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    J0n's Field Report Log

    Good job brah, I like how you handle yo business, keep up the success
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    200 approach journal.

    Good luck bra, Yay Area stand!!!
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    Good Cities for Sarging

    Honolulu should be up their for the people who fall for asians
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    FR: Prom.

    Eh El Stud, If your friends did not want to go to the after party you should have just gone yourself. What you should have done was while you were at Prom ask other people from your class what there plans were for after the dance, get some digits from them and hit up the parties.
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    Accent keeps getting me AMOGed. Need Help

    Goodfella,say something back to them in your native tongue in a calm manner and then just carry on whatever was happening before.
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    Is it your Senior Year? If so I would go, hang out with who you know or just bust a move on the dance floor. Try to find a date if you want but dont think you need to have a date to have fun. Hope that helps.
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    The smoothest thing you ever said to a woman!

    Approached a chick on the bus. Me: Wow thats a huge ring, it's not an engagement ring is it? Her: No Me: I'll keep that in mind =)
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    prom sucks

    Ey Carrey, I dont know how the whole Prom thing works at your school but when I went last year I ended up not having a date, long story, but it turned out ok because at the dance itself I was able to take other guy's dates and ended up having a great time .
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    Simplicity is the Key

    True to life ****. Live for the moment, do what you want because life is to short to have regret. Bump
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    where have YOU met women?

    Malls, school, bookstores (gotta love Barnes and Nobles), public transportation, through mutual friends, just taking the chance to talk to someone who catches your eye
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    where have YOU met women?

    Malls, school, bookstores (gotta love Barnes and Nobles), public transportation, through mutual friends, just taking the chance to talk to someone who catches your eye
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    SHOCK and AWE: The Apocalypse Opener

    For those of you who say it cant be done in the U.S. think again. Used Apoc this past weekend at a courtyard jam at my university. I was with some friends dancing with girls and stuff when I notice a girl a few rows ahead of me dancing with some of her friends. I move up during the song and get...
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    shaking hands with women???

    You guys should come to Hawaii, here it is customary to kiss girls you meet =)
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    Ugly girls are meaner than hot chicks

    Forget girls that act li dat, they are not worth our time and effort. Save it for someone more deserving.
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    College Game -- A World of its Own?

    True, so true, If you have alcohol the females are sure to come, having social proof is also very important in college. It has worked some wonders for me.