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  1. T

    How to approach women from every race

    I’ve done thousands of approaches. This is my expertise with all the different races...
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    Is it true very few men in the world are "naturals" with women? It's like these guys, men, never had to learn "game", it was always second nature

    There is no such thing as a “natural” with women. I feel like I’m the closest thing to a “natural” because I was a handsome guy in high school but even I had to learn to be non needy. I’ve also experienced the pain of being needy. It doesn’t matter if your are handsome if you are needy...
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    Ran into my ex I posted threads about with her new bf - Prove I am right

    Be careful not to center your new self around your ex because then you will become “enemy centered”. This is not independence at all. It’s still codependent thinking. You need to completely forget about her and only concentrate on higher principles of self improvement. Basically you have to...
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    What do you do when you know she’s a hoe?

    For me it’s about respect. If my friend said he can’t make it, deletes the message, then says “are we still on?” I will see that as disrespect. So many of you gen z guys tolerate this behavior and normalize it, which is why women keep doing it to yall. Relationships is not just men and women...
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    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    You guys just need to take a trip to Southeast Asia at least once a year. The forum has become like a bunch of people complaining about spoiled milk, whether or not it’s worth it to drink the milk, etc. It’s not the only milk in town. You live in a huge supermarket.
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    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    Making moves in person is a numbers game not for the faint of heart. If you've only ever made 10 moves your entire lifetime, you won't have enough of a sample size to know if it works or not. There was a time where I used to hit on women all the time. On a typical weekend, it would take me...
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    Corey Wayne-You will only meet 1 to 3 women per DECADE who you instantly click with

    It really depends what you are looking for. I have tons of friends, but only a few "best friends". It's the same thing in dating. You can have tons of past lovers but only a few will be remembered. Don't go around looking for a soulmate. It's feminine behavior. Just live your best life and...
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    Why is it that when a guy becomes better with women, it has a positive snowball effect on other areas in his life?

    Women don’t judge guys the same way we judge them. History is 99% male 6’s with wild success who can get any girl they want, not male 10’s like Brad Pitt. Hence every man should strive to be an upwards spiral of self development. A male “6” with success (plus game) is essentially a ten.
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    She started to talk to me after I gave up.

    Most women will run away from you when you chase after them but as soon as you look away, they start to check you out. What does this mean? It means men were never meant to chase after girls/romance. You are supposed to be about your business/goals/dreams. There was even a study about the most...
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    The League Dating App

    @$1400 a month, that’s pretty much at the point of putting romance up high as a core value, which most masculine men don’t. Romance is an afterthought for anyone who actually gets girls. I actually don’t know anyone in real life who’s an actual ladies man that puts that much price/emphasis on...
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    Why is it that when a guy becomes better with women, it has a positive snowball effect on other areas in his life?

    Probably the best post here in the last 5 years. Only people who have been on an upward spiral can relate. If anyone wants a blueprint, try meditating, working out, and read a book every morning. Do this. Do this before you go to work/school or out to pick up chicks. You have to start the...
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    Women with “resting b1tch face”

    Have daddy issues. There was a study where women with “rbf” called their dads and told them they loved them and resolved their relationships. What was the result? All women with resting b1tch faces became softer and more feminine. Remember, she ain’t mad at you, she’s mad at her father.
  13. T

    Still a loser at 38

    I work in sales and get rejected everyday so I have no qualms about women rejecting me. Your fight or flight response is too reactive. The only way you can get over it is to desensitize yourself. No amount of self help or ebooks can help you. Practice making eye contact with every woman you...
  14. T

    The Ultimate Secret to Women (and business and life)

    When an organization is struggling, it seeks new leadership (CEO). When a team is struggling it seeks new leadership (coach) When a species is struggling it seeks new leadership (religion/messiah) When a relationship is struggling, it seeks new leadership (Don Juan) There is a universal...
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    The Daily Private Victory (How to become high value)

    In order to achieve public victory, you must first achieve private victory - when no one is looking. People who choke in pressure situations and aren’t clutch in public are lacking in private victory. What do I mean by private victory? Daily self improvement in the physical, spiritual, and...
  16. T

    The End of Fresh of Fit?

    What Ive learn is that guys who get laid know the shortcomings of modern day women but they don’t complain about it. They simply pump and dump and move on. The guys who dwell on the low integrity of women seem suspicious because no guy who gets laid regularly complain about low quality women...
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    My d$ck is broken, still get b1tches

    I once had a woman tell me fast and rough anal felt less painful and more pleasurable than slow anal. This is because when you are rough, you make her feel more feminine and open, hence the pleasure outweighs the pain. The only pain she’ll feel is soreness afterwards. But slow anal doesn’t make...
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    Some of us get to swallow multiple redpills (stuffed down our throat) and YET dont get it..

    Women don’t matter. The only thing that matters is YOU. The focus on women’s body count is totally wrong. I don’t give a damn if the woman I’m hooking up with has hooked up with 50 guys or 5 guys. That’s because I view myself as the center. And I know there will be more of her. I am the...
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    fun is much more valuable than muscles and money (and status too)

    I see. Your question doesn’t apply to the real world and women. Women do not CHOOSE between the fun, successful, and educated guy with the dad bod vs the similarly fun, successful, and educated ripped guy. They simply give their number to both and fvck both. You’re projecting your either/or...
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    fun is much more valuable than muscles and money (and status too)

    The answer is the guy who is the most popular. Women are herd creatures and they have a hive mind. Have you ever noticed when all women seem to be attracted to you and when all women seem to be repelled by you, no matter how ripped or fat you were? Look no further than fat male celebs who can...