Girl leaves because I was on Roids, acceptable reason??


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fatality
italostud - it is so great to see that I'm not the only one around here that knows a thing or two about steroids, great post. These hypocrits ingest alcohol, junk food and maybe cigarretes and other drugs and they think they are health experts:rolleyes:

Wyldfire - Believe it or not, not every man works out just for women. Some workout for the love of pumping iron, they love the look or they are competitive bodybuilders. Women are not the only thing on all mens minds:rolleyes:

Also alcohol can cause every side effect you listed in the above post. Keep trying:rolleyes:

LOL :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fatality
I would like the names of these pros pissing blood backstage. Anyways the pros probabaly wouldn't be the best example seeing as how they are the ones that totally abuse steroids along with diuretics, GH, and insulin.
Sorry pal, confidentiality is part of my business. I think I sent you and centurion a bit of info about me and my qualifications to speak on this matter.

This is the same reaction that I get from juicers all the time. In fact I will not waste any more of your time or mine trying to change your mind.

It's cool. It's your life. Do with it as thou wilst!

I'm done!


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Mr Harris: I think you mean Dianabol, not dynabol. When Arnold was training Dianabol was very popular and those guys would pop them like crazy. Taking much higher dosages than most bodybuilders do today.

As for depression: There is a mild depression you can get when you come off IF you don't use something to get your natural testosterone levels back up. But to say that "Kids are killing themselves from this depression" is ludacris.

As for the "compensating" issue: It may be true that some people use steroids due to the fact that they feel inadequate. HOWEVER, most people that use them are simply trying to surpass their genetic potential.

As for the quote about the man's penis shrinking: Uhm, maybe he couldn't get a full hard on because of the drugs he was using(Deca does this if you don't take test along with it). It doesn't mean his penis "shrunk". I mean, if you don't have an erection, do you look at your penis and go "OH MY GOD IT'S SHRINKING!"

Mr Harris: You claim that it's your business to know all of this stuff and you seem to think you're very educated on this topic. But by the sounds of your posts, I can tell that you don't know as much as you think you do. Most of your facts sound like they came from an after-school special on steroids. Just curious, what is your occupation? Maybe you'd like to back up some of the stuff you're saying. Please don't tell me you're a "personal trainer" because we all know how much most personal trainers know....


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I'd just like to point out that if I hadn't researched steroids, I would probably think like most of the general population. If you're not educated, and all you're going by is what you see on TV, I can't blame you for thinking that steroids are a horrible drug.

Most middle aged mothers don't really know too much about steroids, so what they know is what they hear on TV.

The only problem is that steroids are NOT that bad. They DON'T kill people. When used correctly and moderately they can help you get past a plateau with no long term complications.

Wanna know what DOES kill people? Alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, crack, meth, fast food, stress.

Think hard about this: Would you rather have your government wasting your tax dollars going after athletes who use steroids, or going after Jimmy the crack dealer down the street who's actions indirectly kill people all the time? Or how about banning tobacco sales? Or alcohol? Oh right, they make too much money off of that, they don't care how many people die. Hmmm, better create a scapegoat.....Hey, lets go after those dangerous juicers who are out killing people from roid rage every day! :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by MrHarris
Opinion he got from his doctor.

This is not common knowledge but Arnold uses a kidney machine and his heart operation was due to his abuse of Dynabol as well as the 2nd rupture. I know one of the people who was on that team that did the 2nd procedure.

Now for what it's worth for you juicers on this thread:

You use that shyt to over compensate for something that your lacking. It doesn't take steroid inflated muscles to get a date. What your lacking is inside your inner game and how you feel about yourself.

It doesn't matter if your short and block with a short penis. All it takes is your inner game to get women.

Not bloating yourself on steroids. Many of you have never heard of Vince Geronda one of Arnolds first trainers when he came to this country down in Los Angeles. You should read his excerts on how he views big butted bloated steroid junkies...his words.

If you would take care of your inner securites you wouldn't need to reinforce yourselves with roids to feel like big men.

I don't think any of you are competitive bodybuilders or proffessional sports athletes so your usage is purely for as they call it recreational usage.

