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  1. O

    We all judge the alphaness of men based on the women they are with

    Alpha has nothing to do with the woman you're with. It's an internal state of life mastery both physically and mentally. Extracting your value from the woman you're dating is the most beta mindset you can have. You literally get your worth from her. As for the mega stars, for every hot woman...
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    Situational Neediness - GF became distant after going out of town - Going No Contact a good idea?

    There's a bunch of great wisdom here. Understanding women crave emotional stimulation is just game 101. Tailoring that to the specific woman you're with or trying to be with is where you must push your game into the category of art rather than science. You want to mix things up constantly. Be...
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    Need some to talk sense in me

    Just remind yourself of the bad times. Remember the way she treated you at her worst. That's the real her.
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    What Should I Do?

    Your child isn't going to benefit from you keeping a terrible situation going. If she's already a nightmare, you can imagine how it will be in the future. Firstly, it sounds like you recognize you need some masculinity which is great. Masculinity is all about standing up for yourself with...
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    Bragging - I need input and it's usefull for everyone

    Yes! How did I leave that part out of my reply? It's in my signature after all. Actions over words. Demonstrate, never explicate. Talk is cheap.
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    How To Kick Beta Habits In A Relationship?

    Damn, I wish I got into this stuff at your age. My high school girlfriend was my first oneitis. I was sure we'd get married. She cheat on me with a friend from our group and married him. Pretty sure they split up in the end. Anyway, you don't want to get rid of all your beta behaviors. It's...
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    Bragging - I need input and it's usefull for everyone

    Bragging is insecure behavior. It's a need to force external validation. If people won't validate you of their own accord, you just tell them how amazing you are. Even if they don't respond part of you still knows they know. And the ones who respond negatively are just showing their insecurity...
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    Red pill detox on Reddit

    Fallacies in Red Pill (Part I) - The Biological Determinism Fallacy (Based on Science) - ( TLDR - The red pill claims all women act in a biologically deterministic way yet science says there is a fairly even mix...
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    Red pill detox on Reddit

    I'm getting on my hustle soon, boy. Don't worry. Mental masturbation is healthy. Keeps your mental prostate clear.
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    Red pill detox on Reddit

    I wouldn't say proving or disproving. I think there are some interesting studies in there that might be surprising to some of the more hardline red pillers. But to me, none of what I read was particularly new or made me question the red pill. I'm someone who keeps a fairly healthy and even keel...
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    Why are you guys so negative/cynical towards women??

    There's a fine line between a cynic and a realist. I don't view women as all doing bad things or being bad people. I view women the same way that I view men. As flawed individuals with the potential to do terrible things or be terrible people. And as someone who has spent a lot of time being...
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    Red pill detox on Reddit

    No, your girlfriend doesn't want to cheat on you with a "more alpha guy" (based on science) - ( TLDR - The studies showing women are more attracted to masculine men during their fertility phase are...
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    Red pill detox on Reddit

    Ohh, this will be super interesting. I'll post some replies to posts I find interesting beginning with this one. Are all women REALLY like that? (based on science) ( TLDR - Studies have shown that...
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    So Yeah: I Am a Chad and Yes, Hypergamy Is Real

    I want to add one more point to this thread. In my first reply I mentioned "entering a battle between her agency and her hypergamy" and I want to pull this out as a separate point, because it's very important. This is where black pill meets red pill. Black piller's deny a woman's agency. Men and...
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    So Yeah: I Am a Chad and Yes, Hypergamy Is Real

    It's not philosophy, it's established social science. Hypergamy isn't originally a pick up term. It's the term for the "phenomenon" of women dating across or up. Women almost universally never date down. It's cross cultural and it's the basis of female mate selection. Men will seek the hottest...
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    Girlfriend not as hot on sex.

    You can not negotiate desire. Lack of desire is a bad sign and you should covertly put in place some methods to increase it. Start going out with friends, flirting with other women, get some new clothes, hit the gym more. It's much harder to desire something you already have and so that desire...
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    Something my 30-something year old virgin friend did

    I don't understand how these forums aren't a fvcking hive of guys. I knew in my third relationship at twenty two that there was something wrong with my perception and understanding of dating women. It drove me almost literally insane until past the purple pill stage in my mid twenties. I know so...
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    Gf left me bc I wouldnt help with enough of her bills

    It's like red pill as taught by Richard and Dave. Just get money and look good, it'll be fine. Turns out you can have LMS and still be a chump. Ooops.
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    if she is uncomfrotable, you're done

    Sounds stupid but approach from the side when you have a reason to be there. At the bar, at the jukebox, whatever. Then you can say hello and gauge a reaction from that instead. Psychologically speaking it's a lot more comfortable.