What's the best strategy if your aim is a LTR?

Nu Vision

Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2014
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Ok so this girl I've gone our with recently is showing lots of interest and the more I get to know her the more I like her. I can even see myself in a LTR with her down the road.

I have some questions. It seems like we are moving really fast. We have talked on the phone sometimes for hrs doing some deep rapport building. She's said she likes my personality and that I seem to be a genuine good person. We've had sex 3 times already so I'm not I'm friend zone.

She told me she got out of a LTR not long ago and she wants us to take things slow and let things develop organically. I said OK sure and have been doing my thing when we go out. Making sure she's having fun, escalating, seducing. I make sure she's the one to text first each day. I don't want to look desperate. We already have a date planned for friday.

She bought me something I had mentioned I wanted. To me that's a sign of high interest no? She also said sent a goodbye text last night that ended with xoxo. She seems to be developing feelings. Truth is I'm also caring more and more about her. I know this can lead me down the wrong path and I have been talking to other girls to avoid scarcity mentality but she really seems like a good girl and I want to see where it goes.

She asked if I think we had sex too soon. This tells me she cares about my opinion of her.

So anti dump says to do one date per week. Mystery said the more time you spend with theM to sooner they fall. I have a chance to see her more than once a week if I want. Should I just do once a week or see her as many times as possible but not too much.

Also what date sequence do you guys recommend to progress things. I have date ideas lined up like going to an art gallery, the beach, playing pool. Action dates.

I have a feeling the ex is still lurking. I'm not letting that worry me since I feel I'm better than any guy she wax with and she has the most fun with me. Based on the stuff I've said what advice do you guys have.

Should I keep doing rapport build up? We are already physical. I kewould texts flirty and ****y funny so it's not boring stuff. I take hrs sometimes to text back. When is it a good idea to back off some of the tips we have learned. I don't want her to think I'm not interested in my trying to remain a challenge for her
Apr 23, 2015
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I would phuck her often as possible. I would verbally let her do most of the talking.

She is a LTR girl, great. Find out about her history in LTR's on your own. Do some investigation. Google, friends, facebook. Learn if she's a cheater or not and how good she treats her man.

In any LTR it's a smart thing for a male to retain his Alpha level and stay in demand with other females. Even a "good" female responds when she knows other females want her man. And "bad" females ONLY respond when they know a nother female wants their man. They will claim you.

Keep your appearances up, they cannot unsee and unhear things.

you cannot be 100% reliable. You can be reliable, but 100% reliable makes you her servent. It's not attractive. You have to not listen to everything she says, perhaps at 50-60% and some of the guys here will say even less.

You have to have passion in your own life. You have to have hobbies and activities that you do that she is literally jealous of like another woman.

Also you have to remain somewhat close to the ladies. You don't have to penetrate them, but you need to remain attractive to them and if wifey doesn't give you the right attention for a week or two it doesn't really phase you because you get it elsewhere.

Personally I think it's smart to be with a woman who wants you in the dominant position. That your not fighting all the time about it.

You should not lead 100% of the time, but definitely greater than 50% of the time.

Make sure that no matter what you do with her, that she can never mess you up so you can't keep a roof over your head or pay your bills. So take care of yourself. It's attractive.

Sometimes be gone and doing guys night type things. Let her wonder if your cheating. Come home don't say anything, undress and phuck her before you go to sleep.

Don't help too much in chores, it's great to show a lady you care and don't expect her to do all the work, but too many studies show that men doing too much cooking and cleaning do lose attractive points...

I'd be constantly improving myself if I were you.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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Screen women and weed out the ones that don't meet your standards.

Personally, I would just say aim to have fun.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
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Think you got her under your thumb. Just keep doing exactly what you are doing until she asks you
"So what are we".

Id still be dating other chicks in the meantime.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
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^^ Thats A1 advice.
"You must spread reputation around before giving it to ruler again"

Can't believe this kid is 17.
Jan 5, 2014
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Well girl new im seeing never asks for a date but initiates texts often and asks what time im coming when i tell her thr day n stuff is that cool?


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
Keep doing what you are doing.

Eventually something in your brain will tell you to ramp it down a little bit. You don't need to be in high energy mode 24/7 in a LTR, but at the beginning of a relationship it is natural.

Action dates are good, make it memorable. Experience new things together etc...
Apr 23, 2015
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thelonewolflegend said:
Also when should i add her on facebook?

