philosophical post about when HB's get old and ugly


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
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This is not really about DJ'ing but about the downside of DJ'ing if you don't carefully qualify what you catch . . .

So I have a client who is 65. Or let us say, "had." She looks like a turd. Wrinkles and nasty ****. I saw a picture of her when she was 25 and she was super hot. That explains why she is such a mega ****ing man eating ***** since AFC's have been licking her boots so many years.

Now of course she is the CEO of her company b/c she is corrupt and selfish as ****, spends the money on herself, treats her employees like slaves, spends half her time on her cat's appointments, etc. and she's been trying to screw over my deal with her company for the last year and a half. The reason is actually she wants to **** me and since she can't she wants to **** me over. She has a BF in her company who goes with her everywhere, he is like 25, he is required to kiss her cheeks at board meetings so she can make fun of him at dinner later, and he is the laughingstock of all the women there, poor ****er, but he makes super bucks. He is also jealous of me b/c she wants me not him (which she makes obvious, it makes me shudder, but it works on him like he's a woman) and at an xmas party one time where she wore a catskin leotard (ugh) he says to my back, "You're going down." To which I replied to his co-worker within earshot, "At least I'm not going down on a 60 year old woman." Later on, a year later, maybe, I walked into a room where the two of them are working, I rarely go in to visit them, he walks out of the room trying to look casual, swings around the corner and smacks into the (closed) door and falls flat on his back. Then mega-wench goes "We were up *very* late last night." I bet you were.

So now comes the good part. The old turd has run the business so badly since she was hired 6 yrs ago that her Board is starting to ask questions about her contract (b/c customers complain so loudly they have to). So she put them on my case, saying we've been the problem. She's already fired all the other contractors so we're the last ones to blame. So now the Board Director President calls me up, which she should have realized they would do, and what do I say? Well, after showing them how we were not the problem, in fact she misrepresented the costs and the services provided, I also mention that a younger CEO might better connect with their customer base. And, oh yeah, she owned stock in that startup where they invested the company's funds (about a million) which were subsequently lost, and as far as I know, that is against the bylaws, and jeapordizes their tax status for the past three years minimum (can you say payup to the IRS, ****head? how about "shareholder lawsuit" or is that one to long?). Oops, did I let that factoid slip, my bad. She was stupid to ever pull me into it, I'm the last guy left to get her back, I got her deals when nobody would piss on her old ****ing boots, and she still walked me off the plank. *****. She ****ed my deal, in the end, of course, but I ****ed her back, and in the ass to boot. Hopefully they'll spend her pension on attorneys to wriggle out of the IRS problem.

So what is the moral of this fetid story, besides that business is full of back-stabbing bastard mother****ers and ****ty old turd ladyies who'd **** over their grandson to save their stock options and expense account trips to Milan with their salaried BF's? It is of course that that beautiful HB ***** you want to lay down with today will turn into an ugly ogre tommorrow and before you know it so don't just look at the face, look at her actions. Beauty fades, but rottonness grows. Don't marry a beast with beautiful breasts that will sag, and high cheekbones that will become low hanging jowls, just find someone nice, for crying out loud.

And for the HB's hanging around, you can jerk the guys around all day and night today, laugh at the geeks, and blow off the nice guys, but you are just gonna get played by the jerks and the DJ's, and then when you get old and ugly, too, AND YOU WILL, then NOBODY is gonna give a **** when you die or go to your funeral, unless you're paying them. Which, if you just ****ed with my deal, you are gonna be too broke to do.

Oh, and the other moral is, women do not know **** about running a business. Watch HP and Martha Stewart tank, I promise you that. Geeks like me, on the other hand, will make everyone pay hard. Witness, Bill, Larry, and friends, and then bend over and grease up. But who am I kidding, I am fukked for now. At least I'll see the wrinkly one in hell, eh?



Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
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My god this was one funny post. You definitely made some good points. The princesses you once valiantly fought to save will soon turn into the dragons.

This is some good motivation to not let looks phase you. So what if you're talking to a 10. In 60 years she will look like she fell out the ugly tree and hit every branch.

Nice work. Bonus points for originality.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
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chicago,il , usa
Another interesting side note..

I notice soo many HB's sitting around talking about Their Perfect guys! Must be smart, funny, sensitive, confident, blah blah blah..

The irony is .. these women have nothing to offer a man besides a slit between their legs..and lets say one day, a her perfect guy marries her..and tires of the sex (MOST will tire of the she gets old and uglier..and sex will become a chore)

What are those ladies going to do next?? divorce and cling on to another chump who thinks they are hot? for the time being? until the cycle repeats?

I pity any woman who goes through life relying solely on their looks for happiness.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2003
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Pittsburgh, Pa
Originally posted by Starman
Another interesting side note..

The irony is .. these women have nothing to offer a man besides a slit between their legs..and lets say one day, a her perfect guy marries her..and tires of the sex (MOST will tire of the she gets old and uglier..and sex will become a chore)
Agreed whole heartedly Starman, you show me a great looking broad I'll show you a guy who is tired of FVckin her


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
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chicago,il , usa
ehhe I saw a picture a while back it was a GORGEOUS chick..and on the bottom caption it read "Somewhere, Some guy is sick and tired of dealing with her Bull$hit!"

it was golden..when the pu$$y becomes tired and played out...when you have seen this girl without make-up, your tolerence goes down with putting up with her crap...

