ignores my text now? wtf?


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
so Ive been on two dates with this HB7 20 years old chick. We've made out and we've had a lot of fun both times.

After our second date (four days ago) she texted me the next day to say hi etc. Two days later I texted her and we exchanced a few funy messages etc.

Today I texted her saying hi (and I wanted to ask her out but since she hasnt replied...) etc and she's ignored my text the whole day eventhough I see she's online on whatsapp...


I think she may be mad cause I haven't asked her out in 4 days, I dont know why but I think it may be that cause she's a bit childlish or...I sense there is another guy in the pic cause she says she's in a relationship on fb, although she's told me she's single.


She's been replying instantly to me since I met her except for today, so big change.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
You do nothing. Maybe shes out of credit. Stop over thinking it. It can only go down from there.

pyros said:
After our second date (four days ago) she texted me the next day to say hi etc. Two days later I texted her and we exchanced a few funy messages etc.
In my opinion this is where you ****ed up. She reached out to you and you took two days to get back to her? And when you did reach out you didnt set a date.

Worse still.... now your thinking about her and starting to chase. Take a step back in time. Nothing is wrong pyro. Chill. Stay strong and dont hand over the frame. I hate when a girl doesnt text back, it literally drives me crazy. But I dont let her see that, I just treat her the same as always and put her further back in the queue. She failed your test. Your disappointed because she showed potential, but oh well.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
pyros said:
After our second date (four days ago) she texted me the next day to say hi etc. Two days later I texted her and we exchanced a few funy messages etc.

Today I texted her saying hi (and I wanted to ask her out but since she hasnt replied...) etc and she's ignored my text the whole day eventhough I see she's online on whatsapp...


So she turned the tables on you and isn't that working out just fine for her? She's got your hamster in a right spin.

How to respond to cases such as these really should be elementary after nearly four years on SS. Keep your cool by keeping busy.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
I didnt ignore her for two days. She texted me the day after our second date, I replied etc, and two days later (yesterday) I texted her again, sent her a pic of my pool, she laughed, asked me how I was doing and she seemed 'nice' as always. I did not ask her out yesterday cause I had a lot going on and I did not know 'when' it would be a good time for me to see her.

So today I texted her to ask her out, I just said hi and left it at that waiting for her reply but she hasnt replied. I think she may be toying with me, cause as I said, she's pretty childlish.

I know I know, I do nothing...YES, SHE'S FAILED MY TEST. She had potential but this is stupid, disrespectful behaviour, so she gets -10 points. She's online on whatsapp the damn whole day...so she's not doing much lol.

It fvcking bugs me when something is going apparently fine and then...

Thanks God I have another date tonight with a different chick but... :~~(

So this is my 1st strike, I am thinking that I may ask her out in two days, and if she doesnt reply or rejects me, she gets a 2nd strike and I soft next her.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
As cliche as it is - this is why we spin plates. Obviously, once you get into an LTR you shouldn't need to spin plates, because the **** like you've explained above shouldn't be happening.

I think you have the right mentality: **** test or not, this is a 1st strike for her.

Think of how annoyed you are....by her behavior. Rightfully so.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
pyros said:
if she doesnt reply or rejects me, she gets a 2nd strike and I soft next her.
If she doesn't reply or rejects you then I think that means you've been nexted.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2014
Reaction score
pyros said:
I sense there is another guy in the pic cause she says she's in a relationship on fb, although she's told me she's single.
Trust your senses gentleman.

pyros said:
She's been replying instantly to me since I met her except for today, so big change.
Change of patterns, big sign of cheating. But wtf, she is just a plate, not your wife or GF.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
You don't text "Hi" to someone. That's lame. I have a girl who keeps doing that to me, and I sometimes ignore it myself.

Only text her to say stuff like, "Let's meet up for [whatever] on Thursday or Friday." Otherwise, you only text her if necessary to reply to her. Don't text her pictures of your pool. Tell her about your pool when you are out with her.


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
Forget that you texted the "hi".

Just text her with what you originally intended to do, to ask her out. If she doesn't respond to that move on until or unless she gets back to you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
pyros said:
So this is my 1st strike, I am thinking that I may ask her out in two days, and if she doesnt reply or rejects me, she gets a 2nd strike and I soft next her.
Can you post your last text before doing that. Im 50/50 without more context. Did you literally send "hi"?

Without more context I stand by do nothing.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
I did not text just 'hi',
y said hi, how are you and asked about something we mentioned in our last date, and as I said SHE HAS NOT REPLIED, eventhough she's constantly online on whatsapp.

Crazy bit-ch, really...

Yep, she went from replying in a second to everything and being nice talkative etc, to not replying. Great...

I went on a date with a chick I like less but we made out heavily and it was a first date. I did not bang her...cause I could not find any place to park my car...and the police was in the neighbourhood...but we were horny as hell, both. But this chick is a 6 or 6.5, and this other girl is a 7 or above... :~~~(

So I'll go no contact until she reaches out?


