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  1. V

    ---ROGER DODGER--- DJ movie ?

    I agree that Roger's techniques are well - dodgy. I think he goes beyond C&F and neg hits into bitter diatribes. Any woman who falls into bed with him is either impressed with his superficial intellectualism, or has incredibly low self-esteem. Or both. The movie has some good...
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    Wrong to meet new girls even if you have a girlfriend?

    It's not the nicest thing to do, but I say "meet them" and collect #'s and flirt, but don't do ANYTHING physical until you and your current GF have called it quits.
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    A lot of financial advice books put "get married" in their lists of "musts." I tend to agree - having a supportive woman in your life who will stand by you can be incredibly important - and the second income isn't too bad either. You have to be the marrying type, too. I think those old...
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    Waitress ignores me, not my friend

    Thanks for the two informative posts. There's never been any conflict between us, but I do tend to sulk a bit after dinner when I notice the disparity in treatment. It's frustrating, because like I said, I know I'm almost certainly not actually repulsive looking. I'm just trying to...
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    Let her set the pace? OBSERVATION

    I agree with the last post. I've waited too long and missed opportunities due to not being "aggressive" enough.
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    How are the girls in Phoenix, Arizona?

    Geographic issues with women... Someone I was friendly with a long time ago told me he went to U of A and it was packed with great looking women. My understanding is that women tend to be friendlier outside of NY and LA. But how you succeed or don't in any area is still largely up to...
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    Waitress ignores me, not my friend

    Hmmm... here's one that's been bothering me a bit. I suppose my friend is a lot better looking than I am, because no matter which restaurant we go to, or where the table is, or how we arrange seating (in other words, I'm trying to account for issues like glaring light, and...
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    Anything truly new lately?

    I'm not complaining... About any lack of new material. I'm just making an observation and curious if anyone else agrees or disagrees.
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    Anything truly new lately?

    Ok - I don't want to light any conflagrations here. My question is this - has anyone seen anything strikingly new about the whole science of meeting women? A lot of threads here are resurrections of older threads or variations on conversations that have taken place. It seems like most...
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    You've got a Girlfriend, now invest in your Future

    Excellent post... I second a lot of what the original poster has said. I'd also add this - don't let having a relationship derail your fitness program, distract you from your job, or take you away from your hobbies. If anything, those commitments will help keep her Interest Level high...
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    Poll: Place your Votes on Censorship!

    vudufixit Why is ****** censored? It's a popular online game
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    philosophical post about when HB's get old and ugly

    Great song about youth, beauty and aging Nanci Griffith is a singer/songwriter par excellence. One of my favorites by her is called, "Drive in movies and dashboard lights" Here are some of the lyrics... Sister had a crystal voice She played a Silvertone from Montgomery Ward...
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    Nice Guy vs. Jerk....I still don't understand!

    I think Mukester's responses are right on. Catch the theme? It's all about not taking any of this too seriously. If the IL on her part is still good, any of those things will blow over. If it's not, well then perhaps you're both better off elsewhere.
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    One woman's opinion on the perfect man

    Re: Re: One woman's opinion on the perfect man >She wants unconditional love? So she expects to be loved no >matter how she behaves or what she does? Call me when the >space shuttle lands. In one piece.
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    About SpeedDating

    I've tried it... So far, haven't gone out with any of my matches - but I sat across from one gal who falls into the category of being "put up to it." She was absolutely not into being there at all. The next time I'm faced with someone like that, I think I'll say the following: Me: "I...
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    Your Ideal Bachelor Pad.

    My apartment is very well put together and extremely clean and neat, but I've been told it's a tad lacking in warmth. Some of the highlights, though: 1) Granite-topped coffee table in front of the leather couch. Orrefors candy bowl is on the table, with an interesting aluminum...
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    Turn your pad into a spa

    Good post, I'll add this... Get good at footrubs. Women love 'em. If you do it well on someone who's had past boyfriends/husbands, I just about guarantee they'll say, "he never used to do that for me." Touching in a stimulating but nonsexual way is an excellent bonding tool.
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    Throw away your formulas for success

    da dynamically - I wasn't sure if you were responding to my last post, but I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just trying to say that a surprising amount of wisdom lies within ourselves *and* in self-help, self-improvement books, seminars, etc. But none of it works or matters if...
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    Throw away your formulas for success

    Thoughts on success... Some of the least successful people I've seen have shelves full of success courses on tape, success books, success videos, etc. As if the act of buying said materials just makes them feel like they have some control, like they're making some progress. A good friend of...
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    Excellent Book I'm Reading...

    Both formats... Yes, it's out there as an e-book, as well as in hardcover. I agree that it has a lot of stuff that's on the forum, but I think it helps reinforce the concepts. Plus, it's also nice that the hardcover is more portable than a comptuer! :)