FB has ruined many relationships. Maybe in 10 years after you all been married for years and you truly are ONE.

But NO!

Nu Vision

Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2014
Reaction score
Good stuff guys: DLS, Payaso, Cola, Ruler, ArcBound.

I don't have her in FB and won't ask to be added or talk about it as I think it will show neediness. If she wants to know my business let her be the one to ask.

I've been setting up dates with her 2 days after the last one and she has not turned a date down so far. We are actually going to be together a full day on Friday. A mix of stuff she wants to do and stuff I want to do later I'm the night. I want to give her a wide range of emotions and experience. I'm thinking of taking her to the beach on Sunday and wait till it gets dark and have sex on the beach something she says is a fantasy of her. I want to make it a reality :). Never done it so I'm reading up on best way to go about it.

I like that she lets me lead and is flexible. She so far seems like a keeper. She keeps asking questions about my family and has shown me multiple pictures of her family. I feel like she wants me to know about her life.

And the text with xoxo. I think means she is getting to the point where she will say I like you/love you.

Nu Vision

Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2014
Reaction score

If she's asking about when you get off and stuff like that I would just ask her out and give her 2 date and time. So say how about I take you out to drinks Thursday or Friday 8/9 pm.

Nu Vision

Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2014
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What are some good phrases to say to reciprocate a bit of the good lovey dove talk they do. Like she texted me that she misses me. Seems kind of soon to be saying that but I guess I'm doing a great job.

I'm thinking ... I'll show you on Friday

Me too seems beta here

I like spending time with you too

I remember reading about telling them stuff like it's different with them to make theM feel like there something special brewing. Is this a good tactic?


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
Your best strategy is to not worry about relationships. This is the woman's job. Just date as many women as you can, continue to try and have sex with them... then screen out the ones that don't suit you, then hopefully the one you want, wants you LT... otherwise, just keep on trying.

The great thing about all this is that it really is a lot of fun if you just let yourself go with the flow... just keep hooking up with women until the time is right. Just don't stress over it.

Trust me, once you let go of all this freaking stress over trying too hard with women it all becomes much easier.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2015
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Its ok to see her 2-3 times a week IMO.

solid advice here on what your overall strategy should be, basically same as any plate, but one that you wana STEADILY get to know deeper

you gotta be careful when they start with the miss you and lovey dovey talk too much too early though

you wana be nice and reciprocate a LITTLE bit but for the most part, slow her down, its a very fast killer of attraction

youre right i miss you too is beta, its not a good idea to say this back to her so early

you can say something along the lines of "you might be floating around my head as well, i didnt give you permission though, get out of there! " keeping it light n playful

Nu Vision

Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2014
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Ranger Mike,

You are right. I'm sensing that the more we have sex the more invested she is and it wouldn't surprised me if she asks me soon about where I think this is going. Honestly I like what I see with her but I don't want to come accross as needy and want to make her work for it give her the thrill of winning me. So we will see. I can see myself developing one it is over this one and so I'm really trying to get on dates with other girls. So far no luck.


Right on point. That's a good response. She responds well to ****y funny.


Jan 8, 2015
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LTR'S need to happen naturally not forcing it or seeking one. Date the girl looking for red flags to see if she is possibly worthy to be one.

Nu Vision

Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2014
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I agree Peña. That's what I'll do.

She texted me almozt 3 hrs ago. I haven't replied. Another text a few minutes ago. She's fishing. I want her to think that maybe I'm with another girl. I want her to possibly get jealous. Is this the right approach? I'm going to reply in a bit and if she asks where I've been I'll say busy. And leave it at that.

Nu Vision

Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2014
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So last night I wasn't available to her for 4 hrs. She texted at 6. Replied at 10:15. Said that I had been busy. No response from her. During that time she texted me 5-6 times about different stuff. I called her around 11 last night. Went to vm. No morning text today from her. She usually texts me first thing.

So I'm guessing she's mad I took a long time to text her back yesterday. I did it on purpose to get her mind wondering. Maybe backfiring?

I haven't texted her today since I feel that after seeing my missed call ball is now on her court and she should be the one texting me.

What u guys think?


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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Screen for a girl that is LTR material, date her, wait for her to bring up relationship talk herself.

Don't play dumb text games with girls, in fact, stop texting so much. Just use the phone to arrange a time to hang out.