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
pyros said:
said hi, how are you and asked about something we mentioned in our last date, and as I said SHE HAS NOT REPLIED

So I'll go no contact until she reaches out?
Nah, I would hit her up in a week with a date offer. If you reach out I would get straight to the point.

Your text was kind of weak, and its possible she didnt see whatever you mentioned as super important. Its possible she hasnt put the same level of significance on this text as you are pyros. If she ignores or blows off your date offer in a weeks time... then I would NC.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
There is no reason to ever text a girl unless you're making plans. Texting just to say "hi" is the domain of insecure betas who need validation. :crackup:

When you text to say hi its rally code for: "Do you still approve of me? Am I still on your good side? Are you still interested?"

Weak stuff. Stop doing it.

Again... unless you're making plans.. ignore the b!tch. You're a busy man. RIGHT? You have better things to do than make boring chit chat with some girl you're not even f*cking.

Also.. as others have said. You should be spinning plates.


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Poon King said:
There is no reason to ever text a girl unless you're making plans. Texting just to say "hi" is the domain of insecure betas who need validation. :crackup:
Same can be said about a guy walking up to a woman at a bar saying "hi" then buying her a free drink. You are giving her validation and doing what she expects of you.

Alpha men do not care what the woman thinks of him. He does what he wants 24/7 on his terms. If he feels like sending a text he does on his terms. Not because he is insecure seeking validation from women. Sounds like you are insecure to take the intitative fearing what a woman will think of you.

Poon King said:
When you text to say hi its rally code for: "Do you still approve of me? Am I still on your good side? Are you still interested?"

Weak stuff. Stop doing it.
Alpha men take the Initiative to do what they want. They do not need betas telling them they are weak for having the freedom to do what they want.

Poon King said:
Again... unless you're making plans.. ignore the b!tch. You're a busy man. RIGHT? You have better things to do than make boring chit chat with some girl you're not even f*cking.
Initiating a text will lead to f*cking from interested girls.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Peña said:
Same can be said about a guy walking up to a woman at a bar saying "hi" then buying her a free drink. You are giving her validation and doing what she expects of you.

Alpha men do not care what the woman thinks of him. He does what he wants 24/7 on his terms. If he feels like sending a text he does on his terms. Not because he is insecure seeking validation from women. Sounds like you are insecure to take the intitative fearing what a woman will think of you.

Alpha men take the Initiative to do what they want. They do not need betas telling them they are weak for having the freedom to do what they want.

Initiating a text will lead to f*cking from interested girls.
Your statement is idiotic.

If this so called "alpha" is not doing these things for validation purposes then there is no reason to create an Internet thread asking other men why he is not getting the result he wanted.

You blithering idiot. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
dude, stop fvcking with this girl, i warned you a long time ago what happens when you overanalyze and worry about every little thing...

she flaked and it is as simple as this: she doesn't care about you. you wanna chase someone who doesn't like you. what does that mean about you?

it means you a sucka

at this point, i would just troll the girl and tell her unless she comes over your house and licks your balls you are gonna tell her BF you fvcked her and had her call you daddy

tell her you're gonna drive down to her daddy's house and do him doggy style until he admits he's a failure for raising a cheating, flakey slvt


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
OP do not worry about what she does. If she texts she does if not then fine. IL is what counts and if she has it she will text back.

Poon King said:
Your statement is idiotic.

If this so called "alpha" is not doing these things for validation purposes then there is no reason to create an Internet thread asking other men why he is not getting the result he wanted.

You blithering idiot. :crackup:

You are the blithering idiot because I am talking about men in general. Alpha men take the initiative to do what they want not worryng about what the woman thinks. If a man wants to text he texts. He does not fear what she will think like you do. All your posts come from the beta mind set fearing what women will think. You are giving women power they should not have.

You buy self entitled women free drinks with your beta bucks at bars. You buy them drinks and you do it for validation. In your mind that is not beta bucking but for other men it is. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Peña said:
You are the blithering idiot because I am talking about men in general. Alpha men take the initiative to do what they want not worryng about what the woman thinks. If a man wants to text he texts. He does not fear what she will think like you do. All your posts come from the beta mind set fearing what women will think. You are giving women power they should not have.

You buy self entitled women free drinks with your beta bucks at bars. You buy them drinks and you do it for validation. In your mind that is not beta bucking but for other men it is. :crackup:

me personally i'll just troll a b1tch if she is ignoring me, works sometimes.

yeah who cares what these girls think? These young 20 year old girls grew up thinking Justin Bieber is the pinnacle of music and think pink teddy bears are "so cutez"

do you get mad at a dog for taking a piss on your lawn? Nah, he's a dog.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
applegoo said:
do you get mad at a dog for taking a piss on your lawn? Nah, he's a dog.
How about if that dog came inside your house and took a piss on your bed? And then did a massive dump on your nice new pillows. Might you get mad then?


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
:-) said:
How about if that dog came inside your house and took a piss on your bed? And then did a massive dump on your nice new pillows. Might you get mad then?

i would go michael vick on that piece of sh1t

but really, there's a difference between getting mad at girls for being girls and getting mad at them for truly wronging you (like breaking your sh1t or something)