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  1. M

    Girl leaves because I was on Roids, acceptable reason??

    I answered your question in PM. And judging by your correct spelling of Dyna your a beginner. Back then on the streets it was spelled with a y as in Dynomite. You missed your mark. It seems your well versed in what is spit out on those roid forums on the net. And as a Physical...
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    Girl leaves because I was on Roids, acceptable reason??

    Sorry pal, confidentiality is part of my business. I think I sent you and centurion a bit of info about me and my qualifications to speak on this matter. This is the same reaction that I get from juicers all the time. In fact I will not waste any more of your time or mine trying to change...
  3. M

    Girl leaves because I was on Roids, acceptable reason??

    Opinion he got from his doctor. This is not common knowledge but Arnold uses a kidney machine and his heart operation was due to his abuse of Dynabol as well as the 2nd rupture. I know one of the people who was on that team that did the 2nd procedure. Now for what it's worth for you...
  4. M

    Girl leaves because I was on Roids, acceptable reason??

    italiostud, it seems you've done your research. you shouldn't down play it by "it could or it might or possibly if your this or that. I don't think anyone mentioned dycks shrinking though I did mention nuts shrinkage. Can you honestly say that after a few cycles you can quit and walk...
  5. M

    Girl leaves because I was on Roids, acceptable reason??

    Are you aware that he DID attribute his brain tumor to his massive steroid and gh usage that he used trying to get himself back in shape to play football again. Back then there were some wonderful articles on it. He did a good thing by comming out and warning others about it. Lets not let...
  6. M

    Girl leaves because I was on Roids, acceptable reason??

    LOL, why don't you look at the physiological damage that steroids creates: nuts the size of grapes acne liver damage, ask Arnold if you doubt this heart damage, ask Arnold if you also doubt this DNA damage in the sperm, ask Hulk Hogan about one of his children. Gyno (bytches tits)...
  7. M

    Well this sucks...

    One thing you overlooked in your explanation to your gentleman is that you couldn't of been having sex if you were online and was able to email him. Also you love this man whom you've never met?
  8. M

    It does NOT help you improve YOURSELF to whine about girls

    Wyldfire: Your post is a valid post and I respect what you've said here. You shouldn't try to answer word for word or go toe to toe with these guys. Just say what you have to say and leave it alone. This site has a reputation for it's incredible 3 day debates and flame wars.
  9. M

    My urges make me do things I regret.

    When I was a child I played as a child and did childish things and had childish ways, but when I became a man I put away my childish ways and walked as a man. A man is in control of himself. A child isn't.
  10. M

    Any other tall DJs want to help?

    Just wear basketball sweats and jerseys and you will have no problems finding use your height to your advantage....and yes your hella tall man!
  11. M

    Girl leaves because I was on Roids, acceptable reason??

    One of the things many juicers do not realize is that they become buttheads and don't even realize. Once I read a report many years ago by a Medical Doctor who experimented with roids and he documented his strength gains before and after. One thing he had no awareness of was his short...
  12. M

    can learned DJs get an edge over natural DJs?

    I don't agree with the belief in a natural player fully. I believe some guys learn it early on like at puberty. I know many o so called naturals that learned the game from older relatives also.
  13. M

    You smell like do-do because you think like do-do

    Very good post, Royal. I was told that this site is like a bucket of crabs. When one tries to pull itself out the others will reach up and pull it back down. One guy above posted something about humility and this vein of AFC's, which is very true of the men who come to this site. I have no...
  14. M

    This may sound bitter and twisted

    Someone on another site said that in a dance two people can't lead.
  15. M

    I am not God

    I took this from another guys post: "“knowledge is not enough, we must apply, Willing is not enough we must do” Bruce Lee I think you got it a bit off on his philosophies.
  16. M

    HELP! Am I Stuck In The Friends Zone?? Confusing Girl?

    HELP! Am I Stuck In The Friends Zone?? Confusing Girl? You are never stuck in friend zone. Your life is yours to create as you wish. As long as there are other females around you will never be without. Move the hell on and quit wasting your time.
  17. M

    i'm a loser

    "there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1) it's your time!
  18. M

    I am not God

    Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Creators purposse that prevails (Proverbs 19:21)
  19. M

    C&F vs Charm

    OK, accepting his success, and he appears to be highly successful, is due to charisma...Now how does C&F play into charism and charm? How is C&F going to make the girl feel comfortable in your presence and make other people feel good about themselves? Charisma is the magic of getting people...