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  1. M

    Women are garbage.

    This is the comments of someone who has no self esteem and is taking it out on the object of his desires. Just because a person isn't able to control his inner game and master women, doesn't mean you must hate them. It's obviously that whom you hate is merely yourself. Pick your self...
  2. M

    Girl starts giggling after we kiss

    Yes, I am seeing a girl who giggles like this also. She giggles when she cums too.
  3. M

    Once a girl has 'lost respect' for you, can you save it?

    First of all, you need to get your balls back and let them drop. You are in control of your own life. NOT HER. So what if she cuts you off. A woman like that isn't worth being with to begin with. When women use sex as a weapon, that type of person isn't worth spit on a side walk...
  4. M

    I don't approach women

    You get calls but the real question is how often are you getting laid by these women? and by how many of them?
  5. M

    Best ways to proposition a girl for sex.

    To ask would be to ask for rejection. You just let nature take it's course. Start making out and continue it. Take off your shirt. Tell her to take off hers. Kiss some more. Then take off your pants and Tell her to take off hers. By telling her, your relieving her of her guilt. It's no...
  6. M

    A contradiction - the jerk/nice guy

    I have never seen a jerk be anything but a jerk. Which is why women are attracted to him. He doesn't exhibit the nice guy qualities that women find boring. If women are looking for guys who are not nice guys, why would anyone even think to remain a nice guy?
  7. M

    girl said I was boring on the phone

    "What are some ways to spice up phone conversations? (links appreciated) " Here is a novel approach that works 100% of the time. Try taking a real interest in her life and stop being so into just your own life. My ex always needed to call me before bed to talk about her day and this is...
  8. M

    Whats the American Term for a Slapper ?

    B*tches, Ho's, Girls, Women, Babes,****'s,Thigh Pieces, you name it we got another name for the all american female.
  9. M

    Girl with low self esteem suspects I'm a player

    Sometimes women will say these things cause they are using a different tactic. They are actually attention ho's and just need the constant validation that they are attractive.
  10. M

    Rate My Attention Hoe

    Forget these guys Iago. Your girl is cute. She is mixed latin and black? Puerto Rican perhaps? Anyways your asking for trouble posting a womans photo on this site. These guys are not mature enough for something like judging your girls photo. Also each persons taste is individual. What...
  11. M

    A Girl Approached Me, WTF Happened? Includes Convo

    Nothing happened. Her friends and her had some kinda game they were playing and you were the pawn. No big deal. She prolly had a bet with her girls that she could go over and talk to you or about meeting someone. Since she got stood up I will bet she also needed to prove something and...
  12. M

    Cheating: Pro's and Con's

    If your in a committed relationship and you have outside intamacy with another person, that is cheating. I view cheating as a infidelity. It's better to move on or be honest with the people that your seeing about dating others.
  13. M

    Coffee Meeting

    No I would not! Why? Because I have had numerous occasions where people have called me and my phone did not ring, but when to voice mail and the beep would alert me of a new voice mail. And I would be sitting right next to the phone and it NEVER rang! She took the iniative to invite...
  14. M

    When your girl gets mad for bs, best thing to do?

    Punishment was due, but too much is counter productive. In your training of your woman it is the right thing to do, ignoring her bad behaviors. But your now acting like a b*tch yourself. If you want to keep her then let her make up by giving you head or something productive, otherwise...
  15. M

    NEED HELP ASAP!!!Thankzz

    What your experiencing Jimmy isn't love. True love comes over time as you get to know a person DEEPLY. What your feeling is a childlike infatuation. Your also superficially attracted to her beauty. Your problem is that you put her up on a pedistal instead of putting yourself up there Jimmy...
  16. M

    This forum is a joke.. how to become a real PUA

    Re: Re: I CHALLENGE YOU! Is that you in the background behind her?
  17. M

    Strange mixed signals (Experienced DJS, please advise)

    Your error came in not qualifying her properly. If you had of been a bit more direct in your intentions and then qualified her you would of saved yourself the trouble. Your closer was too general. You said you would like to continue the talk, not ask her out. Plus your both students...
  18. M

    hehe my fear of hot ladies is gone!!! cussed out hb9

    Well she wasn't all that cute to me. I'm surpised that such a young woman would be so insecure as to get implants at that age. And that bleached out hair doesn't sit well or her make-up application looks cheap and trashy. I'd give her a 7 without the fake glamour. She is also a fag. I saw...
  19. M

    Topic I'd Like to Open For Discussion

    Oda, more than likely they are responding to your natural pheremones which your colognes had probably been covering.
  20. M

    girlfriend's email

    Well first of all you did spy into her private things. How would you like it if she did the same thing to you. Starting your relationship with a lack of trust will destroy it before too long. Now that you've looked your going to wonder until that issue is solved. The best thing to of done...