Yes op
Nobody fecking cares. You can die today and perhaps in a few weeks they'll clean You up because your rotting corpse is smelling so bad. In 3rd world countries they just leave you as food for the stray dogs.
Welcome in the life of a man.
You are 38 . That means,if you let this depression get the best of you you have very few years of "prime" left.
You either man the F up or you resign right now. I am your age, i REFUSED to give up...I am in the best shape ever, i got a new job(completely new skill ), quit smoking and drinking and drugs and redefined my looks/image/wardrobe/style .
Yes I'm a azzhole and yes I am insensitive.
Here's the thing:
1. Women are batshyte crazy..thats one.
2. IF and WHEN you do meet one who for whatever vague reason likes your sorry azz, you better ne the BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF. This time you're moaning and crying should be spend on making progress. Period.
Stop being pathetic, because no one cares. Men be like mewwh, women be like YUK!!
Chalk it up and get oVer yourself.
If you want women become a MAN MAN, become a super hero /villian, become this strong dude that doesn't play around.
At some point SOME crazy azz bytch will be curious about you and either approach you, or appreciate your approach.