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  1. U

    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    There's to be a distinction. Owen Cook, despite his teachings on having inner confidence, gets his validation from ****ing as many women as he can. If he all a sudden stopped getting laid, he'd have a crisis. Yeah, girls who sleep around are more fun and you should just deal with it if you want...
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    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    No, not all of the studies are 20 years old if you take the time to read it. What you're posting doesn't say anything to disprove that a higher partner count = more likelihood of divorce. Per wiki, divorce rate is 53% in the US: Every other...
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    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    Not impossible. In the club scene, yeah, probably. Ok, as far as what I said being BS: And check this out: Anything else?
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    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    The more partners a woman has had, the more likely she'll cheat or get divorced in marriage. Anything over 1 sexual partner prior to marriage will net you a minimum divorce rate of 53% and it gets worse as the numbers rise because women learn more to separate sex from bonding.
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    How to raise an interest level? IGNORE HER!

    I am not talking about this specific guy. I am just saying in general. Guys here tend to think they can attract ANY woman if they have the right lines/moves, but it doesn't matter if the girl just isn't into you.
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    How to raise an interest level? IGNORE HER!

    Why is it always something the guy might've done wrong? Maybe he's just not the girl's type?
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    How to raise an interest level? IGNORE HER!

    Guys throw out HB8 ratings like it's nothing. Girl is probably a 6 at best. I've only seen a handful of 9s in person, but I guess I just look at more aesthetically than the average guy (hair length/style/color/texture, eye size and color, nails, weird veins/marks on skin, teeth, overall body...
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    Why do I get emotionally attached so fast?

    I understand that, but it seems it is just a bandaid instead of real solution in a person's overall mindset. What if suddenly you can only muster one plate and there is a dry spell? Basically, what if you just didn't give a sh1t from within and really thought a girl would really have to prove...
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    Why do I get emotionally attached so fast?

    Don't you think spinning plates would just be masking the problem?
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    Why do I get emotionally attached so fast?

    Do you generally get emotionally attached to people you meet quickly, including friends and whatever?
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    Sexually submissive?

    You would need to find a girl who is open-minded when it comes to that stuff or just naturally more sexually dominant, as most girls are pretty sexually submissive.
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    I’m watching marriages blow up left and right. It’s depressing.

    What I noticed with my parents is that they share a common purpose for their marriage: -Raise kids right and center their life around them -Work together to save money to give their kids for when they die -In old age, they both want their grandchildren to be the at the center of their lives...
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    I’m watching marriages blow up left and right. It’s depressing.

    Zekko, do you really feel it is impossible nowadays to have a real, lifelong partner with a female these days? You've got a lot more experience than a lot of us, considering your age. I still have the perception that I can find someone who is marriage material as long as I do the proper...
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    Why does it seem like women bring only negativity and pain to my life?

    By short, how short? Anything 5'8 and up is fine as far as getting girls, but being stocky can make you look shorter than you really are. Balding is a HUGE attraction killer. I would grow out some facial hair and just shave my head if I were you and try and to get ripped. Go for that type of...
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    An ugly wh0re tried to charge me for

    Same here. A typical 5 these days thinks she is Sharon Stone in her prime.
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    Why does it seem like women bring only negativity and pain to my life?

    What exactly is the problem? Have you been denied every single time? If that's the case, you should focus more on how you look and dress. A girl will excuse a guy for being nervous if she finds the guy attractive/cute. When you talk to girls, try not having any expectations and maybe that will...
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    My mind's telling me no, but my body is dumb

    Low quality girl. No loss. Will take you some time to get over her, but you are really delusional if you think a 19 year old who partied and wanted an open relationship was worth more than a used cigarette in an ashtray.
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    Women that are body shy

    Had an experience with a girl like this. I just kept telling her she was the most beautiful girl ever or some sh1t and that I wanted to see all of her, and she let me see her naked the second time. First time she kept her sweater on, lol. Girl was a 6.
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    "Why George Clooney Proposed to Her"

    She's not even all that attractive. She's average when it comes to a lebanese girl. There are much hotter girls from that area who will also be more submissive than some lawyer cvnt. George Clooney is just a retard. I bet she doesn't cook.