Hog wash to cover weak insecure over blown ego's. Your letting your petty little ego's rule your lives and possible ruin your health.

Before you respond think about how it would be if your ego was normally adjusted. You wouldn't need to feel like you MUST get big or lift very heavy weights.

We both know roids is still cheating. Which is why you guys are so quick to deny it.

Sitting next to me is a woman who has this to relay to you:

"My ex boyfriend used steroids for many years. He didn't compete or anything he just liked the size increases that he got. Everytime he cycled (and I would actually inject him) his penis did get smaller. I believe that is because he couldn't get or sustain a full errection. And his attituded is better not mentioned, I hated him during those cycles, one time he almost knocked me out."
ROFLMAO you basically proved that you are a complete hack with this post. I'm totally blown away, who did you kill to get this degree of your?

I think I already mentioned that I don't workout to get women:rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by italostud
I'd just like to point out that if I hadn't researched steroids, I would probably think like most of the general population. If you're not educated, and all you're going by is what you see on TV, I can't blame you for thinking that steroids are a horrible drug.

Most middle aged mothers don't really know too much about steroids, so what they know is what they hear on TV.

The only problem is that steroids are NOT that bad. They DON'T kill people. When used correctly and moderately they can help you get past a plateau with no long term complications.

Wanna know what DOES kill people? Alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, crack, meth, fast food, stress.

Think hard about this: Would you rather have your government wasting your tax dollars going after athletes who use steroids, or going after Jimmy the crack dealer down the street who's actions indirectly kill people all the time? Or how about banning tobacco sales? Or alcohol? Oh right, they make too much money off of that, they don't care how many people die. Hmmm, better create a scapegoat.....Hey, lets go after those dangerous juicers who are out killing people from roid rage every day! :rolleyes:
Couldn't have said it better myself


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by italostud
Mr Harris: I think you mean Dianabol, not dynabol. When Arnold was training Dianabol was very popular and those guys would pop them like crazy. Taking much higher dosages than most bodybuilders do today.

As for depression: There is a mild depression you can get when you come off IF you don't use something to get your natural testosterone levels back up. But to say that "Kids are killing themselves from this depression" is ludacris.

As for the "compensating" issue: It may be true that some people use steroids due to the fact that they feel inadequate. HOWEVER, most people that use them are simply trying to surpass their genetic potential.

As for the quote about the man's penis shrinking: Uhm, maybe he couldn't get a full hard on because of the drugs he was using(Deca does this if you don't take test along with it). It doesn't mean his penis "shrunk". I mean, if you don't have an erection, do you look at your penis and go "OH MY GOD IT'S SHRINKING!"

Mr Harris: You claim that it's your business to know all of this stuff and you seem to think you're very educated on this topic. But by the sounds of your posts, I can tell that you don't know as much as you think you do. Most of your facts sound like they came from an after-school special on steroids. Just curious, what is your occupation? Maybe you'd like to back up some of the stuff you're saying. Please don't tell me you're a "personal trainer" because we all know how much most personal trainers know....
I answered your question in PM.

And judging by your correct spelling of Dyna your a beginner. Back then on the streets it was spelled with a y as in Dynomite.

You missed your mark. It seems your well versed in what is spit out on those roid forums on the net.

And as a Physical Therapist my education has been long and intense. The school alone took 2 years just to get into it.

But my job is to fix em when they break. It is also my job to stay up on the latest bull shyt that is going around.

What is your background in this arena?

Who has qualified you to lead these guys down that path?

Nor have you addressed the usage as being one of a lack of inner game and ego issues.

How do you answer to this. Why not just put it in PM I've spent enough time on this thread.

As I said use it if you can't fix what's wrong inside but use it with care. Nothing will make your bones grow taller. Nothing will make your dyck grow larger either sir.

