GF mad and now giving me silent treatment. Ease up on alpha?


New Member
Jul 17, 2014
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I've been alpha to my gf since the beginning. My gf got mad when I didn't text her for a couple of days (She usually would text me) and is now giving me the silent treatment.

She wrote a poem and posted it to her FB. It said things like she felt I was contradicting, insincere, she feels confused, she feels I left and feels lost. Its been about 3 days now of silent treatment.

Should I ease up on the alpha? Is her writing that poem means she loves me or about to drop me?


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
jmp101 said:
I've been alpha to my gf since the beginning. My gf got mad when I didn't text her for a couple of days (She usually would text me) and is now giving me the silent treatment.

She wrote a poem and posted it to her FB. It said things like she felt I was contradicting, insincere, she felt left and lost.

Should I ease up on the alpha? Is her writing that poem means she loves me or about to drop me?
IMO it is OK to do beta things once in a great while like agree to watch her movie instead of yours, buy her stuff, etc. But these should be individual isolated occasions that you do and your done. Not extended or permanent periods of time when you are always beta.

In fact, if a woman tells you you should be more beta, that is actually a sh!t test they do to try and see if you are weak enough to actually do what they tell you. And if you do it, you fail the sh!t test, and now you look less attractive for not only being beta but for weakening your spine and doing what they said.. Confusing I know, but that's women for ya.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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I don't have time to write a more in depth post.

But basically: The reason is not the reason. Both the guys above me are correct (And don't realize they go hand and hand.) It's a sign of dissatisfaction within the relationship; and 90% chance the issue is not the complaint (what it is - I do not know; she might not even know.) It is also a sh!t test; which in my world is anything that you can really f up the relationship on if you do the wrong thing.

The worst thing you can do is give her what she wants NOW. Maybe you do need to show more affection; and give her more attention occasionally. Always remember the yin and yang need some balance. Women cheat on a man who is too much @sshole, just as much as a guy who is too much pvssy. Also being the same way constantly does not challenge her. She knows what to expect.

But giving her what she wants in this case will not solve the problem. It will also teach her that all she has to do is get dramatic to get what she wants.

Let it pass. Let her feel the way she is right now, and let it come down. Never be afraid of emotional outbursts, or a woman acting like she's going to leave.

Don't be scared of any outcome. Don't expect any outcome.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
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jmp101 said:
I've been alpha to my gf since the beginning.
Guys keep making this same statement on every post. I'm going to need your definition of what you being "Alpha" means...

jmp101 said:
My gf got mad when I didn't text her for a couple of days (She usually would text me) and is now giving me the silent treatment.
This is what happens when you don't let a girl know from date #1 that you're not much of a phone guy and won't be texting her all the time. Now it's an expectation, so when you don't do it she's going to become upset. I make it a habit of hitting up the women I date 4 days after each date, so they don't expect to hear from me so often and don't get mad at me when I don't.

jmp101 said:
She wrote a poem and posted it to her FB. It said things like she felt I was contradicting, insincere, she feels confused, she feels I left and feels lost.
She called you out in a public forum? No bueno, and I'd drop her on the spot.

jmp101 said:
Its been about 3 days now of silent treatment.
When you say "silent treatment"... have you tried reaching out to her? Have you tried CALLING her instead of trying to text her? Regardless of the communication gap, if she's not reaching out to you, it's a power play - she wants you to know she's upset but she doesn't want to outright say it. She wants you to hit her up and ask what's wrong so she can tell you pretty much the same things she said in that poem. I had a previous girlfriend do this before, and it was the beginning of the end of the relationship (which I ended due to communication issues such as this). If a woman is having a problem with you, she needs to be woman enough to tell you what it is and have an actual discussion about it, not suddenly go no contact.

jmp101 said:
Should I ease up on the alpha?
Again, ENOUGH WITH THE BEING ALPHA STUFF. It's not about that, it's about the fact that this girl has a waning interest in you. You could be Captain Alpha all day, and it's not going to matter if the chick is losing interest in you.

jmp101 said:
Is her writing that poem means she loves me or about to drop me?
Well, it's definitely not a GOOD sign...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
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United Kingdom
Sounds like a **** test.

She'll use silent treatment on you once, then many times. Id give it a week or two to let it blow over then contact her n tell her silent treatment isn't OK and will result in an end.

