Isn't the problem with women today?...

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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that they don't know how to take orders, or submit.

I mean, man, back in the old days and even today in rare cases, what the man says in the household goes. These days, women can't take orders. They're too protected from daddy, and every other male/female society around. Ok there's a point, when you become an adult, and you get married. The woman after the honeymoon, finds herself in a position now where the guy tells her she should do something he thinks needs doing by her, and she begins to see her life becoming a living Hell. She wants out this whole time, but he continues to give the orders, she realizes that this will be the norm, she either copes like Most smart women of ancient past or she bails only to grow older and manless, tries to get married again, but sees the same ole thing - the man giving the orders - so all this time wasted. If she had just taken what is passed down through tradition, then she would have been better off, been smarter, and stuck with it till the end! Death do us part!


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Many females believe there are no real Masculine Men. They feel they rarely meet them at all.
So they won't "submit" or "take orders" from weak Males who pretend they are Men.
I have seen Women willingly do what they feel is natural in their role as the Woman in a positve and Polarity based Masculine/Femenine relationship. And the man had never forced his woman to 'submit" or ever feel the need to do so, or 'give orders".
He did LEAD though. And his masculinity, confidence, leadership, and internal compass and WISDOM were evident.

If people recognize your Wisdom ,you will ultimately be offered more opportunities to make decisions, and lead.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Interceptor said:
Many females believe there are no real Masculine Men. They feel they rarely meet them at all.
So they won't "submit" or "take orders" from weak Males who pretend they are Men.
I have seen Women willingly do what they feel is natural in their role as the Woman in a positve and Polarity based Masculine/Femenine relationship. And the man had never forced his woman to 'submit" or ever feel the need to do so, or 'give orders".
He did LEAD though. And his masculinity, confidence, leadership, and internal compass and WISDOM were evident.

If people recognize your Wisdom ,you will ultimately be offered more opportunities to make decisions, and lead.
Thanks bro. I'm Trying to get more wisdom to show my future wife who's boss when the time comes for that.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Poonani Maker said:
...I'm Trying to get more wisdom to show my future wife who's boss when the time comes for that.
Uh-oh, I smell trouble...


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
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Because, most women now days are hors or feminists. And yes, a good grip of guys are pvssies. So, find a woman who knows her role and play your part.


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
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If you are advocating sticking with tradition why do we not just go back to a time when the Popeis the most powerful entity in Europe, to when death by stoning and gladiatorial combat was right, to when slavery and racism was perfectly OK?

The zeitgeist with relation to gender has changed over the last 100 years in much the same way as it has with relation to race. It is now the norm for women to go out and get jobs and careers, even for the man to stay at home and look after the kids.

Two main theories about why men were seen as the masters of women in the past are that men brought in the money for the house, and that Eve was created from Adam's rib. Both of these are now outdated. Women have careers, and religion is no longer as prominent in most societies.

In the past we effectively treated women as slaves. Is this morally right? I do not believe that it is. If you propose that it is, then why is this right while it is wrong to treat other races as slaves? I do not believe that you can propose one without indirectly proposing the other.

Times have moved on to a point where women are no longer subordinate to men. This, for me, is a good thing. More creative and intelligent people are able to move further in life, to move science along (look at Marie Curie). Women have as much right as us to be equal.

Personally I worry that our society is going too far, to the point where men are generally respected less than women by the law which, for the same reasons as I have shown above, I believe to be wrong.

However, how you can morally justify a return to the times when women were our subordinates is beyond me.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
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Ah yes a conservative’s dream. Wishing for a time when women knew their place and did whatever their man told them. Takes the need out of being a man doesn’t it? Why not take it a step further and dream for the time when marriages were arraigned? Then it would be much easier; just pay a girl’s father for her hand and take her home and she’d have to do whatever you wanted. Better yet, buy a doll.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
potato said:
Ah yes a conservative’s dream. Wishing for a time when women knew their place and did whatever their man told them. Takes the need out of being a man doesn’t it? Why not take it a step further and dream for the time when marriages were arraigned? Then it would be much easier; just pay a girl’s father for her hand and take her home and she’d have to do whatever you wanted. Better yet, buy a doll.
Aside from the political part, I agree with you. There's huge genre of men of various political, socio-economic and cultural backgrounds who'd prefer women to be indentured to them.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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i am 18, in mix college with a girl school. Man dont i hate the fking feminists. They suck. Totally undermine our role as men. Fking with the "why should women b lower"-well have u got a dik or do i. Or have i got more muscles than u and less boobs. WTF is wrong with them.
Lukilly my GF is traditional, like me, so she don't mind being a real woman. That y i love her

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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There are still women out there who will try their damnedest to go against society's grain to please her man. Most of these type of women can be found in the church. Even so, these women are affected growing up in a culture that tells them that women are equal to men, and when it comes time for marriage, there's still a learning curve. A buddy of mine just got married to a virgin of 27 years. She's hot conservative too. But I could see their troubles beginning to happen right off the bat right after the honeymoon as if She didn't know what she was getting herself into - my buddy's a STRICT conservative. She knew this going in. It doesn't hurt that she knew that he's got a great job and is on his way to breaking the millionaire mark soon. He's laid down the LAW early in their marriage, much like he had laid down the law to his roommates to clean, cook, mow, his home while getting through grad school. His roommates couldn't stand him, but it was HIS house, thus HIS rules. So he got practice being the Head of the household on his poorer buddy roommates.

