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  1. F

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Hey guys, I just made a thread about me thinking about breaking no contact. Please post in it and let me know your thoughts.
  2. F

    Help Me Get Her Back

    The Sparknotes: This girl I'd been seeing not exclusively broke up with me last week, telling me that she was seeing another guy and he asked her to be exclusive and she accepted. This was because she was tired of waiting for me to ask her to "get serious." Haven't spoken to her in a week...
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 5... Woke up with such a strong feeling of missing her. It hurt so bad. Yesterday I was doing so well too... barely thought of her. Well I have a lunch date today that should keep my mind off of it. And then a party later too. I'm moving on but its so hard. I still want her in my life. The...
  4. F

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Damn dude, how'd you manage to score 40 chicks? Thats pretty much everyone's dream who's on these forums... Sounds like you've had a huge history with her, but you recognize that she's been disrespecting you and its time to move on. Good for you. If you can get 40 chicks in that short time...
  5. F

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 3 of NC... This girl was never my formal girlfriend but we'd been seeing each other for the past few months. I was seeing another girl simultaneously (open relationships rock) and the girl that broke it off told me that she was done waiting for me to be ready for a relationship with her. I...
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    I think you answered your own are too focused on instant gratification. You have to learn to put in the hard work by trying different things. At first it will be tougher than you're used to, but after a while you'll find something that works for you. Just try different strategies...
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    Nite's Journal

    Hey man...this journal deserves more feedback. Now that I'm in college looking back there are a few things I wish I did in high school: 1. Don't worry so much - Other posters have talked about this a lot, because it's true. Just have FUN in high school. High school is a weird time because...
  8. F

    Best compliments you've been paid after sex

    I've got "Thank you" a few times...It felt nice but weird at the same time because if I were to be thanking her that would be such an AFC move. Whatever though made me feel like a boss.
  9. F

    Are dates pointless in college

    Yeah I feel like barely anyone goes on "dates" in college. You could go for icecream or something then bring her back to your place (I've done this with success).
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    Calling your bluff- How to respond?

    Lol thats great, what kind of stuff do you make when women come over?
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    "Chilling" With Girls

    Looking back at my life...I realize there have been many occasions where I've just "chilled" or "hung out" with girls one on one in the past. Do these girls want the D or are they just being friends? What are your experiences? Some examples: Hot asian girl in high school came over, we smoked...
  12. F

    Calling your bluff- How to respond?

    What about in general? When you take something from her and say, "What do I get for this?" Like if you take her hat for example. You wouldn't ask for a bottle of wine then, so what's something good to say in this situation?
  13. F

    Calling your bluff- How to respond?

    I've been running into this situation a lot lately and I just wanted to hear your opinion. The other day I was texting a girl, she was asking for me to return her halo to her (she was an angel for halloween). Being the DJ that I am I asked, "What do I get for it?" and of course she responded...
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    Random as hell dream

    HAHA I have these kinds of dreams all the time since I stopped fapping...Its crazy and kind of fun
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    Getting out of your slump?

    Haha of course... I focus a lot of school work and going to the gym. But when I go out I've been having problems closing, but I see your point. I should be looking more at the big picture of my life rather than just focusing on gaming.
  16. F

    Getting out of your slump?

    You bring up a good point, I've definitely been more focused on my studies this semester than I have before. Do you think that its true that too much work and no play makes Jack a dull (and pzzy-less) boy?
  17. F

    Getting out of your slump?

    Yeah, so is there anything new you are doing to try to pull yourself out of your slump?
  18. F

    Your body language shapes who you are

    Wow... That was really powerful when she shared her personal story. I'm definitely going to try forcing myself into more confident postures even when I'm not feeling it...Only doing it for two minutes with such significant findings is compelling.
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    Getting out of your slump?

    Yeah, thats what I figured, I just figured that 2 weeks seems like a long time without any new pzzy. Especially when ur not fapping, MAN it gets tough sometimes!
  20. F

    Getting out of your slump?

    Haha well I was just so sucessful earlier on. And I think it's better to have high standards so you push yourself