Unwittingly got picked up by a guy who offered me a beer and molested me


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
I feel pretty stupid about this in retrospect, apparently he was the same guy who was stopped and took notice of my body in the mirror before leaving the locker room a few days back. He was stairing at me as I exited the cardio room and went down to the hot tub, he followed me there minutes after and introduced himself. then as I left he left the hot tub minutes after once again, just in time for me to be changing. He asked me what I was doing after, offered to buy me beer and at this point I thought he was just a dude who was a bit lonely, but free beer sounded nice and he didn't seem bad. He said he was a medical professional at a big hospital. So I followed his car to the beer and to a parking spot in front of the beach. I got a lot more details to add to this but this has been the most helpful forum I've ever registered to so as of now you will be the only people who know about this.

So as I was drinking he asked to see my tattoos, and when I lifted my shirt he started touching them and moving his hand lower and I pulled away. then he said "You gotta understand the provacation is there" (he did this all in between small talk, I didn't know any of this was gonna end up like this) he kept giving me compliments which relaly fed my ego and let my guard down, he said I looked like a greek statue and I had a full package for a body, he offered me a back massage and he tried touching me and offering me things and I didn't have the nerve to just get up out of his car and leave......keep it real, this does sound suspect on my part but I really didn't know, I guess I missed the signs but I'm so nieve to that sub-culture of people that I don't even look for the signs


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
I guess this might even show you how opposite this stuff is male vs. female, a girl woulda ran for the hills and I was sitting there absorbing small talk laced with peppery comments that just basically literally confirmed everything I think about myself.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
how do you expect us to respond to this story? I really hope its a joke.

The first sign of homo-weirdness I've ever received has been met with immediate threats of violence on my part. There has never been a 2nd one.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Nite-nite. Keep your butthole tight!


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
horaholic said:
how do you expect us to respond to this story? I really hope its a joke.

The first sign of homo-weirdness I've ever received has been met with immediate threats of violence on my part. There has never been a 2nd one.
I don't ever give off gay signals, I'm not like that at all. He just offered me a beer and this guy had a wife, he was like a sicko he didn't give off no signals other then just being a normal gym-goer until he got me to the spot. Then he gave me compliments like I look like I could be in Sparticus, that I have an amazing body and that I'm just a beautiful specimen and stuff....................now that I think about it.......best believe I wouldn't let that happen again. From now on if theres no reason to meet somebody theres no reason to meer anybody


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
The World
Yes, you do give off gay signals if this bisexual man got the hint that you want to hook up.

How do you not run the fvck away when he calls you a 'beautiful specimen?'. If some guy at the gym asked me for a beer after he just called me beautiful, I would be finding myself a new gym right after I am done kicking his ass.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
Metaphysical said:
Yes, you do give off gay signals if this bisexual man got the hint that you want to hook up.

How do you not run the fvck away when he calls you a 'beautiful specimen?'. If some guy at the gym asked me for a beer after he just called me beautiful, I would be finding myself a new gym right after I am done kicking his ass.

Don't yes you do me. I walked all over your town, I'm 18 and an out of towner. Nobody ever played me for a full in your state so you can fall back on that. No he offered me the beer and then showered me with compliments as soon as I started drinking. I don't know if you just wanna talk or if your a keyboard jockey but obviously I didn't go with this guy knowing he was gay. And why would I beat somebody up for a compliment? I take compliments from any and all, and I do it often. Obviously I wasn't comfortable with this, maybe your searching deeper for an insecurity in yourself. But I got pics of what I do, I need not seek your approval


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
Dante420 said:
And why would I beat somebody up for a compliment?
there's a lot of homophobes on this forum. Although you should have gotten the **** out of there when the compliments started (red flag).


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
uhhh. well, when a guy starts to compliment me im usually outta there. its easy to tell. if the guy starts acting like an interested chick would, it's time to go.

ive had this happen a couple of times, although i never let it get to the point of touching...

don't worry about it. **** happens. learn and move on.

Metaphysical said:
Yes, you do give off gay signals if this bisexual man got the hint that you want to hook up.
Wow, you know alot about gay men. Tell me more about these gay signals and how you spot them.

