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  1. SamTheHobit

    Judge nismo's post #2,500! A major, MAJOR review!

    I wonder what happened to nimso haven't seen him here in a while
  2. SamTheHobit

    This video proves girls like shy guys (at least this generation of girls)

    Brad80 is on a war path of banning haha
  3. SamTheHobit

    Holy crap! I found ( . ) ( . ) picture and full name on the net!

    They probs gonna ban you for this kinda post.
  4. SamTheHobit

    New POF/OKC/Match message.

    You're not alone
  5. SamTheHobit

    Is dating even worth it?

    Welcome to the end times, friends. Well maybe that's an over exaggeration.. But are we that far off?
  6. SamTheHobit

    My complete success/fail ratios for 2013. Thoughts?

    I think you should get rejected so much that you can't count. Then you are approaching enough
  7. SamTheHobit

    Why are most women monsters

    Because women only care about what you can do for them. They don't actually care about the person.
  8. SamTheHobit

    Are you at a disadvantage if you have a conservative image?

    I actually think he has pretty good posts. So perhaps you should gtfo Same here. Tattoos are for short sighted people.
  9. SamTheHobit

    If you think you're the hottest guy on Earth you'll approach more?

    As much as I want to disbelieve this.. It the truth. I'm trying to drill this into my head of late
  10. SamTheHobit

    I just can't win with women

    For me It's never been about the physical aspect, its been about how it destroys them spiritually and emotionally. But you're right. If I don't pursue relationships anymore , given if she's attractive enough I might fvck a non virgin.
  11. SamTheHobit

    I just can't win with women

    Yep. So no big deal at the end of the day
  12. SamTheHobit

    Are you at a disadvantage if you have a conservative image?

    Obviously it differs with different women. But in my case I'm pretty conservative, don't smoke or have tats. And my ex gf is now with a guy that has tattoos, smokes shoulder length hair. I think these guys give off the "bad boy" image whatever the fvck that means
  13. SamTheHobit

    Lets see how this plays out SS, join me

    That honestly sound beta. Say nothing, and if she goes out with him break it off with her. Actions speak louder than words. She's probably hoping for some beta reaction from you, don't give it to her! Do whatever you want tough:up:
  14. SamTheHobit

    I just can't win with women

    Totally agree man.
  15. SamTheHobit

    I just can't win with women

    Thanks for the posts guys. I plan to go and pick up girls tomorrow. Looks like playerman is right looking for any kind of relationship with todays women is a fools errand. :down:
  16. SamTheHobit

    I just can't win with women

    Back story. Met her at a club interest was through the roof. First "date" - Interest was very high, made out with her at the end of the night. second "date" - Kinda felt attraction was slipping on her part, kissed her a couple times held hands. Then this happend today. Sam -...
  17. SamTheHobit

    If she never texts you is she not interested?

    Ahh alright then, I'll ask her out this weekend and see what happens. My hopes aern't very high though