I've always lived alone.

Anyway, this dude has his newly wed hot wifey now thoroughly ensnared or webbed in his construct of a woman's role in the house. She curls up to him and loves him for showing her the way too.

Because she was a willing subject to begin with, this marriage will probably work and last a long long long time.

The problem with most women today is that most of the women are so purged of the traditional female role that stepping into the plan for her, spelled out by the stronger more dominant male husband, is much much harder to do willingly and with enthusiasm doing her best to please her man, as he does all of the work to provide for them outside of the home.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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right on

Poonani Maker said:
There are still women out there who will try their damnedest to go against society's grain to please her man. Most of these type of women can be found in the church. Even so, these women are affected growing up in a culture that tells them that women are equal to men, and when it comes time for marriage, there's still a learning curve. A buddy of mine just got married to a virgin of 27 years. She's hot conservative too. But I could see their troubles beginning to happen right off the bat right after the honeymoon as if She didn't know what she was getting herself into - my buddy's a STRICT conservative. She knew this going in. It doesn't hurt that she knew that he's got a great job and is on his way to breaking the millionaire mark soon. He's laid down the LAW early in their marriage, much like he had laid down the law to his roommates to clean, cook, mow, his home while getting through grad school. His roommates couldn't stand him, but it was HIS house, thus HIS rules. So he got practice being the Head of the household on his poorer buddy roommates.

I've always lived alone.

Anyway, this dude has his newly wed hot wifey now thoroughly ensnared or webbed in his construct of a woman's role in the house. She curls up to him and loves him for showing her the way too.

Because she was a willing subject to begin with this marriage will probably work and last a long long long time.

The problem with most women today is that most of the women are so purged of the traditional female role that stepping into the plan for her, spelled out by the stronger more dominant male husband, is much much harder to do willingly and with enthusiasm doing her best to please her man, as he does all of the work to provide for them outside of the home.
fck right on bro. If WE are earning all the bucks. y the FK would we listen to them.
BTW guys dont ever get a woman who can't depend on you, u will get your ass whipped.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
Aside from the political part, I agree with you. There's huge genre of men of various political, socio-economic and cultural backgrounds who'd prefer women to be indentured to them.
This is a conservative thing. Listen to any right wing radio talk show and you'll hear the same crap. Them complaining about feminists and women not knowing their place, wishing for an idealized traditional past that was never how they think it was.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2007
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we need to go back the caveman days
just start clubbing and raping *****es

naw mean?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
potato said:
This is a conservative thing. Listen to any right wing radio talk show and you'll hear the same crap. Them complaining about feminists and women not knowing their place, wishing for an idealized traditional past that was never how they think it was.
It's really easy to polarize when you have a preexisting bias. Step out and talk to people in general instead of just listening to select groups and you'll realize that if men had their choice, they would choose a subservient woman no matter their political stance. Saying that its just a conservative thing is akin to saying that the Left is made of feminized wussies who would prefer that women ran their lives because they believe women are the better sex just because they can bear children. That and the fact that they feel that Hillary acts like the man that they'd like to be. It's just not that simple as you'd like to believe. The polarisation of religion and gender trump those of politics any day.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
i think we already had a discussion similar to this, where we sought out history to determine that women have been the same that they always have, however it is the men who have begun to evolve into something entirely different.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
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I think feminism is trying to suppress man by creating all these female-sensitive laws and regulations in our society. I'm all for gender equality but I think feminism is trying to pave the way for gender superiority while making us men almost second-class citizens. Feminist reasoning is that they have been oppressed by men for centuries, so now it's time to get back at the 'evil' men.

Women are easily persuaded into the one-sided, over-exaggerated logic that the feminist literature presents. I think the greatest weapon that feminists use while making their point is: emotion. They appeal to women's emotional side than the logical, intellectual side. They paint a picture of a ruthless, cold-hearted man torturing and enslaving the vulnerable, and weak woman.

Plus, we all know how bandwagons are ridiculously popular in our culture. As soon as a woman hears about fighting the masculinity, she will stomp and kill every man that she meets. Unfortunately, most of the men today are AFCs.

I think the more appropriate topic that OP should have wrote is: Isn't the problem with women today...that there are no real men around?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
The Bat said:
...I think the more appropriate topic that OP should have wrote is: Isn't the problem with women today...that there are no real men around?
To PK's point, men have [d]evolved into something where they are having problems with women; blame it on the evolution of Feminism if you'd like. that there's a real problem with women. The fact is that not all men have that problem with women.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
Francisco d'Anconia said:
To PK's point, men have [d]evolved into something where they are having problems with women; blame it on the evolution of Feminism if you'd like. that there's a real problem with women. The fact is that not all men have that problem with women.
right, i didnt mean all men, i might in general... just like everyone else meant women in general and not all women.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
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All I know is the Brezhnev would have sliced and diced any sign of feminism coming out of the old Soviet Union. Hence, why some girls on this earth still live to serve men. Thank God the Soviets were radical social conservatives.