If some guy at the gym asked me for a beer after he just called me beautiful, I would be finding myself a new gym right after I am done kicking his ass.
Or you can take it as a compliment. Homophobe much? What are you so afraid of when you're around a gay man?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
Alle_Gory said:
Or you can take it as a compliment. Homophobe much? What are you so afraid of when you're around a gay man?
[troll] he doesn't want to catch the gay virus!! [/troll] Some people are just really homophobic and can't even be around gay people. They're just ignorant.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
No pictures and it is all B.S. Post some shirtless photos.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
No pictures and it is all B.S. Post some shirtless photos.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Dante420 said:
I feel pretty stupid about this in retrospect, apparently he was the same guy who was stopped and took notice of my body in the mirror before leaving the locker room a few days back. He was stairing at me as I exited the cardio room and went down to the hot tub, he followed me there minutes after and introduced himself. then as I left he left the hot tub minutes after once again, just in time for me to be changing. He asked me what I was doing after, offered to buy me beer and at this point I thought he was just a dude who was a bit lonely, but free beer sounded nice and he didn't seem bad. He said he was a medical professional at a big hospital. So I followed his car to the beer and to a parking spot in front of the beach. I got a lot more details to add to this but this has been the most helpful forum I've ever registered to so as of now you will be the only people who know about this.

So as I was drinking he asked to see my tattoos, and when I lifted my shirt he started touching them and moving his hand lower and I pulled away. then he said "You gotta understand the provacation is there" (he did this all in between small talk, I didn't know any of this was gonna end up like this) he kept giving me compliments which relaly fed my ego and let my guard down, he said I looked like a greek statue and I had a full package for a body, he offered me a back massage and he tried touching me and offering me things and I didn't have the nerve to just get up out of his car and leave......keep it real, this does sound suspect on my part but I really didn't know, I guess I missed the signs but I'm so nieve to that sub-culture of people that I don't even look for the signs


New Member
Mar 7, 2010
Reaction score
If you dont mind getting compliments from women and men then why are you bothered? although i have to say i did laugh alot at this hahaha. Awwww bless him he must have thought his luck was in.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Forgive me, but I can't help it...

Dante420 said:
I feel pretty stupid about this in retrospect, apparently he was the same guy who was stopped and took notice of my body in the mirror before leaving the locker room a few days back. He was stairing at me as I exited the cardio room and went down to the hot tub, he followed me there minutes after and introduced himself. then as I left he left the hot tub minutes after once again, just in time for me to be changing. He asked me what I was doing after, offered to buy me beer and at this point I thought he was just a dude who was a bit lonely, but free beer sounded nice and he didn't seem bad.
Were you the kid who could get lured into the rickety van with just candy???
Are you sure you weren't tossing your hair or giving out inadvertent IOI's?

Dante420 said:
He said he was a medical professional at a big hospital.
Ooooh a sugar daddy. You got lured into this like any other woman would have.

Dante420 said:
So I followed his car to the beer and to a parking spot in front of the beach. I got a lot more details to add to this but this has been the most helpful forum I've ever registered to so as of now you will be the only people who know about this.
Are you sure you wanted to tell us??? Then again, none of us know you.

Dante420 said:
So as I was drinking he asked to see my tattoos, and when I lifted my shirt he started touching them and moving his hand lower and I pulled away. then he said "You gotta understand the provacation is there" (he did this all in between small talk, I didn't know any of this was gonna end up like this).

Dante420 said:
he kept giving me compliments which relaly fed my ego and let my guard down, he said I looked like a greek statue and I had a full package for a body, he offered me a back massage and he tried touching me and offering me things and I didn't have the nerve to just get up out of his car and leave
More kino. He's doing really well so far... wait, you were having a beer in his car?

Dante420 said:
......keep it real, this does sound suspect on my part but I really didn't know, I guess I missed the signs but I'm so nieve to that sub-culture of people that I don't even look for the signs
Am I missing something? How did this end up?
I'm surprised he got this far without any Neg-Hits. I didn't see that he did any C&F or push/pull though. Seems a bit AFC-ish to me with all of the compliments but he probably figured that you as an HB-9+ would probably feed into it... he probably read you as an AW.

I'd say he did pretty well. When's Date #2?

I wonder if that doctor visits these forums. Did he look like a pigeon?


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
For gay guys it's a big deal to try to get a straight guy.

I have met a couple of "questionable" guys through friends recently, and they happen to live downtown so time to time it makes sense to pre-game there before going out

The thing is, the gay vibe is not clear, but something is off. Yeah they talk about girls and ex girlfriends and know a lot of girls, but when they try to get you to drink more.. slap your butt once in awhile.. just some random sh!t.

It's a ****ing bizzare game to play, you know this dude might want to **** you, but you are being cool because you get free booze, meet girls and have a prime spot downtown because of him. First time i spent the night I was ready to beat someone up if I woke up with anyone touching my ****. But If you do not give any gay vibes back you should be alright, if there are more come ons you just have to LJBF the dude.