contradictory FWB, need advice


Don Juan
May 21, 2014
Reaction score
I've been seeing this girl a lot lately, and we had originally came to label our relationship as FWB, as she doesn't want any sort of LTR. Prior to this discussion I had seriously considered getting into a committed relationship with her. She cooks and cleans for me, she smoking hot, we have tons in common, and she isn't a push over. However, after the discussion I let that idea go because I was content just being fwb...

Now the problem is, we're saying it's an fwb thing, yet we hang out almost everyday, she regularly cooks dinner for me, I regularly go to her townhouse to fix up things for her, and we act exactly lime a couple in a committed relationship. Recently she started calling me babe/boo/hun, and it's throwing me for a loop. I mean, what kind of fwb relationship is this? I don't know how to react to that, so I just pretend she doesn't say them, but that does nothing to deter her from using pet names. I'd like to ask her of she's interested in making out "official", but I don't want to press the issue of that's not what she's feeling. I haven't exactly caught feelings for her as we're technically not bf/gf, but I would not mind yo take that plunge. Getting tired of fvckin random girls, sort of feeling ready to get back into a LTR.

TLDR; me and girl have the FWB label, but act like a couple, and I'm not sure how to react to her saying one thing, but actions tell another story. Any thoughts on how to handle this?


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
Wait for her to bring it up.

Spin plates to avoid oneitis.
Even if you act as a couple, you're labelled FWB. So that means she keeps the door opened.

Do the same. But do it for real. When she will bring it up, then you will decide.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
women want their boyfriend experience while they find a real long term contender and/or fvck guys they're more attracted to on the side. Her IL is simply not that high. She is using you for her own ends.

As someone who has gone through this, what pairplus said is PRECISELY whats going on.

I would keep things going as they are. Enjoy the fun while it lasts.

And do not be surprised if you see her on any online dating sites, or seeing other people some time.

Any hint of asking her to make it a relationship will likely end the fun you have now.


Don Juan
May 21, 2014
Reaction score
pdx1138 said:
As someone who has gone through this, what pairplus said is PRECISELY whats going on.

And do not be surprised if you see her on any online dating sites, or seeing other people some time.
Okay so pairplus makes a good point. And I'm okay with that because honestly a bird in hand it's worth two in the bush...

I wouldn't be surprised, nor hurt if she stayed seeing someone, like I said I don't have any feelings, I've kept that **** in check, knowing that she just wanted an fwb thing. I guess I'll just keep sailing as long as the wind keeps blowing...

My only issue now tho is that, if things continue the way they are, I might start to catch feelings, I mean when a girl has a clean house and dinner ready for you once you get off of work...ehhh idk how I will step back from this without changing anything