of integration and equal outcomes of two or more groups that are very different and incompatible. This leads to all manner of unsolvable problems. One of which is population, As to overpopulation, Caucasians tend to not...
  2. S

    Americans who hate America

    Don't play dumb. When I claimed that crime rates, poverty and achievement were based on IQ, intelligence and behavior which is largely inheritable, you deny it and call it 'racism'. You argue poverty, crime rates and achievement are determined by white racism. I blame white people for all sorts...
  3. S

    The state of Europe

    What a bunch of baloney. White farmers in S Africa over 100s of years built successful farms from scratch due to hard work and ability. More recently liberals in western nations put sanctions against (white) S. Africa, wrangled them into giving up their nuclear weapons, and forced them to give...
  4. S

    The state of Europe

    They all use the same liberal talking points. Yep. But also there's a lot of places near the tropics I'd like to visit or live, but the natives make it an inhospitable place to be. Yep it sure is. Also you can grow more food there than most anywhere in the world, much more than N. America...
  5. S

    What ISIS Really Wants

    I agree with that. Islam is a horrible political and ethnic and religious ideology period. But like any ideology whether communist, liberal, feminist, etc more money, more power and more influence is the primary goal. As you pointed out you do not want islam or in my opinion the other ideologies...
  6. S

    The state of Europe

    That's because different groups isolated geographically and evolved separately for 1000s and even 100,000s of thousands of years perhaps ~1.8 million as some evidence suggests, creating real differences that include behavioral. They don't come for the climate or landscape or admiration of the...
  7. S

    The state of Europe

    Some of you Europeans are realizing what was realized and learned in the Americas from ~1600-1900's and then was forgotten and abandon. Diverse groups can't live together and prosper without butting heads and clamoring for control. Every ethnicity has a right to free association and majority in...
  8. S

    Americans who hate America

    No, every single black person I ever listen to and liberals do the exact same thing neo-Nazis, stormfronters and skin heads do who are supposed to be the worst thing you can be. The latter blames every thing on the Jews and your kind blames everything on whites. Regardless of how right or wrong...
  9. S

    Americans who hate America

    It's pointless to continue to respond to your opinions and logical fallacy. But here we have an example of the heart of the matter, your simplistic blame whites mentality: Which 150 years later is irrelevant. First you realize that 1/2 to 2/3 of whites served for many years as indentured...
  10. S

    Americans who hate America

    Yep according to a liberal like Jaylan these guys will excel in the NFL because you white people kept them poor. Nevermind that there is almost twice as many poor white people as there...
  11. S

    Americans who hate America

    Because its PC to say so. By the same scientific criteria applied to every other living thing, humans compose different subspecies if not species. It really doesn't matter too much, you can call them ethnics, races or whatever. Where do environment and situational factors or history originate...
  12. S

    Americans who hate America

    See this above anti-white narrative is exactly what I reject. What whites oppressed sub Saharans for the over 100,000 years they lived there among each other and never advanced one bit? What whites kept the Amerindians who migrated to the Americas and had TWO resources rich continents, while...
  13. S

    Brand name jean suggestions?

    After trying various designer brands of jeans over the years and not liking the cut (what's up with the faggot looking sagging seat?), inconsistent quality and feel and lack of durability, I went back to Levi's. I feel they are more consistent and hold up better than most brands. I don't want...
  14. S

    Americans who hate America

    Just as different species and subspecies of other animals are defined by physical traits. Physical traits that also includes average cranial size and volume. But also geographical origin and behavior or culture. And now we have DNA that can identify race. While it's not always the case that...
  15. S

    Americans who hate America

    You mean like how muslim women radically change and assimilate :rolleyes:? It's not that the environment doesn't have an effect on human behavior, but that the environment is influenced by inherited tendencies to begin with. I wouldn't say all women radically change the same. In the US, you...
  16. S

    What ISIS Really Wants

    I think Muslims in general believe Jesus was a prophet, probably because his enemy was the Jewish leaders. They don't follow his teachings though.
  17. S

    Americans who hate America

    Yes but culture in the first place has a lot to do with inherited traits and genetics. You are comparing apples and oranges. This website is a male interest site and not exactly mainstream PC and is mostly free thinking and free speech. Compare this website to loveshack or Jezebel or heck...
  18. S

    Americans who hate America

    It's true Asians nearly kill themselves studying (and cheating?) trying to become more successful. Maybe to the point of stunting their development in other areas. But to score so high on SATs and be so overrepresented in elite colleges despite quotas limiting them still requires an IQ well over...
  19. S

    If white males see themselves as superior to women and other races.

    White (Jewish?) males (and women and non-whites) in power use and empower women and other races as a tool and a weapon to oppress the rest of the white males in to a lower class. What WMs fear is political/government policy taking everything away from them and being outnumbered. Women have...
  20. S

    Americans who hate America

    Usually the liberals are worse than that. They mostly claim that blacks excel at some sports (they don't excel at all sports better than whites) more than Whites (and Asians) because blacks work harder and are more dedicated. I kid you not. Yep, when blacks do worse whites are bad and even when...