Alpha Male Status at new job within 6 hours

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
so I just began working as a waiter at a semi-upscale resturaunt in one of the nicer areas of town. I decided that I should brush the dust off of my dj skills to see if they were still good. I figured coming into a new job as the alpha male was much easier than obtaining it from the bottom up... so here we go with a few examples:

neghits ****ing rule on hott chicks.

1) hb8 vacuuming the carpet on her hands and knees. I started laughing at her. she was like "what are you laughing at?" in that girly kind of manner that BEGS neghit. I replied "Im enjoying all of the hard work you are doing". she says "I wouldnt have to use THIS vacuum if you hadnt BROKEN the other one!" and I said "haha I wouldnt have done that **** anyway... its WOMANS WORK! GET BACK TO YOUR LABOR WOMAN!" she looked dumbfounded... laughed... and then of course by the end of the night... duh.

2) I overhear an hb8 say that ALL men are stupid.
me: what a derogatory and stereotypical thing to say...
her: they are! and thats not stereotypical! its true!
me(smiling): whats your name?
her: tiffany
me: tiffany what makes you think you can make all of these bold statements?
her: Im tiffany! Im the best!
me: haha what makes tiffany so great?
her: I mean... just look at me (poses modellish)
me: hahaha... that's what I'm asking...
me: I laugh and tell her she really doesnt want to go toe to toe with me... because Im a baller.

by the end of the night... you guessed it :)

other examples include calling the hostesses lazy, the guest assistants incompetant, etc.

if you have ever been a waiter before, you know that for the first week or so you are in training. you follow people around and "learn the ropes" or whatever.
so tonight I am following hb6. easy pickins haha.

she starts telling me to do things, and instead of just mindlessly doing them, I tell her to say please, thank you, and tell her that it is a priveledge to have such an amazing trainee. she was surprised at first, to say the least. smiling and making jokes the entire time. I also neghitted her grammar, referancing her highschool education.

steadily increasing kino with the girls the entire night. by the end of the night, girls were most certainly comfortable in close proximity. kino builds relationships people.

what about the men?
based on the behaviour of the men, I thought it best to build reporte with the female co-workers. after they see me getting a good deal of the female attention, they begin to wonder "who is this guy?"

at this point, I begin introducing myself to them, one by one. masculine voice. masculine body language, kino, common interest... it is hard to become the alpha male without ****ing AMOG'ing... because you cant amog people that you want to help you.

don juan principles can be applied in the workplace to achieve alpha male status... and as we all know... this is where we want to be. don juan practices are just like a tasty dish of food... given the right ingredients, the proper execution, and the proper ratio of the ingredients, the outcome... the most delicious... :)

sarge on mothaphuckaz!:rock:

p.s. I didnt do this to pork some hoes. I did it more as a social experiment that worked... very well...

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
First off, awesome post.

Ok guys. This is how you need to be. The way of the DJ is not only for girls. In fact, its not really even meant for girls. Its for yourself. You improve yourself, gain confidence, and learn better ways to communicate.... for you. The girls are only a side-effect. Being a DJ is a way of life, not some persona you switch over to when you go pick up chicks. You have to make it part of your personality, and then you keep it up at all times.

This guy has it right. He's taken what he's learned to heart, and used it in a different situation. He even said he didn't intend to get any girls from this, but lookie lookie, they came anyway.

Becoming a DJ is a life change, not a temporary fix. You have to commit to it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
I call this total Bullsh!t. The first example seemed good, done in the right tone of voice. The rest are simply idiotic calling the hostesses lazy, the guest assistants incompetant, do you know what this is going to do, its going to create resentment.

Yes you will show your the alpha male but they will respect you form fear not love and dont expect to be invited out to hang with them.

by the end of the night... you guessed it
guessed what? that they feared you? that they resented you? that they hated you?


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Seriously i think some of the neghits sound like insults and arrogance to me rather than being negs.

Do HB8 have that positive response towards "WOMANS WORK! GET BACK TO YOUR LABOR WOMAN!" I seriously doubt so. UNLESSyou are an extremely hotHUNK and i mean around a 9to10,

and if the HBs were already talking about you "the hot guy" when first seen you, they create a competition. Then the negs or rather insults maywork since they cannot afford to lose such a hot guy like you.

