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  1. S

    Affirmative Action Gone wild

    It has everything to do with affirmative action because for these high paying cushy government jobs they will hire and retain applicants that are unqualified over more qualified applicants to fill the AA quota. It happens at government agencies and corporations all over the country, not just in...
  2. S

    Affirmative Action Gone wild

    It's not my topic, it's a news story. You should be laughing at or rather upset at the people in the news story.
  3. S

    Affirmative Action Gone wild

    Of course you don't see. You're not a non-affirmative action person and don't understand that a white guy could never gotten these jobs and retained them with such a dismal criminal and employment record. Affirmative action is clout in politics.
  4. S

    Affirmative Action Gone wild

    Ex-gang member gets back six-figure Illinois prisons post
  5. S

    Feds to allow Chinese chicken imports

    This is just scheme to needlessly put US chicken production out of business and displace US production and tax base and jobs, putting more Americans out of work and dependent on taxpayers. In return, we'll have an inferior and potentially harmful product eventually at a price the same as the...
  6. S

    Beautiful Chinese People

    The PC lib-tards in the US would say the policy is racist unless a certain number of aunt jemimas, towel heads, Hispanics etc were deemed most attractive.
  7. S

    Women only training hours at my school's gym

    Would you be for male or white only gym hours and accept that there's nothing anyone can do to stop it? Of course not you racist and sexist lying liberal.
  8. S

    Women only training hours at my school's gym

    Would you say it's A okay and inevitable if there were male only or white only gym hours? Your sexism and racism is showing. Liberals are always saying gender is just a 'social construct' and diversity is good. In this situation liberals say females are an identifiable group so different to...
  9. S

    The "gentle giant" Michael Brown.....

    What have we learned? Whites (Jews?) are not supposed to control businesses and institutions they created even in their still (for now) majority white countries. Even though non-whites look similar (and appear to think and act similarly as a group) you're not suppose to notice or say it...