Clooney, my condolances for your loss. I have lost a close cousin (was also my best childhood friend) to suicide when I was around 9 years old, and sometimes when I get a flashback of my childhood spent with my brother, him, and my other cousins, it gets hard.
It really means a lot. Its real real hard, but like I said, u always gotta keep your head up and look positively at the future. The greiving will come in waves, but I will get through it.
You have a good head on your shoulders, and the right attitude towards life. Yesterday, I spent the day with my brother and his son in the park. Just watching my nephew starting to walk around (he's around a year and a half), made me amazed at how beautiful life really is.
Suicide is not the answer to any problem. If anyone who feels that they can't go on should happen to read this, don't give up. No matter how depressed you are, or how bad things get, IT DOES GET BETTER. Call help lines, get into some groups, see a psychiatrist, and like Clooney said, keep you head up.