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  1. P

    GF mad and now giving me silent treatment. Ease up on alpha?

    you are definitely correct about a gf being different and communication is important but this advice will only ENFORCE ONEITIS in the guy. she is already showing signs of least interest. You must PUNISH SWIFTLY, REWARD SLOWLY... not reward bad behavior. come on this is abc shi** you're suppose...
  2. P

    How Do You Remain Positive in the Face of Dating Hurdles?

    I focus on fun and not caring to much whether she stays or goes. because negativity branches off into other aspects of your life. just having a carefree fun attitude just seems to do it for me and if I did manage to some how have a bad day or something I dont go out that night.
  3. P

    Will sober girls ever admit/say they want to f*ck you?

    it doesnt happen to often very rarely unless shes a complete ***** because girls dont want to have the slut label. ex: thats why she put up her anti-slut shield and said no when someone opened their mouth about it. but without no doubt this girl wants you and wants you to peneratrate SMOOTHLY...
  4. P

    GF mad and now giving me silent treatment. Ease up on alpha?

    Always the person who cares least has the power. right now she is the one who cares least. YOU have to be that person. remain alpha or be road kill. DONT BETA BACKSLIDE and continue like you've been doing. Go no contact and start spinning new plates. if she comes back to you, you will know her...
  5. P

    Universe Mentality Laws

    Yeah telling her about your options works too but when your gf knows deep down that you can get other bi**** or that you might cheat hiding those options from her will make her go nuts because shes not certain. especially if you have a breakup and your out with a new option the next day fvcks...
  6. P

    Universe Mentality Laws

    I can tell just from your post your game is weak my kind sir. your eyes are definitely closed. I can tell you're the guy whose wife comes to me to fvck. but anyway keep saving a hoe it works for you and are these girls 8s - 10s though ugly young bi**** dont count.. pull your skirt down.
  7. P

    Universe Mentality Laws

    of course i have and I like the DJ bible aswell. I been taught game very young brah. only thing that's different is lying and using women compared to the dj bible. because what I was taught is lie, cheat, and use women like they been doing to AFCs for years. like im not trying to brag or nothing...
  8. P

    spinning plates/casual dating

    Try to aim higher for girls you are really attracted to. In the meantime work on yourself. Hobbies, fitness, etc. As for spinning plates you have to approach girls more often whether it be coffee shops, libraries, etc for day game and lounges, bars, etc for night game. When you bag a girl...
  9. P

    Universe Mentality Laws

    I applaud your knowledge, what you mentioned is indeed true, but you've mistakenly MISREAD the thread I posted..This thread is for anyone who wants to step outside the DJ box and try to ADD something new to it. The options you have are REAL women that you obviously f*** but you're hiding them...
  10. P

    Getting over separation, really need some help...

    You're GOD like you, you're the creator of the universe. her absence is meaningless. women are hypergamy and men are polygamous. So unlike men women don't feel the counter intuitive to act aloof or indifferent in the mist of a break up or separation. You must PUSH yourself through this by...
  11. P

    [FR] Orbiters, Crazy GF, and Some fun!

    This is a good thing. Let her competitive anxiety run wild. JUST DON'T GET INVOLVED WITH HER ONLINE ANTICS. Remember you are GOD like to her, she is just a mere spec in your cosmos. This is child's play to you, I will assume you will ignore her. Just in case: Aloofness x 10. Complete...
  12. P

    How crucial is it to maintain mystery in the early stages of dating?

    First before anything I hope you have other options that you are pursuing. OPTIONS IS ALWAYS KEY. what you have been doing is very well played.... but you should always be going for the f*** close on the either first or second date. A 3rd date shouldn't exist until after you f*** closed her or...
  13. P

    Universe Mentality Laws

    some may call me a natural. some may call me a player. some may call me a hoe. and some may call me harsh. too each HER own. I was taught game very young let's say around 10. This mentality has been passed down through my generations of men and I'm willing to share it with anyone who wants to...
  14. P

    what are some things to say when a woman tells you that she is busy.

    you must remember you are the creator of the universe she is just a measly spec in the cosmos. When she was called into work you shouldn't have rescheduled another date with her and either continued flirting with her like it was no big deal, waited for her to reschedule, or just ignore. most...
  15. P

    Balancing physical and financial development

    we are creators of the universe. everything else is specs in the cosmos. you are the ONE who determines what you will conquer on a daily basis. YOU must INVENT ways to PUSH yourself. without sacrifice there is nothing.
  16. P

    [FR] Orbiters, Crazy GF, and Some fun!

    Don't tell her anything though let the anxiety continue to build in her she must be punished. you cannot overtly tell her or any women for that matter. women communicate covertly. let your actions do the talking basically. you are already in the power position so you will be the ONE to decide...
  17. P

    [FR] Orbiters, Crazy GF, and Some fun!

    competitive anxiety is what happened. very well played. Even though your girl was mad she was horny by the competitive anxiety that you brought to the table from the other girl. same goes for the other girl. At this point you should strike while the iron is hot with the other girl just in case...