Simplicity is the Key


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
I am seeing how some people still have not evolved from the nerds to men. When they stumbled upon seduction community they thought they found a totally new world. But they only changed CHANNELS. They are still nerds. How many guys do still refer women as sets ? Guys trying to compete with you AMOGs ? Too many. They still see women as ****ing aliens ! THEY ARE NOT !

Women are just emotional beings! Do you want 4 DVD's on what that means ? How about a bonus SLAP AROUND YOUR FACE for a change. SIMPLICITY WAS ALWAYS THE GREATEST THING YOU COULD DO. Women are emotional! They do not communicate with logic, they rely on emotions.

And you can not get all the women out there. You can not persuade each woman into feeling what you want her to feel. Some are happy in a relationship and you will not be able to change her feelings at any costs. Others are not pleased with what they got. You are able to get those with ease.

And yet again you still want to over complicate things. You still need 10 eBooks on how to make women feel various different emotions. It simple! Simplicity wins again. You give her simple pictures. No need for 1000 words of details on a simple thing like "I own a cat that pretends to be Superman". It already made an effect on her because she laughed.

Have you forgotten that women are emotional ? I believe right now you were thinking how can I put so many different emotions into pictures ( words describing them ). You are using your logic again and yet again want to over complicate. You as a human are not only able to speak. You have your whole body available. You express those emotions with your body, with your voice ( tonality, pitch ), your facial expressions and your body language.

Nerds. They search for all those "negative internal beliefs" when they have the biggest issue right in front of their nose. They want to over complicate things! They want to make sex seem like an exam out of neurology.

What else do you notice in nerds ? That feeling of wanting to be a part of something. They see somebody cooler than them or somebody with something they want. And they completely turn to be his SLAVE. ****! They ask him questions. He knows they just want to complicate. He shows them the finger and then they turn all emotional and start actually CARING what he thinks. **** that! Stop caring what other people think. When you are making out with that girl in the mall IGNORE the people walking by. There is just you and her!

Be in that ****ing moment! Do not stop to go somewhere safe! Confront it and live with it! It is only those moments you have in your life. I have noticed so many guys enjoying in a special moment but in a minute or two they start thinking "when will it end ? it is too good to end ". Dude... be in the ****ing moment. Stop thinking. Stop analyzing. START LIVING! START ENJOYING! BE IN THE MOMENT! LIVE THE MOMENT!

Do not talk big game! Act! You do not have to say a word what you are going to do JUST DO IT! When you say what you are going to do or if you ask if you can do this ( do not even try do to that ... ) you are just seeking for approval! Do the thing! Do not ask! Be a man of action.

Screw theory. Screw philosophy. Simplicity above everything! Do not take approaching chicks as a physics test! Make it fun. You are not proving to anybody that you can pass the test. YOU want the girl not some random dude that wants to see you approach. So make it FUN for YOURSELF and for NOBODY ELSE. You are the first person you think about! Do I want this ? How can I make this interesting for me ?

Anything you try. Do not even dare to give up on it! Do not give up on your dreams ! Fail, fail, fail, fail ! You can succeed after one fail, you can succeed after 10 fails, **** it.. you can even succeed after 1000 fails JUST DO NOT GIVE UP BECAUSE YOU CAN DO IT! Never let go of your dreams. Never let others pull you away from your dreaming.


Any other thing you want a simple point of view on ? Bring them out.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
This was good.

Some people forget that if you follow all the so called "rules" you read in the site/bible/whatever. you end up loosing all the fun!!

And you triple the fun if you get rid about all the over-analysing crap like "Does this like me? Am I doing this right?"

If you don't care how you are doing so far, you'll ironically do better! And amuse yourself more.

Yes! It is all resumed in a few words. Have fun- This is the single most important and efficient tip I have ever, ever read! ;)


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks for reading it and replying. It is good to know there are still people who have real life experiences and are not full of theory crap.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Red Sox Nation
Gubby said:
Hey, if you don't have fun what'dya want the woman for? XD
Lol, iFEEL was right. Nerds don't really grow into men, they just find a new videogame to play with. :crackup:

Really dude, you've hit the nail right on the head.


