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  1. stevo

    Do whatever you want. An example.

    You're forgetting one key thing. Men respond with game. Women initiate game playing. I want to love a girl, she starts playing games, I dump the feelings and play her instead. The girl showed some quality and Grey got desperate, stalkish and possessive all of which does not work with today's...
  2. stevo

    My Thoughts On Marriage - Specially dedicated to Love <3

    If only people in RL read this before they try to pressure you to "get married" "settle down" like one experience isn't enough :nervous:
  3. stevo

    BPD Women - They actually give hints.

    Haha and that right there is how millions of men get hooked. Lawd, those girls are usually hot as fire and they fcuk in a way that makes you confuse common sense from danger. Is it worth it to trade an ok sex with a normal girl with no BPD tendencies for a mind blowing session with a BPD...
  4. stevo

    Sort me out bros...

    It comes down to self love. If you love yourself, you'd stay away from that woman. Seks might have been good however would you lose your peace of mind, your confidence, your happiness, your common sense, your life, your ability to scoop up other girls, your legacy, your future kids, you having...
  5. stevo

    Time Claims Beta Males Who Embrace Feminism Get More Sex

    Social conditioning. That article is to recruit more beta male and it's sad that married men without seks would get further conditioned to be even more beta.
  6. stevo

    When a girl requests you *** in her

    Anal is the only way you can bust a nut in her. You both win.:cheer: Be weary, if she wants a nut so bad she might get pregnant by another dude. Her mind/mouth is saying one thing, her body is clearly craving something else.
  7. stevo

    can you give me a ride after work?

    Nope. You didn't "trick" her into doing something she didn't want to. She had high interest all along. Nope, quit taking what she says as law, her action is clearly shouting louder. Always Fondle A Beech. Grab that ass when no one is looking. Stare at the tits and let her catch you staring...
  8. stevo

    Is this an example of Alpha Fux Beta Bux?

    How true is this? Reading that article shows how we put so much blame on ourselves rather than recognizing it just might be her and it almost always is. The lack of active trips made him come off boring, Now that they're skiing, he's all of a sudden a well rounded dude just because of it...
  9. stevo

    White Knight or Alpha male?

    This is interesting. I hope the girl didn't make up the whole story.
  10. stevo

    Joint Parenting Issue

    I feel for you man. One thing I accepted that makes it easier for me to sleep at night is: Me and my daughter might not get along when she gets older. You see a child with a crazy ex (in my case, not sure about yours) is a child that you could regard as lost. Ofcourse I'd be there for my...
  11. stevo

    Rate this chick

    With her leg and face, I'd give her a 6. Potential of being a 7 with right make up and clothing and potential of being a 5 on a bad day. Now this chic, I'd give a 7, potential of 8 on a good day and a 6 on a bad day What would you rate this chic, just to make sure my meter isnt...
  12. stevo

    Is it possible for men to cheat?

    Yes, ofcourse a man could cheat. You see when you promise your primary lover that you'd be faithful and you hold an expensive ceremony to inform the world of your commitment to each other, if you lay another lover, that's cheating. Fore fathers barely made those promises, they see a girl they...
  13. stevo

    Going on strike, giving the ladies what they claim to want

    Cha Ching!!:cheer: OP You can carry her grocery bag upstairs (Nice guy) when she's 7months pregnant with your baby (Boss!) :crackup: You can be friends first listen to her rant (Nice guy) while you're catching your breath and waiting for another erection to hit it again (Boss!) :woo...
  14. stevo

    The problem with the manosphere is that it's male feminism

    It's more understandable for guys though. Two captains cannot run a ship. There cannot be two alphas in one pack. Plus people have forgotten how to behave or just follow. Some people are better being an Assistant than being the Director but everyone wants to lead all the time, even if they...
  15. stevo

    You can't save these hoes

    That's not normal. Oh boy! if that's the most normal, then our fore fathers did indeed have it better and we are just stuck with less of two evils but no good. But again, what's considered to be normal? is it possible for a girl to have zero red flags? none at all?
  16. stevo

    You can't save these hoes

    Sure is, thanks for the bump. All the girls I know were described here, guess there's no more "sane" girls and we're stuck with "a little insane" or "batsheet crazy". Out of all the members of SS, can someone for the sake of mankind speak up if they've met a normal girl ever? If they...
  17. stevo

    Always Fondle A Beech.

    Going over my post, I realize my recommendations are mostly sexual. I almost always advise dudes to think of how to ramp a pussie rather than spend their time trying to understand her action or words and that is how I qualify chics. If she aint fcuking, what's the point? So I stumbled on this...
  18. stevo

    Girl is hesitant to get sexual?

    When you first see her, give her a peck on the lips or cheek. During the date, tell the group something she did you liked to boost her confidence. When date is over, pull her to the side, tell her you had a good time. Actually kiss her now for a good 3 seconds, tell her to have a good night...
  19. stevo

    Girl is hesitant to get sexual?

    Betas get fcuked too. To the point though, what you are doing with those text is deposit memory of you being less aggressive for pussie. You're doing this two - three times only. One before you see her again (pull back date) Second before you try seks again. Third after the seks. Then let her...
  20. stevo

    Girl is hesitant to get sexual?

    It's all good. When alone with a girl you're attracted to, being able to control the desire of not touching her is tough. What you can do for about two - three days till you see her again is be "sweet". Send her good morning messages not for convo but to wish her a good morning. Good morning...