It would be sweet if we can adapt that mindsset for the DJ..before he meets a HB


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
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Yeah, I know this HB who is twenty seven years old and all she can complain about is the fact that she is not married and pregnant. She wonders why all of her friends are married with children and not her.

I am thinking biatch maybe if you try to develop some otehr traoits and chracteristics that would make you more attractive someone would marry yo azz!

She thinks she is just going to land a wealthy dude with a nice career by just being a trophy. Can't cook- don't like to clean-ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer or any thing. Any person with smarts will realize that she is only going to get older and it's going to take more than a nice BJ
to go with those wrinkles.



Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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Man, I wouldnt go that far, some of the greatest and nicest girls I know are powerful, beautiful girls. SERIOUSLY!! But I know the kind of HB's you are talking about, and OMG, seriously f*ck them, their confidence derives from how much male attention they get and how they look, f*ck those biotches!!


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Westchester Cty, NY
Great song about youth, beauty and aging

Nanci Griffith is a singer/songwriter par excellence.
One of my favorites by her is called, "Drive in movies
and dashboard lights"

Here are some of the lyrics...

Sister had a crystal voice
She played a Silvertone from Montgomery Ward
Baez songs in Monroe hair
She sure could turn the boys' heads to stare
Swim wear saunter, tan and haunt them
that's all she learned in school
Books were for the other girls
and the other girls were fools

Where is she now?
The backseat Queen of fraternity
Where is she now?
She is heavy of thigh and light on integrity
Someone should've told her
when beauty's all you offer
Too soon the world discovers that your
beauty's gone

Mother can't you hear your daughter crying
Father wake up her youth is dying
Her kids are grown . . . Husband's gone away
it's a shame cuz she had such a lovely face
Can't you see she needed more
than, Oh, what a pretty child?
You never taught her truth from lie
all you told her was to smile
In Texas back in sixty-nine
it was drive-in movies and dashboard lights


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by A1SteakSauce
So what is the moral of this fetid story, besides that business is full of back-stabbing bastard mother****ers and ****ty old turd ladyies who'd **** over their grandson to save their stock options and expense account trips to Milan with their salaried BF's?
I just started my business a while ago; does that make me a back-stabbing motherf*cker?

I agree with the last few paragraphs of your post, but if you ask me, you sound kinda jealous of the old woman.

Geeks like me, on the other hand, will make everyone pay hard. [/B]
Actually, I was reminded today by my MGC professor that Bill Gates, and most of the Billionaires 200, were in fact not "geeks". Even Bill has excellent social skills.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
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Littleton, Colorado, United States
Bill Gates was definitely a geek when he started out. Seen any of the old pictures? He was smart as fvck when it came to business though, and I'm sure he honed his social skills along the way. There's no other way to do it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
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chicago,il , usa
last time I checked Bill gates is still a is steve jobs..they are hella rich and smart..but geeks none the less...I like

vudufixit..great song for this thread


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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What defines a geek? :confused:

I thought geeks were reclusive people without any social skills whatsoever. One of my friends is a computer genius, but he's very social.


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
Geeks / Business Guys

DL -- Props to you for starting your own deal. You are still innocent now, but not for long!

The definition of a Geek is all performance no style, all work no play (work IS play). Bill G is the king Geek but you can find them in any field, I'd say Larry Bird and Pete Sampras fit the bill and you can contrast them with Dr. J or Andre Aggasi who definitely were not geeks. Gates has Aspberger's syndrom or something similar to autism, I don't think he had much in the way of social skills BUT he did know how to play his opponents for the fool, so he had social *intelligence* up to wazoo. He just couldn't work a room if his life depended on it.

This old bucket of bones pisses me off b/c she got everything from AFC faggots who kissed her ass all day long and paid no attention to results. She was all hair and no brains but these elderly AFCs didn't know how to deal with a ***** with balls. She just abused them like she probably did ever male from the age of 12. She made her mistake thinking I was just another male ***** to beat down in her high ****king style. But I'm a geek and if the Titanic is sinking the ritch *****es can drown, all I care, I'm grabbing a friggin boat, they prolly deserve the icy depths anyway.

The thing that really sucks is that since she did not respect me we all had to lose. She did not have to **** on my head in the end and I could have still backed her up. We could both still be in business. But so many men licked her boots over the years and walked away tail tucked in when she gave them the heave ho that she just could not see any different outcome. I have to say it was my pleasure to **** her back, too, though I suspect this BOD is so spineless they are paying her a pension plus termination fee and god knows what else. They are probably at her house right now asking to be whipped like little boys, there is nothing more pathetic than an elderly chump . . .

But what's done is done, time to find a new deal for me. Hopefully the next client will be a man.



Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2001
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Actually, being geek got trendy a little while ago (all them billions, I think...) and, if you notice, like every model claims to have been ugly in junior high and made fun of, everyone else claims to really be a geek.

Real geeks still can't get laid.

Been laid in the last 3 years? You're no geek.