It is always funny to watch you guys and your answers on issues like this.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
How many times do I have to mention that girls aren't the only reason that guys workout or even use steroids. Just because we post here doesn't mean we are contantly thinking about how to score chicks.:rolleyes:

What the hell does height or **** size have to do with using steroids? Where do you get this crap?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Actually, most people just call Dianabol "Dbol". Just because I typed out the whole name makes me a beginner? Lol Dynabol is a totally different compound, similar to Deca. I've never heard Dbol called Dynabol, but perhaps we run in different circles....
And when did I ever say I think that steroids would make me grow taller or make my penis grow? Lol don't put words in my mouth.

Physical therapist? While I respect what you do, last time I checked physical therapists didn't have much training when it comes to steroids.

Originally posted by MrHarris
I answered your question in PM.

And judging by your correct spelling of Dyna your a beginner. Back then on the streets it was spelled with a y as in Dynomite.

You missed your mark. It seems your well versed in what is spit out on those roid forums on the net.

And as a Physical Therapist my education has been long and intense. The school alone took 2 years just to get into it.

But my job is to fix em when they break. It is also my job to stay up on the latest bull shyt that is going around.

What is your background in this arena?

Who has qualified you to lead these guys down that path?

Nor have you addressed the usage as being one of a lack of inner game and ego issues.

How do you answer to this. Why not just put it in PM I've spent enough time on this thread.

As I said use it if you can't fix what's wrong inside but use it with care. Nothing will make your bones grow taller. Nothing will make your dyck grow larger either sir.

It is always funny to watch you guys and your answers on issues like this.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
I think some guys need roids to make them act more like men.

Nothing wrong with being a little aggressive.

All these feminised AFCs should pump up with some roids.

There is nothing wrong with experimenting with roids.

Just don't make it a habbit.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by italostud

Wanna know what DOES kill people? Alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, crack, meth, fast food, stress.

what really kills me is c-ock blocking. That is even worse then the above


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2004
Reaction score
Jesus, I didnt want to start a war here or anything, just a simple question, lololol!

And for those that said it, I did not take roids to be more attractive for women. I did it out of my own personal use and motives, not for others to like me or whatever. And if I was to ever get outta line at anytime, trust me, my friends would of set my ass straight in a heartbeat.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
As a woman I have to say that any guy who uses steroids is simply undateable. Here is why:

1) Miserable demeanor
2) Cheater...not willing to WORK to get results.
3) Breaking the law (steroids ARE illegal in this kind of case)
4) Who wants to get involved with a guy who is going to DIE 20 or 30 years before he otherwise would because of the damage to his liver, heart and prostate? And of course the depressions and suicide.
5) Risk of infertility, shrinking genitals, inability to get a full erection.
6) Injecting drugs of any kind into your body is f*cking disgusting. Needles are a risk for HIV and thanks, I'll pass.

Guys who use steroids have far more problems than they're worth. Give me an easy going skinny guy with a nice big d*ck who is going to live as long as me any day.


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
Most of these posters are right, the short-term side effects are all reversible after you go off the drugs. However, evidence suggests that steroids can MASSIVELY shorten your life. Also, 'roid rage is definitely a real phenomenon that doesn't only affect guys who were *******s before they started taking the steroids. Read "The Adonis Complex" for more information, it's a really interesting read.

All that said, the only reason for non-professional athletes (who obviously have a vested financial interest in the improved performance cheating brings) to take steroids would be Body Dysmorphic Disorder. I realise it's a disorder and all, but taking drugs that can shorten your life by maybe 15-20 years (who can say, really) to get unrealistic and unnatural muscles is the apex of AFCdom. Steroids are for lamers.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fatality
italostud - it is so great to see that I'm not the only one around here that knows a thing or two about steroids, great post. These hypocrits ingest alcohol, junk food and maybe cigarretes and other drugs and they think they are health experts:rolleyes:

Wyldfire - Believe it or not, not every man works out just for women. Some workout for the love of pumping iron, they love the look or they are competitive bodybuilders. Women are not the only thing on all mens minds:rolleyes:

Also alcohol can cause every side effect you listed in the above post. Keep trying:rolleyes:
My fiance' that was murdered used to bench press over 500lbs. He never touched steroids but knew many who did. He was VERY heavy into body building and did it the old fashioned way...through hard work. He was VERY vocal about how bad it is to use steroids.

