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  1. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    If America was always multicultural in 1650, 1750, 1850, 1950 and when 85% or more European then why is there any need to continue to make America multicultural and 'diverse'? Why not just bring in more Europeans like before instead of primarily 3rd-worlders now? Denying the demographics has...
  2. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    Immigrants do not have a lower crime rate:, . It's misleading anyway, because the reason the crime rate of native born is as high as it is in part to years of immigration. It's not just about crime, it's the attitude and behaviors the immigrants have, whether it's...
  3. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    The US was founded by Europeans and overwhelmingly built by them. It was around 85% white and other than black almost 100% for most of it's history and over 300 years. Not until 1965 and onward, political maneuvering caused the demographics to change. No twisting of facts and revisionist...
  4. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    That's some comedy right there. Liberals believe they are more intelligent and morally superior. Not that college necessarily represents intelligence but many non-liberals are college grads and didn't get the benefit of affirmative action boost to do it either. We're just dumb bigots, huh? That...
  5. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    And what they are covering their butts from is government fines, sanctions, lawsuit or legislation and activist judges that allow a private person to successfully sue for novel reasons like "sexual harassment" or "uncomfortable". The government acting civilly is still the government acting...
  6. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    That's why we have PC and no free speech. Hardly anyone makes a stand and hardly anyone can afford to take a stand against what are essentially government institutions funded by tax-payer dollars and a government policy. PC is being instituted by the government and enforced through quasi-public...
  7. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    The OU President (who happens to be a liberal and bisexual) disbanded the SAE fraternity, shut down their building and order it's members to vacate in 24 hours. Then he has already expelled two students. This is what I'm objecting to. You do your research. Again OU severed all ties with SAE...
  8. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    It's going to take enough people to challenge it and risk be called ignorant, haters, RACIST! Till that doesn't have any effect anymore too. Let's touch on the SAE thing. If you're not free to say offensive things even in semi-private without serious consequences then there is no free speech...
  9. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    And Eastern Ukraine :D. Yes, Mexico is very hypocritical in how it demands US open borders, no immigration enforcement and benefits for illegals in contrast to how it handles immigrants legal and illegal. Same could be said for Arab countries and others. At least progressives, liberals and...
  10. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    See, this is example of why the US doesn't need immigration from anywhere. This is the kind of attitude of America a lot of foreigners have. No one is really native to the Americas. Everyone in the Americas is native to EuroAsia and Africa. The US was a British colony founded primarily by...
  11. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    It's a politically created problem that can be corrected politically. The immigration reforms are well known and most of the bills are ready written, they just need to be passed. Americans just don't pressure for the reforms. I don't like most republicans but they're the only ones that have...
  12. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    The US is being flooded with about 2 million non-traditional immigrants legal and the encouraged illegals every year, plus their offspring that are coming of age. There's surely more illegals than is reported. They are being seeded in cities throughout the country, especially where they never...
  13. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    You know, I'm part of an aging disappearing white demographic :). I was against it going back to the 90's or earlier. To tell you the truth, Americans know multiculturalism doesn't work well or bring any benefit. They quickly learned that over 400 years ago in colonial times. I don't believe...
  14. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    I'm from the north and lived in a few states , Texas, Oklahoma and back in the north. It's a simple matter of Mexicans are more prone to engage in mischief as are amerindians. They have a wild nature. They may have a lot of inbreeding, as the stuff they do at times seems like crossed wires or a...
  15. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    Yes going around everywhere in groups of 3 or more all the time and acting boisterous and crowding around someone alone is a gang. Hey idiot, I wouldn't need to tell someone to not bump into me in the first place, if they weren't aliens. They're the only ones that do disrespectful stuff like...
  16. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    And just this evening I was at Walmart to pick up a few grocery items. This is in a (formerly) somewhat upscale all white part of town mind you. I saw mostly the United Nations-Mexicans, Asians, Indians, muslims and Arabs, blacks (nothing unusual about that), and a few white people who aren't in...
  17. S

    Happy 8th of March!

    Really everyday is Women's Day now.
  18. S

    Now 'Emotionality is an Asset'

    This is what progressives-liberals, feminist etc-do. Call liabilities assets and assets liabilities. They take credit for things they didn't accomplish and refuse to give credit where it is due. Take things they didn't earn and away from others who did earn it. It's a topsy-turvy, inverted and...
  19. S

    Woman's membership cancelled after complaining of transgender woman in locker room

    This is what happens when you oppose liberal politically correct agenda. You lose your job and even ability to engage in commerce. The government is behind this being enforced through the private sector. The constitution is meaningless if you can make an end run around it. There's kind of...
  20. S

    An example of what immigration brings

    I was in line at Chipotle today. I noticed that whites are a minority in the line nowadays, most were made up of Hispanic, muslim or others of uncertain descent. Anyway, a group of 4 or 5 young Hispanics got in line behind me. They often or always travel everywhere in gangs. Also, as they...