Anyway, extremely bad examples of neghits.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
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check_mate_kid_uk said:
The rest are simply idiotic calling the hostesses lazy, the guest assistants incompetant, do you know what this is going to do, its going to create resentment.
Instead of just calling her lazy say "Hey I dont care if you are mildly attractive,you are still lazy". Compliment with a neg hit.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
charlezz said:
Do HB8 have that positive response towards "WOMANS WORK! GET BACK TO YOUR LABOR WOMAN!" I seriously doubt so.
It's all in the delivery.You can say practically whatever you like and she'll know you're joking.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
At work my boss said to me that after a few months "You think you can just say anything with a big grin". He was right!! People assume you aren't serious when really you are.

Don't overkill it. If you aren't also nice and supportive and friendly then they WILL just see you as the jerk.

There is also a difference from being playful and mean.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
You guys that critisize him take things too literally. You know how when you write about past events, you tend to shorten things. "Yea, then we left." You wouldn't say, "Yea, then we said goodbye, and mom was upset, but we had to go. We got in the car with me driving and left." Too much needless detail to get across something simple.

In the same way, "I called the waitresses lazy" doesn't mean he just walked up and said "Hey waitress....... you're lazy. *flee*" For all we know, he could have had a long drawn out convo, and used a line like blinkwatt's somewhere during it. The point is, he did it, and that's all we need to know. Seriously guys, this is the basics of communication. Guess I'll let the fact that its online take the blame.

And I agree with GloriouslyInsane. You can say pretty much anything if you say it right. A comment that would get you slapped in a normal tone will get you laughs in a joking tone. Did you really think he was shouting at her for real? Man... people.

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
d9930380 said:
At work my boss said to me that after a few months "You think you can just say anything with a big grin". He was right!! People assume you aren't serious when really you are.

Don't overkill it. If you aren't also nice and supportive and friendly then they WILL just see you as the jerk.

There is also a difference from being playful and mean.
this is a great point!

it IS almost like you can say anything you want as long as you are smiling. varying the extremes of c+f with the the alpha male trait of being nice when they need it... like I remember I neghitted + c+f'd an hb9's brains out. and then she was in a rush and I asked her seriously and quietly if she wanted help with what she was doing. she smiled VERY big and accepted.

whoever said that I DID have ulterior motives of getting ass... this is the furthest from the truth. my goal was to be the alpha at the end of the night, through whatever means. I have an hb9 girlfriend with an awesome personality and interest set.

some explanation: the simply put insults were accompanied with the universal dj principles which I applied to everyone that night.

the WOMANS WORK comment combined c+f with a neghit. I was using an extremely stereotypical country man accent which my friend and I have nearly perfected :)

another clarifaction: I WAS regarded as "that new hott guy that works here". in my waiter attire (black button down shirt, suit pants, black t-shirt)... I would consider myself a hb...8-9? based on just looks.(not arrogant, confident) that gave me an advantage right off of the bat.

I can answer any more questions as needed.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
Yea man great job, I think I'm about a 10.5 in a suit but you know, I've got that dall dark and handsome thing going for me :p.

Great post, just one thing, I actually DIDN'T guess what happened at the end of the night lmao. K close, # close, whatever, I believe all of this, I was just having a hard time trying to guess what happened.

To the people that are saying that woman line was bad, what the hell are you talking about? Its all in the delivery, and when I read it I INSTANTLY pictured him saying it with either:

A. An overly serious face that would tell her he was joking
B. His voice tone and body language all showing it was a JOKE. I pictured him brandishing his hand and raising his voice or something equally crazy.

He's out there having fun, you are out here trying to criticize him for not using the perfect "neg" OMG OMG OMG. What, you think men have to use MM to even succeed? Mystery didn't come up with neg hits, he just gave them a name, people have been using this for decades before he was born, get over your KBJing selves.

Great post man, that's what its about.