New Member
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
iFEEL said:
I am seeing how some people still have not evolved from the nerds to men. When they stumbled upon seduction community they thought they found a totally new world. But they only changed CHANNELS. They are still nerds. How many guys do still refer women as sets ? Guys trying to compete with you AMOGs ? Too many. They still see women as ****ing aliens ! THEY ARE NOT !

Women are just emotional beings! Do you want 4 DVD's on what that means ? How about a bonus SLAP AROUND YOUR FACE for a change. SIMPLICITY WAS ALWAYS THE GREATEST THING YOU COULD DO. Women are emotional! They do not communicate with logic, they rely on emotions.

And you can not get all the women out there. You can not persuade each woman into feeling what you want her to feel. Some are happy in a relationship and you will not be able to change her feelings at any costs. Others are not pleased with what they got. You are able to get those with ease.

And yet again you still want to over complicate things. You still need 10 eBooks on how to make women feel various different emotions. It simple! Simplicity wins again. You give her simple pictures. No need for 1000 words of details on a simple thing like "I own a cat that pretends to be Superman". It already made an effect on her because she laughed.

Have you forgotten that women are emotional ? I believe right now you were thinking how can I put so many different emotions into pictures ( words describing them ). You are using your logic again and yet again want to over complicate. You as a human are not only able to speak. You have your whole body available. You express those emotions with your body, with your voice ( tonality, pitch ), your facial expressions and your body language.

Nerds. They search for all those "negative internal beliefs" when they have the biggest issue right in front of their nose. They want to over complicate things! They want to make sex seem like an exam out of neurology.

What else do you notice in nerds ? That feeling of wanting to be a part of something. They see somebody cooler than them or somebody with something they want. And they completely turn to be his SLAVE. ****! They ask him questions. He knows they just want to complicate. He shows them the finger and then they turn all emotional and start actually CARING what he thinks. **** that! Stop caring what other people think. When you are making out with that girl in the mall IGNORE the people walking by. There is just you and her!

Be in that ****ing moment! Do not stop to go somewhere safe! Confront it and live with it! It is only those moments you have in your life. I have noticed so many guys enjoying in a special moment but in a minute or two they start thinking "when will it end ? it is too good to end ". Dude... be in the ****ing moment. Stop thinking. Stop analyzing. START LIVING! START ENJOYING! BE IN THE MOMENT! LIVE THE MOMENT!

Do not talk big game! Act! You do not have to say a word what you are going to do JUST DO IT! When you say what you are going to do or if you ask if you can do this ( do not even try do to that ... ) you are just seeking for approval! Do the thing! Do not ask! Be a man of action.

Screw theory. Screw philosophy. Simplicity above everything! Do not take approaching chicks as a physics test! Make it fun. You are not proving to anybody that you can pass the test. YOU want the girl not some random dude that wants to see you approach. So make it FUN for YOURSELF and for NOBODY ELSE. You are the first person you think about! Do I want this ? How can I make this interesting for me ?

Anything you try. Do not even dare to give up on it! Do not give up on your dreams ! Fail, fail, fail, fail ! You can succeed after one fail, you can succeed after 10 fails, **** it.. you can even succeed after 1000 fails JUST DO NOT GIVE UP BECAUSE YOU CAN DO IT! Never let go of your dreams. Never let others pull you away from your dreaming.


Any other thing you want a simple point of view on ? Bring them out.

Yes. Keep it simple! Now if each and every one of us in life could learn to do that..perhaps the world would be a better place.:cool:


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
True to life ****. Live for the moment, do what you want because life is to short to have regret. Bump


New Member
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
Each day is a gift, perhaps not the same gift.. a funny one. a sad one.. a dumb one. However it was given to all.. in some shape or form. So take it .. make.. it or break it. Just my thoughts.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Just beyond reach
I would go beyond this to say, "find you're natural flow, whatever that is." For some it is following rules and bibles. For others it is completely freestyle. As long as you go with what works for you, it WILL be simple.