Stagger Lee said:
White (Jewish?) males (and women and non-whites) in power use and empower women and other races as a tool and a weapon to oppress the rest of the white males in to a lower class.
Boom - this is what it's all about. Jealousy and envy. Whites are jealous of other whites, because we've had it so good for so long, at least in this country, and throughout Europe. I know it because I've been there. Before I came to this site, I hated myself and hated all the ones around me who were having success....with women and in life. I thought I deserved things just because others have them. It got to the point that I would have rather seen everybody with nothing, rather than some with something and me with nothing.
I learned the error of my ways, so that gives hope to all the other emaciated white boys out there. Long journey ahead though.
Stagger Lee said:
What WMs fear is political/government policy taking everything away from them and being outnumbered.
Yep, if or when this happens, we will be discriminated against mercilessly. Never fear though, the white men that emerge from that mess will be more ruthless than any before, and will probably kill their way back to the top of the food chain, just like those Neo-Nazi gangs in prison. First started as a way for the white minority to protect itself from black inmates, and to get respect, they had to be extra brutal. Eventually they became so feared that they are basically running the most complex organized crime ring in America....and the leaders are on 247 lock-down.