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  1. T

    your wake up call

    With a 7% success rate I think you need to pipe down my friend!
  2. T

    you guys are dumb

    I love it how you have run home each time and kept a tally of your failure rate! Its just sosocool!!!!
  3. T

    Unwittingly got picked up by a guy who offered me a beer and molested me

    If you dont mind getting compliments from women and men then why are you bothered? although i have to say i did laugh alot at this hahaha. Awwww bless him he must have thought his luck was in.
  4. T

    She is Engaged and I want her...

    my advice is probably not what you want to hear but......................with the greatest of respect, she is playing games. You say she talks AS IF the relationship is rocky, not that is is, but AS IF it is. This girl wants attention and is using you to get it. She wants to know that even...
  5. T

    would girls find a guy who doesn't drink not fun?

    I dont drink either and never have. Ive come across the odd few people that insist on trying to make me drink but i see that in the same way as me trying to make them smoke. If anyone I met ever had a problem with me not drinking then I wouldnt give them a second thought. your life, your...
  6. T

    condom problems

    If it is anxiety then dont pressure yourself. She is more than likely just as anxious as you are and is probably tensing up which could be why you cant get it in regardless of how wet she is. relax, and whatever happens have fun!
  7. T

    how much do girls talk amongst themselves?

    as a woman :) I can tell you that they talk alot! about everything! women tell each other every detail about the guy they are with. Its like they cant help but spill. after each argument her girlfriends can recite it word for word. they can also draw you a body map to each scar/freckle/mole you...
  8. T

    What would you have done different

    I regret being to far to honest for my own good and putting too much trust in people. There are way too many people on this planet ready to screw you over as soon as they can! but hey, at least im the good guy :)