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  1. S

    I'm the problem! - I think you guys can help me

    Maybe she is having it with someone else. A relationship without sex isn't more than a friendship. Actually, no. It's NOTHING (I don't believe in friendship between a man and a woman but it's not my point here). So it's hard to admit, but this isn't a relationship. It's just convenience...
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    Closure with BPD-ex

    Not sure about the stage thing. For me it's more like a rollercoaster. Sometimes it's a little bit of anger, sometimes you feel lonely, sometimes nostalgic of some good time and sometime you don't give a **** and you feel empowered. With time, this rollcoaster become flat. Until you reach...
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    ^^^ always the same reason (validation ego boost etc... while riding another c0ck) You shouldn't have replied and let her hamster spin
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    If you hole yourself up in a room staring at a picture of them for days, time will NOT be your friend. Time only works in your favor if you spend it positively. It’s the currency of life, and you only get so much of it. While you may have to pay your dues to heartbreak, be sure to invest it in...
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Basically, what did you gain by breaking NC ? Here is what I think (because I think I can relate) You opened the door because deep deep down, you wanted to get back with her. You still had that hope and maybe you still have it... I think it set you back a little, not a square 1 tho. I...
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Hey my friend, I strongly advise you NOT to make her your fvck buddy if you don't have other options. Why ? Because the only issue will be option 2. And you will be back at square 1 or worst. Remember how shytty you felt back then ? Do you really want to feel like that again ? Also...
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Hey, I wanted some news from you, since we have a similar situation. And I didn't think about the parents things... I did say farewell to her mother, but the ex didn't say anything to my parents. And it's kinda make me angry I guess lol. They treated her very nicely so... I guess gratitude...
  8. S

    How to have BETTER sex

    How does this apply to a LTR or marriage ?
  9. S

    Tease her about a birthmark?

    Well you could take advantage of her dog like : "Hey what a nice little kitty (staring at her dog and petting him)" "It's not a cat, it's a dog lol" "I was talking to the dog (smile) what's your name ?"
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    I totally agree with you. But I will add something (and I think it's therapeutic) : Everyone has a different story. But I think in the end, we all feel a similar pain. Is it a 2 years wound ? a 7 years or 13 years one ? Did we protect our spirit and heart the same way ? What did we invest in...
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Good ! In time you'll be healed. To tell you the truth, I must be at something like 70 days NC ? And I think about her everyday... It's not painful as it was. But she is still lingering in my head. Sometimes, it's a nostalgic thought, and sometime an angry thought. And sometime I think I'm...
  12. S

    Discussing Reservations about friends fiance with him?

    I had a similar experience with one of my best friend. I had a really bad feeling about his girl. But I didn't say anything. I won't tell all the story here, but he lost a lot in the end. I had a serious talk with him, and I told him that I kinda knew. I swore to him and myself back...
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Listen, I think you're feeling that way because you're alone and you're more prone to that sort of feelings. Fortunately, you won't break NC it seems. I also think the "don't want to date" thing is an excuse. Who care if it's a rebound or not. You won't be back to square 1. You will...
  14. S

    What's your take on this, guys?

    that she is living with her boyfriend.
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Maybe this time you are the dumpee ? Or maybe you went too 'high' too fast so the fall is bigger ?
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    that she is not over you, but you shouldn't care. Stay strong my friend
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Even if you see her unhappy on social media, what now ? she is miserable without you, and that's not getting you anywhere. Find comfort within yourself and don't look at social media ! Stay strong and best of lucks
  18. S

    contradictory FWB, need advice

    Wait for her to bring it up. DO NOT INITIATE Spin plates to avoid oneitis. Even if you act as a couple, you're labelled FWB. So that means she keeps the door opened. Do the same. But do it for real. When she will bring it up, then you will decide.
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    A little revenge can make you feel good :) But be careful not to set back. You're at a turning point right now ! Best of luck