Again...people who take steroids are L-A-Z-Y


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I'm done with this thread. This is like arguing with my mother.

Oh btw, most people that use steroids are NOT lazy, actually quite the opposite.

Originally posted by Wyldfire
As a woman I have to say that any guy who uses steroids is simply undateable. Here is why:

1) Miserable demeanor
2) Cheater...not willing to WORK to get results.
3) Breaking the law (steroids ARE illegal in this kind of case)
4) Who wants to get involved with a guy who is going to DIE 20 or 30 years before he otherwise would because of the damage to his liver, heart and prostate? And of course the depressions and suicide.
5) Risk of infertility, shrinking genitals, inability to get a full erection.
6) Injecting drugs of any kind into your body is f*cking disgusting. Needles are a risk for HIV and thanks, I'll pass.

Guys who use steroids have far more problems than they're worth. Give me an easy going skinny guy with a nice big d*ck who is going to live as long as me any day.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by italostud
Actually, most people just call Dianabol "Dbol". Just because I typed out the whole name makes me a beginner? Lol Dynabol is a totally different compound, similar to Deca. I've never heard Dbol called Dynabol, but perhaps we run in different circles....
And when did I ever say I think that steroids would make me grow taller or make my penis grow? Lol don't put words in my mouth.

Physical therapist? While I respect what you do, last time I checked physical therapists didn't have much training when it comes to steroids.
Actually people nothing. You say tomato I say tamato no big. I'm from the old school. Back in the beginning of the rise of roids.

We had street names for all that shyt.

You still didn't answer my questions either about your inner game and the other lackings.

What are you trying to make up for?

Lastly, You forget that I've trained bodybuilders so it was neccessary for me to stay up on the local roids and side effects.

And what is YOUR background if any that gives you professionalism. I at least am in the business. Are you just a street user with a bit of info on his computer?

Have you read Duchane's underground steroid manual also?

Are you aware of that manual?

You keep avoiding my questions...why?

I don't think this forum is the place to argue roids.

The bottom line is it's a cheaters tool. It's for guys who are not man enough to build good honest size and strength.

End of story!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by doctoroxygen
Most of these posters are right, the short-term side effects are all reversible after you go off the drugs. However, evidence suggests that steroids can MASSIVELY shorten your life. Also, 'roid rage is definitely a real phenomenon that doesn't only affect guys who were *******s before they started taking the steroids. Read "The Adonis Complex" for more information, it's a really interesting read.

All that said, the only reason for non-professional athletes (who obviously have a vested financial interest in the improved performance cheating brings) to take steroids would be Body Dysmorphic Disorder. I realise it's a disorder and all, but taking drugs that can shorten your life by maybe 15-20 years (who can say, really) to get unrealistic and unnatural muscles is the apex of AFCdom. Steroids are for lamers.
Well said. My sentiments exactly. El-lamo's who don't want to put in the hard work and time that it requires to build a good solid foundation.

Anyone can get huge on roids. All you do is get a shot in the ass, which is just gay to me.

The guy who is ranting about it's not about size or penis size or women that sounds just gay to me. (fanatic)

Get help for your short man complex and penis envy from a qualified therapist and don't try to over compensate with roids.

It must be real cool for you to hang with the boys in the gym shooting juice into each others ass's, admiring your physiques and getting that rush from a heavy duty program...drinking beer with the fellows....driving pick up trucks real fast cause you feel like gods....yeah it must feel real good to feel on top of the world hanging out with your boys...going to bars with your shirts popped open....leaving with your boys and admiring how you dissed some 110lb girl...

You know what...

You guys can keep that picture while I go get the women since what's missing from the above picture is women.

Not that I'm saying you ain't got a girlfriend or anything like that...but don't you think your saying it's not about the women is kinda weak and gay...cause in the end it's always about the women for you cheater types.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Mr. Harris, you seem to have taken this too personally. We are discussing drugs and their side effects, not my "inner game".

Your inner azzhole has revealed itself.

Get a grip.