Been there, going through the break up at the mo ;)


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
I wouldn't ease up on spinning plates, that's for sure. Sounds like she's ready to dump you. Get another girl ASAP. That'll pass any sh*t test she throws out. So will being 99% alpha, 1% beta.

Girl problems can be solved by eliminating the source. You don't need her.

But if she's losing interest, and you gut starts telling you that your princess is in another castle, she often is.

Case closed.


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
jmp101 said:
I've been alpha to my gf since the beginning. My gf got mad when I didn't text her for a couple of days (She usually would text me) and is now giving me the silent treatment.

She wrote a poem and posted it to her FB. It said things like she felt I was contradicting, insincere, she feels confused, she feels I left and feels lost. Its been about 3 days now of silent treatment.

Should I ease up on the alpha? Is her writing that poem means she loves me or about to drop me?
Always the person who cares least has the power. right now she is the one who cares least. YOU have to be that person. remain alpha or be road kill. DONT BETA BACKSLIDE and continue like you've been doing. Go no contact and start spinning new plates. if she comes back to you, you will know her interest level was still high. if she doesnt her interest level was already too low to reconcile. wish you well brah.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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some guys here seem like they've never had a gf in their life, really. Their 'solution' to any romantic problem is ignoring the girl and spining plates...

I understand why she got upset. If you do not text her or contact her in a few days, and she's suposed to be your gf it is pretty normal that she feels unloved and ignored.

Now that she is upset and giving you silent treatment, I would just call her ONCE to fix it, if she picks up the phone and you talk, you fix the problem. If, however, she does not pick up the phone, you just wait until she contacts you and then you fix it.

And in order to avoid future problems, you either text her and contact her more often or you make her understand that you're not that way (which will probably make her angry).

A girlfriend, a girl you love and care is not a plate which you ignore, stop contacting , or date other plates at the same time etc.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
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S Town
your relationship is over, anytime a girl writes of her dissatisfaction for all to see she is letting the world know how she feels, she can use that as her reason to dump you, she is unhappy, you're the problem she is, she has her trump card bro, now she can dump you and all her friends will be her support group.

this alpha stuff is getting overplayed, guys think they are a alpha but they are anything but an alpha, if you were an alpha your gf wouldn't be feeling this way, betas pretend to be alphas, they fvck up because they don't know what they are doing, they are not a real alpha.

this is more than about just not texting, the problem is with YOU, if she was in love with you still, your not texting wouldn't matter at all.

always communicate in a relationship, a gf is different than a plate you just call up to fvck, surprised these guys dont know that.

look for new women, she already has been looking for men, never just be locked down with one woman, always have options a plenty when you're dating, most of these relationships dont last forever bro, rock on. :rockon:

Harry Wilmington said:
If a woman is having a problem with you, she needs to be woman enough to tell you what it is and have an actual discussion about it, not suddenly go no contact.

you serious bro? what do you think chicks do when they are about to dump the guy? :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2014
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pyros said:
some guys here seem like they've never had a gf in their life, really. Their 'solution' to any romantic problem is ignoring the girl and spining plates...

I understand why she got upset. If you do not text her or contact her in a few days, and she's suposed to be your gf it is pretty normal that she feels unloved and ignored.

Now that she is upset and giving you silent treatment, I would just call her ONCE to fix it, if she picks up the phone and you talk, you fix the problem. If, however, she does not pick up the phone, you just wait until she contacts you and then you fix it.

And in order to avoid future problems, you either text her and contact her more often or you make her understand that you're not that way (which will probably make her angry).

A girlfriend, a girl you love and care is not a plate which you ignore, stop contacting , or date other plates at the same time etc.

you are definitely correct about a gf being different and communication is important but this advice will only ENFORCE ONEITIS in the guy. she is already showing signs of least interest. You must PUNISH SWIFTLY, REWARD SLOWLY... not reward bad behavior. come on this is abc shi** you're suppose to know brah. when a girl or any girl for that matter STOPS SHOWING INTEREST you must STOP SHOWING INTEREST YOURSELF. i respect your reputation here and im new to the forum but not game itself i just cant stand bad advice giving to a guy to help him out.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2012
Reaction score
Some people taking being "alpha" out of proportion. You can't just be some demanding, controlling - a$$hole...

You dont need to be some pvssy/needy guy always trying to please a woman..

Just find a balance.

You and her sound young, young girls change their minds all the time - their confused. Have fun while you can and see other girls too!