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  1. S

    Alpha Male Status at new job within 6 hours

    I hope you helped that co-worker because you genuinly wanted to help, not just as a ploy to show your leadership.
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    I can't believe what just happened

    Dude, pretty strong IOI, especially if repeated. Plus, as was said before, they did invite you to the party, and you stayed sober and were responsible with your designated driver role. As others have said, make a move next time with the blonde or whichever girl you like at the time. I mean...
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    failed neghit attempt badly

    Dude, don't worry about it too much, it's just one chick. Just learn for the future.
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    failed neghit attempt badly

    Dude, that wasn't smooth at all. You admit that she's not that good looking, so you neghit her pretty harshly on something she's already pretty self-conscious and worried about. Plus, she's WAY more into you than you are into her, thus giving you most of the power in the "relationship". Since...
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    Why men are losing interest in women

    You know what the funny thing is about that article you linked's exactly what MEN were writing about WOMEN "back in the day". Oh how the world has "changed", meaning flip-flopped. Everything that women railed against men for doing to them, women are doing to men, but of course since...
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    Why men are losing interest in women

    Really, it's not that women want to "explore the world" and "take time for themselves" it's that they also want to get married and have children and have a career and, etc., etc., etc. They want to have their cake and eat it too. These feminists have a false notion that in the past it was...
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    Geekette Instruction Manual

    I agree somewhat with what you're saying. I'm annoyed with the "geek is chic" movement, but I don't want to go back to the days of negative labels. Labels like that, which demean a certain type of person just for what they are and what they are interested in doing doesn't help anyone. Maybe...
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    Ok, I'm not going to give advice to the asiaphiles on here to just go to an "exotic" country and **** women. Of course, if you're an equal opportunity womanizer that is just doing their Asian section, then I'm all for that. In general, I think Korean women in Korea tend to be like any other...
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    Don't know if that's the best thing to say, could work though in a foreign country. You'd have to say it with the right tone and with a smile on your face, would probably make them giggle or something, Korean girls giggle a LOT. I went out with a Korean Korean girl here in the states for 3.5...
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    She's pretty cute, maybe a 6.5. Has great skin, the hair needs fixing though.
  11. S

    *** This Girl ***

    What NewMan said. Just leave the relationship where it is. Don't act like you're all exclusive, flirt with other girls, even maybe make-out if you like. If this Linda really is into you, then she'll be the one getting jealous and will eventually make the move. Remain a challenge.
  12. S

    New house, new asian room mate

    Hey, no real problem man. You've gotta do what you've gotta do, if you know what I mean. Heck, I was in a LTR with a Korean national so I know how that is. Just be careful man, those Asian women can be really crazy. You might be opening up a world of trouble you don't need in your life...
  13. S

    New house, new asian room mate

    Cool, actually had no idea you were Asian too. I try to let it slide, but the way the thread was even started, and then the "Asian girls are submissive; love you long time" stuff started to happen it I just had to post something. Hit me up sometime when you're back in the states, NYC, and...
  14. S

    New house, new asian room mate

    I'm not going to apologize for getting upset on this particular issue. Are black men emasculated in the media? Are white men? No, but Asian men are. Seeing some "Don Juans" post on this board about how "All" Asian women are submissive and that they will "Love you long time" is offensive to...
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    New house, new asian room mate

    Again, the stereotyping continues. :cuss:
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    New house, new asian room mate

    The asiaphilia of white men knows no bounds.:mad: Learn how to spell before making fun of a foreign girl's English. It's not cool to manipulate someone who's in a country alone and without speaking the language. Does it make you feel like more of a man by going after this "easy" prey? :trouble:
  17. S

    there eye pupils werent getting bigger.

    This is scientifically true, but, as another poster said, there are a lot "better" and more obvious IOI's than just pupil dialation. The theory of the pupil dialation is that it's an unconscious thing. Our pupils dialate or contract based on what our brain's thinks is the appropriate level...
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    Very Scary but Informative Site

    Quick reply on this. I was intrigued at first just reading the treatise, but after viewing his photologs and how he got continually scammed, mugged, and worse on his trips, I don't know if I can take the guy seriously. He seems to keep thinking every girl that smiles at him in Russia and the...
  19. S

    Very Scary but Informative Site

    Haha, a million gets you a 2 bedroom apartment in NYC. A house by the beach, no matter what state in America is almost or much more than 1 million. Isi, you live in Iowa, everything is cheap there man, no offense.
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    Very Scary but Informative Site

    You're right, and your advice is always good Krassus. My previous statement was made half in fun and half in frustration. Will send you a PM later.