Edit: And just to prove you can do ANYTHING and get away with it, I've slapped girls asses and told them to get on a stop sign and make me money (allusion to prostitution for the slow ones out there) within like an HOUR or less of meeting them. And these were these nice, kind of proper girls, but even then you can get their wild side out of them. So please, stop flaming because it shows that you really aren't getting the concepts of being a real man down, you should be happy for him, not trying to bring him down to your ****ty f uckin level.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
by the end of the night... you guessed it
You got fired?

They tied you up and used your anus for experiements?

They stole your kidneys?

You finally came out of the closet?

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
thank you pooparu! and yes you did visualize the woman's work comment correctly. I raised my hand and voice and made it a huge joke.

for the people with criticisms... all I see is criticisms... I don't see any reasons backing you up on why you disagree... or you are just criticizing to criticize...?

in the end... it is one of those things that it is hard to explain. no number close... just the overall respect and almost adoration of the people in the workplace. its that status that to me, is above any other close.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
Ah I understand then, I was just a bit like "wtf" about what happened at the end of the night with two women at the same time. I was about to ask why you had a threesome and didn't take pics for me.

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
haha I've got plenty of pics... that will never make it to the internet... for free at least! $5 a pop yo!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
I've got three pennies, a piece of lint and some string, is that enough?


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Sounds like he's trying to do what comes natural to me.

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
night 2:

I was doing my lead shift and there was an hb8 paired with me. she was kind of *****y. whatever... OF COURSE IT DOES NOT PHASE A DON JUAN!!!!!!!! lol

so I c+f her and neghit, while trying my best to minimalize NON ALPHA waiting mistakes that I can't really help because of my new-ness. (tangent of new-ness... I offered a drink menu to a person that ended up being in special olympics... I thought she was ravid for some alc when she asked me off the bat WHAT KIND OF DRINKS DO YOU HAVE? lol) whoops!

at the end of the night, although she was being a ***** the whole night, I offered my help to her with her ending work and she gave me a big hug and said she would give me an excellent review. tight! thats what I was looking for.

for the guys: you know you have your stuff down when you introduce yourself to a male co-worker on your second day and he says "nice to finally meet you." I dont need to explain this.

for everyone: the retarded (truly retarded... like milton from office space) dishwasher was having trouble in the dishroom and getting increasingly frustrated. he started screaming in a retarded manner and everyone was making fun of him. I stepped up and said to everyone "maybe he needs some help"... and began cleaning off the dishracks and emptying the FILTHY trashcan. no more than 2 seconds later I was joined by the rest of the crew.

I cant wait to continue this kind of social stuff... its fun to brush off the dj skills ;)


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Enjin 7 said:
night 2:

I was doing my lead shift and there was an hb8 paired with me. she was kind of *****y. whatever... OF COURSE IT DOES NOT PHASE A DON JUAN!!!!!!!! lol

so I c+f her and neghit, while trying my best to minimalize NON ALPHA waiting mistakes that I can't really help because of my new-ness. (tangent of new-ness... I offered a drink menu to a person that ended up being in special olympics... I thought she was ravid for some alc when she asked me off the bat WHAT KIND OF DRINKS DO YOU HAVE? lol) whoops!

at the end of the night, although she was being a ***** the whole night, I offered my help to her with her ending work and she gave me a big hug and said she would give me an excellent review. tight! thats what I was looking for.

for the guys: you know you have your stuff down when you introduce yourself to a male co-worker on your second day and he says "nice to finally meet you." I dont need to explain this.

for everyone: the retarded (truly retarded... like milton from office space) dishwasher was having trouble in the dishroom and getting increasingly frustrated. he started screaming in a retarded manner and everyone was making fun of him. I stepped up and said to everyone "maybe he needs some help"... and began cleaning off the dishracks and emptying the FILTHY trashcan. no more than 2 seconds later I was joined by the rest of the crew.

I cant wait to continue this kind of social stuff... its fun to brush off the dj skills ;)

I hope you helped that co-worker because you genuinly wanted to help, not just as a ploy to show your leadership.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
Obviously he did, otherwise he wouldn't have done it. Good work man, you'er getting it, its not about the women, its a lifestyle.