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  1. T

    Main Board Creep

    Sorry to post such a dumb question oh mature one. Why do you post dissing other people's post? Just don't reply....or don''t read them. But to reply saying that some posts don't measure to some kind of standard? We all got different problems and issues we face. Who are you to...
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    Is there a golden rule for the amount of time to get sex?

    Been dating this girl for 2 weeks....make out....but no sex....she don't even get naked My girl roomate says that 2 weeks is fast....some girls need more time What do you guys think is the grace period before sex should happen while dating someone? I thought 2 weeks was pretty long...
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    Should I pretend to not recognize her?

    Stop thinking about how to perfectly approach her. Realize that she has already registered if she likes you or not and what you do next doesn't really matter. Say hi and talk about whatever....if you get good vibes or even if you don't... run with it and get the number. You are over...
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    strange but true

    I think your issue could be oneitis and putting women on pedestals. But its good that your trying to get your head together. It all starts up there. Take care
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    acne and dry skin

    I used to have major acne problems back in the day. Problem was whatever I used dried my skin. Nowadays, I don't use anything when washing my face. Just warm water. Occasionaly Dove soap. But other than that, just use warm water.
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    Abolishing Laziness

    I drink as many cold cups of water I can as soon as I wake up.
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    Do boxers weight train?

    I notice that most boxers are ripped with little body fat and toned muscles. Even the 160 pounders look big. Question is: Do they weight train or do they just do circuits and hit the bag? thanks
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    Always remember guys, please read......

    My deepest condolences.
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    Retaliate Help Me

    get over it
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    Reality Check

    Hi, I think trying to approach strangers with the mindset of trying to get a conversation going is difficult. That may sound strange, but what I mean is that don't try to start conversations....let them happen. Look at the environment and ask open ended questions. I work in a store...
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    April Fool's Ideas

    Tell her your nexting her over the trick she played on you. Then hangup and don't take her calls. Then much later....maybe in a couple of days say April Fools!
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    Pet Peeves About Women...

    they're just not all!
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    Got a question...pref those with experience

    Hi, I'm in a tight situation here. There is a girl I'm unsure if I should pursue or not...I have no problem about getting her number....however there is only one thing holding me back... I will be leaving for school in about 5 months...where there are many other girls. Question...
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    What to eat get big

    Hi, I was wondering what natural foods people here eat to bul k up. I already use a supplement but wanted to expand to more natural foods. Thanks
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    Sore Muscles Post

    Hi, I do two body parts every other day, all of my exercises I do 12 reps. Thing is, I am very sore the next day or two after my workouts. Sometimes the soreness affects my other workouts forcing me to lift lighter. I'm guessing that my muscles aren't getting repaired quick...
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    Why are some here so obsessed about women?

    I just wanted to know how some men here are so stressed out about women? I can understand those who are having problems with certain types of women....but why are some guys getting depressed over not getting girls? I find the game fun...sometimes I win...many times I don't....but I'm not...
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    Here's what I did to get over my fear of people. Realize that in this world, people are killing, dying, raping, starving, stealing, etc...many real issues and problems. in the real world worrying about what anyone thinks about you (positive or negative) is so insignificant....its not even...
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    What's the one most important thing a DJ should be thinking?

    Don't think at all. See that she is a are a man (I think...) and do what comes naturally. Don't, I repeat don't try to remember all these rules and gimmicks. Be a confident man....and you won't be thinking about what to just happens.
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    Help, i just can't be sociable...I just aint got any energy and im depressed

    I was in a similar situation. I was fairly quiet...and non sociable. Then I started to improve myself thru this site and getting experience in the real world. I told myself...everything in my life is the way it is because of me. I am responsible if I am happy, sociable, getting laid, or...
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    how to act when...

    Personally, I would ditch the girl...isn't it obvious she is using you for attention? Please tell me it was obvious...?