Green Flags, she's a keeper! Traits of a woman worth keeping around.

Apr 23, 2015
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yannick43 said:
I am not worrying LOL i am past that part, i worried for 2 years, depressed, i really tough that i needed a women in my life to be happy, and now its been close to 6 weeks that i have waken up and its feels great.

I don't feel like looking its like i lost the passion to chase women, i rather use my time to do better things.

At some point in life you have been exposed too to much crap, its like life is trying to tell you something, for me i guess that its i am made to live alone, i am not made to be with someone full time.

My ex girlfriend she never loved me she told me after 9y when we broke up, she said i never really loved you (and all the signs where there, that bytch didn't give a fukk about me when i was sick with my back pain, she told me how are you gonna pay the bills, or i am not going to waste my life with an handicap like you, that bytches better have some karma coming her way.

I found my soul mate , so i am giving you 3 days to get out of the house i don't want to see you again....... that is what going out with women will bring you, they are all selfish bytches in for themselves and as soon as someone better comes along, even if they lost there house and everything they will leave you for them.......

Life is not fair for everyone, but i don't give a fukk because everything i got in life i worked for it hard, and i am proud of what i accomplished, and i did not need no bytch to get where i am at in life. Some retard hoes who does not like sex and always think about eating eating eating, always whining because i am not doing what she asks, and telling me you don't do the things i tell you to do......

So there you have it, i have a strong personality with women, i don't suck up to them, if i want to do something i do it, if i don't i don't i always had a strong character and never let any women order me around.

After selling my house a bough a small condo built a home gym, i can cook, i can clean, i can wash dishes, i can to my laundry, i can take care of my 3 cats.

And i can go out on my own. Where would a women fit in..... Last girl i had sex with was 27, after sex i wanted her to leave so bad she was so annoying with her damn life issues. Guess this is where i am at right now.
You don't think you can find a woman who cares for you as a person and would prefer to deal with you versus most other males?


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
If she's not a virgin she's useless for any long term prospect. That's pretty much my only qualifier to find a decent women.


Oct 20, 2006
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DaddyLongShanks said:
These same broke b1tches who waste sugar daddies monies, will have a broke boyfriend that she helps out with his money.

A stripper is a machine that converts sex with old men into sex with young men.

But remember: she is unfaithful to BOTH. She makes BOTH feel guilty for what they don't have. This is the modern American woman. In order to underwrite all the fantasies that TV put into her head, she must have several men, one for each of her needs.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
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When my family went overseas for 2 weeks, I had noone to cook for me. I wasnt too fussed, I could live off mi goreng noodles and ham & cheese toasted sandwiches.

This one plate rang me when she knew I was finishing work late and as soon as i got home, she came round and dropped off chicken schnitzel pieces that just needed to be fried, before she went to work her night shift. She even asked if I needed help with the fryer haha.

Great girls will take care of you, treat you like a king.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
There are only 4 green flags of any real importance.

(1) She is finanically independant.
(2) She is giving and generous.
(3) She is happy in her own skin and her life.
(4) She likes you for who you are right now and is not interested in changing you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
SamTheHobit said:
If she's not a virgin she's useless for any long term prospect. That's pretty much my only qualifier to find a decent women.
Good luck with that. But hey, stick to your guns, if this is what is important to you then don't compromise.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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i like the stuff about her intiating sex fully agree thats a key to a healthy relationship i want my girl to randomly straddle me and start kissing me and sh1t not have to nag her for it

also not hanging around clubs is good my freind is having real trouble keeping his girl out of clubs on the weekend atm and to me the fact she even wants to go is a big red one but thats another story

my personal top green flag though is her having eyes for me and only me

i want her to do stuff like tell me when guys are checking her out or hitting on her so i can slap her butt or kiss her or something

i love stuff like that as long as shes loyal and i trust her she can get away with alot of other stuff with me :D


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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Desdinova said:
This one can be problematic and I've had it fvck up LTRs and dating. If the parents are overly religious and think their daughter is a virgin, you're going to be a piece of 5hit in their eyes unless you marry her (even if she is NOT a virgin)

I had a LTR end because her parents hated the fact that I was divorced with a kid. Although I didn't treat her badly, this just wasn't acceptable to them. Once a woman is an adult, her parents should be allowing her to make her own decisions because their job is done. If she's still sucking on her mother's nipple, you're going to run into nothing but trouble.
I had the same issue with a girl. Her parents are super religious and asked me when I am going to marry her, after 15 minutes of having met me. :down:

SamTheHobit said:
If she's not a virgin she's useless for any long term prospect. That's pretty much my only qualifier to find a decent women.
I can identify with Sam's preference for virgins. There's something about being the first in there and knowing she's not a slot that's very fulfilling.

Very difficult to find, but that's exactly why we are DJ's: to have options and shop through many women before selecting one for an LTR.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
1) Low sexual partner count

2) Comes from a good family

3) Honest

4) Mature

5) A good communicator

6) Is a giver and not a taker

7) Intelligent & educated

8) Empathetic