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    Ex Girlfriend called crying... should I tell girlfriend?

    basically if u fck the ex, you lose both. I agree with this guy. No point doing it if u get enough sex from GF.
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    Number close - now what?

    girls all have memory lapses. Also girls nowdays r soooo busy. gotta txt/call asap. Set up plan A with time,date. Then B with alternate time/date. Then C. No way could she slip out then.
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    chance of her being pregant

    u r paranoid. Spermicidal kills your beans with in secs.
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    DJ test (situational)

    is no one brave enough for this challenge??
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    your favourite models

    wats yours??:confused:
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    Isn't the problem with women today?...

    right on fck right on bro. If WE are earning all the bucks. y the FK would we listen to them. BTW guys dont ever get a woman who can't depend on you, u will get your ass whipped.
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    Muscleman's "I Don't Give A Fvck" Approach -> Close -> Lay Journal

    muscle man, is there more to your life than just sex and chicks?
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    Ex Girlfriend called crying... should I tell girlfriend?

    if u wanna help. Then tell your G/f and watch reactions. U dont want her to get wrong ideas. Some ppl r quite paranoid..
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    your favourite models

    sayword whos sec girl?
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    telling a girl you want to sex her tonight...

    start with kino. Flirt. Find a place. Take her hand there. Kiss her. More kino. if there is bed sit down and stroke her hair and watch reaction. if she likes it, let nature take its course. If she rejects, less kino, more laughter. Try again later. If rejects again leave.
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    Dealing with LTR drama help?!

    BPD. Wat with the new terms ppl??
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    WOW, Can't believe I did this...

    so wat. One small mistake. Ignore her. Wait for her next move. Dont be a desperate pig.
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    your favourite models

    nice choice. Slightly old 4 me. 8 and 7.
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    your favourite models

    haha. LOL. Thats what u jak off 2? Post links ppl !!!
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    DJ test (situational)

    TO all DJs here. I am going to place a test. Imagine the scenario i place below you. Then DJs can give each other scores our of 10. Questions? Here it is: you are at a party in Las Vegas. You have been invited to a wedding. After the couple has been married, they asked all the guests to...
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    "Is there more to you than just looks?"

    Girls dooms day reply -What do you wanna know- my reply would b -wat can u tell me- Then it would b -gotta 2 ask- then u r stuck lol
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    your favourite models

    dont come up man. Broken link??
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    Thinking of deleting my myspace...(prevention one-itis)

    dont need muscle man think. Getting my share of the sex 6 times a week minumim when i am not doing exams lol. Already in LTR and love. Wat else do i need??
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    what's up w/ this girl?

    call it out with humor. Flirt with a bit and turn situation around with Kino. And tell her to her face that you are not hers yet.
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    Isn't the problem with women today?...

    i am 18, in mix college with a girl school. Man dont i hate the fking feminists. They suck. Totally undermine our role as men. Fking with the "why should women b lower"-well have u got a dik or do i. Or have i got more muscles than u and less boobs. WTF is wrong with them. Lukilly my GF is...