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  1. U

    ignores my text now? wtf?

    I have to be in the mood for a phone call, so i usually just quickly send a few texts trying to get them to hang out. If I respect the girl and she doesn't reply, i'll just leave it alone. If the girl is between 19-22 and a ho/slvt/cluster b, i'll just bombard her calling her a b1tch or a...
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    ignores my text now? wtf?

    How would you have texted her playa
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    Green Flags, she's a keeper! Traits of a woman worth keeping around.

    1) Low sexual partner count 2) Comes from a good family 3) Honest 4) Mature 5) A good communicator 6) Is a giver and not a taker 7) Intelligent & educated 8) Empathetic
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    girl won't text back, what do I do, what does it mean?

    It means she doesn't like you all that much or an off chance she likes you and is playing games. What do you do? A) Ignore her, and if she reaches out, ignore her some more until she sends another text/phone call. B) Troll her and bombard her with texts calling her a b1tch, and she might hang...
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    ignores my text now? wtf?

    i would go michael vick on that piece of sh1t but really, there's a difference between getting mad at girls for being girls and getting mad at them for truly wronging you (like breaking your sh1t or something)
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    Thought that the first date was great until... What should I do???

    text her and tell her she's the ugliest girl that ever rejected you
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    ignores my text now? wtf?

    me personally i'll just troll a b1tch if she is ignoring me, works sometimes. yeah who cares what these girls think? These young 20 year old girls grew up thinking Justin Bieber is the pinnacle of music and think pink teddy bears are "so cutez" do you get mad at a dog for taking a piss on...
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    ignores my text now? wtf?

    dude, stop fvcking with this girl, i warned you a long time ago what happens when you overanalyze and worry about every little thing... she flaked and it is as simple as this: she doesn't care about you. you wanna chase someone who doesn't like you. what does that mean about you? it means...
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    not texting back

    text her this "you flake on me b1tch? u bipolar b1tch, u need meds. i had a bet with my friend i was gonna get u to do a threesome with me and his girl...u cost me money b1tch" then block and delete her number, don't deal with flakes, not worth your time.
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    Trolling texts/comments to send to unintersted girls

    Yeah, if you have a free weekend, why not? The point is to get them to hang out and come over to bang. better yet, you can send out a mass text to 30-40 girls (takes about 30 seconds) and also day game too, if you want. Doesn't have to be one or the other...takes a second send the text...
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    Trolling texts/comments to send to unintersted girls

    it takes less effort than taking a piss to send out a mass text saying something silly. obviously, if you have more interested options who cares, but if you have a free weekend with no options, doesn't hurt to try. it's worked for me a few times.
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    Trolling texts/comments to send to unintersted girls

    I think it's good not to delete any numbers and have a separate part of your contact list with girls that lost interest. Every few weeks if you don't have sh1t planned for the weekend, send a mass text to those girls with something like "what are you doing today u sexy ho" and see if you get...
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    Trolling texts/comments to send to unintersted girls

    Oh, if a girl rejected you cause she doesn't find you attractive, yeah, waste of time. But if it's a girl you pissed off or something, who gives a sh1t lol. Eventually they will forgive you or agree to see you if they are bored and don't have any intriguing options
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    Trolling texts/comments to send to unintersted girls

    Again, if your dignity and self-worth is based on what some dumb chick thinks of you, that's a problem, IMO. I don't share that sentiment and if a girl ignores my text or something, it doesn't bother me or make me feel bad about myself. There's just no way we are gonna look at this the same...
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    Trolling texts/comments to send to unintersted girls

    who cares what she thinks?'s just following an old lead I guess we just look at this differently.
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    Trolling texts/comments to send to unintersted girls

    I would send the girl a text about doing her dad doggy style
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    Trolling texts/comments to send to unintersted girls

    if you're trying to get laid and want to take a second to quickly follow up some old leads, who really cares? Sometimes a girl who wasn't sexually available before might be available now. Your reply is all about protecting a fragile ego. i know a girl who was dating a mega player and he texts...
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    Trolling texts/comments to send to unintersted girls

    who girls what the girl thinks at that point? no point in a fragile ego..
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    Trolling texts/comments to send to unintersted girls

    just send anything, say, hey sexy b1tch and see if they reply, who cares if they don't. send a mass text to a bunch of girls in your phone list who you haven't seen in a while and just say hey sexy b1tch and see who replies read this...
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    What's the best strategy if your aim is a LTR?

    Screen for a girl that is LTR material, date her, wait for her to bring up relationship talk herself. Don't play dumb text games with girls, in fact, stop texting so much. Just use the phone to arrange a time to hang out.