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  1. F

    Need advice ASAP - HB8 has an ex that's returning for more!

    I'll keep those things in consideration. I definitely think she needs to win my trust a bit more, but I don't judge people who take drugs unless they're actually super harmful like needles etc. But I'm not here to discuss my opinion on drugs or drug abuse. Also the substances she uses are the...
  2. F

    Need advice ASAP - HB8 has an ex that's returning for more!

    No, I wasn't talking drugged up. I've known this girl for a long while but held back when she mentioned her BF ages ago. When she became available I began flirting and making advances and she responded in kind. Her interest level seems high. I was saying she was probably pretty drugged up over...
  3. F

    Need advice ASAP - HB8 has an ex that's returning for more!

    DAYUM! Awesome feedback there Pimpsicle! This gives me a whole new attitude and I'm super confident about meeting her now! As for the delay - she initiated, she was always saying how keen she was to have me over and how she couldn't wait. I scheduled it for Monday, which was probably too soon...
  4. F

    Girl IOI's a lot but pulled away from kiss

    PapiChulo is right. If you don't keep your distance she'll start to devalue you, if she hasn't already. You need to take the position of "you've got me interested, now give me a good reason to stick around." That said, still ask her out, if only for reconnaissance. You may be surprised at how...
  5. F

    Girl IOI's a lot but pulled away from kiss

    I think maybe when you went for that first kiss you misjudged your timing and were thrown off by her withdrawal. Keep her interest level high and strike when the iron's hot. She could also be one of those b*tches that likes to have a guy chase after her, yet never give in to his advances...
  6. F

    Need advice ASAP - HB8 has an ex that's returning for more!

    Thanks very much for the rapid response. Special thanks to Iceberg for his insight. So I think I'll go ahead and go to her place tomorrow and keep her at "arms length" whilst flirting her pants off, then leave her to make up her mind. The way I understand it, I need to constantly put my best...
  7. F

    Need advice ASAP - HB8 has an ex that's returning for more!

    I'd like to start by saying I'm a reformed AFC - I still have a lot of work to do, and this is a perfect opportunity to learn more and increase my skills. Thing is, I'm in a rut, and unsure on how to proceed, so here we go: I've been flirting with this totally gorgeous girl, we have heaps in...
  8. F

    Harden Up

    Generally, this advice works. But if your brain chemistry is f*cked and you need some serious anti-depressants then I'd recommend doing that as part of the process of toughening up. After all, everything is a process that takes time, and some people need to take those extra steps to get out of...
  9. F

    I think its time i asked for help

    If you're going through tough times, it helps to have a support network that's there for you. If there isn't one there, it can be hard to make one. But it's true, your focus should be on your dad. Get through this tough time. On the upside... Who knows? Maybe someone will lend a sympathetic...
  10. F

    The toughest game in town.

    Damn. What can I say? You're all right, I was blaming it on the town and the other guys. Just last Saturday I went out with my friend for her birthday and because I was focused on just having fun met a great chick, got her number and walked away smiling regardless because it was such a great...
  11. F

    Do you ALWAYS have to deal with LMR?

    The only way to not get LMR is if you've already shagged her already or if she's jumping your bones. Simple as that. If she wants you, then the battle's over, and LMR no longer exists (unless she's playing head-games, which women sometimes do).
  12. F

    Where the fvck i have been and what im planning to do..

    Damn. Can't wait to see your book. It's a pain in the ass how people charge money for these books when half the time they're not even that great. I bet yours will definitely be a cut above the rest. Peace.
  13. F

    Do you ALWAYS have to deal with LMR?

    You can try to sweet talk your way through it, but this can sometimes backfire. If she sees that you're pushing for sex she may see it as disrespecting her and she'll walk away and never talk to you again. Best to be flirtatious and push right up to that edge before falling over. If it doesn't...
  14. F

    The toughest game in town.

    Hey all you crazy players and pick-up artists, I've got a question for you I'd really like some help with. I think I must be living in the toughest town on Earth to get a good PU or even a dance with an attractive lady out at the clubs. Things seem really different here. For starters, I...
  15. F

    Want an average life when you grow up? Here..

    I wish I wasn't such a lazy bastard over the last year. 2009 sucked. Time to get my @$$ in gear and get out there :D Thanks for the post. Insightful. Humorous. Glorious.
  16. F

    Can't approach a girl, not even a 1 or a 2

    Alright dude, here's my two cents worth. Start by actually READING the DJ Bible. There are copies of it on the net if for some reason you can't find it here - I know in the past I couldn't seem to get it on SoSuave. If you can, look for the DJ boot camp thing. I only read through a slim...
  17. F

    A question on shoes

    Wonder what someone local would say - things are weird in this city. Everybody - even the men - are obsessed with shoes and outfits. A lot of girls I've met have told me my footwear is geeky. Hence the post. O.o People are weird.
  18. F

    Looking good, feeling great

    Now this is interesting! I love your responses ATP - pretty damn insightful. Things in this country are just as elitist - the girls go out hunting in packs, where packs of men think they're hunting but they're actually just following the scent-trail left by stuck-up b!tches. The ego-boost...
  19. F

    A question on shoes

    Alright SoSuave, time for a question about shoes. I'm looking for advice on the kinds of shoes one should/shouldn't wear. At the moment I do a lot of walking and I have flat feet, so my shoes ideally need to be able to have in-sole orthotics in them (for those that don't know, orthotics...
  20. F

    how much do girls talk amongst themselves?

    Wonder how the CIA gets away with hiring women if they're so prone to blab?