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  1. R

    A little panicked; going on first date with high value woman, advice please!

    Update... Date 2 last night. Although she said she doesn't consider it a real date, as we went out for an appetizers and some beers at a bar. I picked her up at her place, and we went to the pub. Had a real good conversation. We both had a few beers so feeling relaxed. Lots of good topics...
  2. R

    A little panicked; going on first date with high value woman, advice please!

    So, we had our date last night. It went well. We met a local pub and had a couple of apps and few drinks. She was totally into me. I didn't even have to try. I kissed her at the bar and she invited me to her house. Preceded to explain that I'm the exception, this is not her norm, shes doesn't...
  3. R

    A little panicked; going on first date with high value woman, advice please!

    SO.. if she is showing high interest and texts me since our call last night, would you respond? Our first date is tomorrow night, I dont really want to reply, but dont want it to come off as being inconsiderate. I understand there isn't a perfect answer, just curious as to how some of you might...
  4. R

    A little panicked; going on first date with high value woman, advice please!

    Thanks. She already hinted on the phone call, so I will do that. Plan to keep it short though. I fell into the trap of letting the last girl I dated draw me into the over texting thing. That amongst other things killed the relationship fast, about 3 months. I was able to sleep with her, but...
  5. R

    A little panicked; going on first date with high value woman, advice please!

    Yep, I'm trying to keep the contact to a minimum. She already texted me this AM about how she enjoyed the talk and was looking forward to Thursday, and asked that I call her on sometime this week. I waited for over an hour to respond and told her I'd to call her Tuesday night. My plan is to call...
  6. R

    A little panicked; going on first date with high value woman, advice please!

    Will do. We pushed it up to this Thursday now so updates will be forthcoming!
  7. R

    A little panicked; going on first date with high value woman, advice please!

    Ha Ha you guys are killing me. Can I just at least get a date in and get a feel for this woman? Just to give a little more background we are both in our mid 40's, divorced, have kids similar age. She probably has some issues, but don't we all? I'm just looking for another plate to spin and...
  8. R

    A little panicked; going on first date with high value woman, advice please!

    From what I gather she is interested in psychotherapy, so you may be on to something. Hoping the part about depression and pills is off though ;)
  9. R

    A little panicked; going on first date with high value woman, advice please!

    So we chatted on the phone yesterday after some brief message exchanges. It went pretty well. We discussed a little about ourselves. Not too much was said in the way of our careers. I held my own quite well I must admit. Had a free flowing convo and agreed to meetup next Thursday for a drink. Im...
  10. R

    A little panicked; going on first date with high value woman, advice please!

    I'm not going to pass judgment yet, just trying to go into this without intimidation. I googled where she lives and basically it's a mansion. She most likely earns 3-5 times what I do. I'm thinking this is not in my favor to work out, but at the same time flattered that she would give it a shot...
  11. R

    A little panicked; going on first date with high value woman, advice please!

    Ha, yep she's got a PhD too! Wtf! Thanks for those tips. I work in real estate and talk to attorneys all day. In fact I figure **** out for them all the time so that will help.
  12. R

    A little panicked; going on first date with high value woman, advice please!

    First off I want to say that this is a great site and all if the contributors are fantastic. Thanks so much for all the good advice given here. I am going on a date with a very successful woman. An accomplished attorney with a PHD, very good looking, etc. we've only briefly talked on the...
  13. R

    Is this an oxymoron?

    I'm just disappointed I guess. Ive been trying to meet someone for an extended relationship for 3 years now, and finally found someone I wanted to be with. There have been a couple of others, but I lost interest. Now the tables are turned so its a bit of a blow. Unfortunately it went from bliss...
  14. R

    Is this an oxymoron?

    "I'm emotionally numb to some extent ... I can only hang with my friends right now, anything more feels overwhelming" Granted this girl is going through some traumatic issues in her life recently. Life changing issues. But her recent loss of interest and contradictory words make me wonder if...
  15. R

    girl going distant?

    Amazing how routine this is. 3 months, goes distant, over texting, if I only knew what I know now. Oh well, live, and learn I guess...
  16. R

    when a girl starts getting defensive

    I'm just discovering all of the techniques that need to be applied in order to get the best return out of your investments when it comes to dating women, but I can be pretty sure this can be construed as low interest.
  17. R

    New to forum, need some advice with new girlfriend!

    It was 2 weeks after her passing, not 2mo, that was a typo. It will be 3 mo tomorrow. To be honest with you I haven't found anything shes lied about. Doesn't mean I wont be vigilant and look for those things, but for the most part she is stable and has been straight forward with me as to whats...
  18. R

    New to forum, need some advice with new girlfriend!

    Yes, I know for a fact. Don't forget Ive met several of her friends, and her parents. And we have a mutual friend that was at the funeral. Its all real.
  19. R

    New to forum, need some advice with new girlfriend!

    All good 5string. I'm ultimately looking for advice and assessment of my situation. I can relate to what you are telling me. I have been learning a lot since I found this site and its been a tremendous help.
  20. R

    New to forum, need some advice with new girlfriend!

    Ha, you think so? There is a lot going on, so you're telling me its too much? Recap; * Divorced 2 years ago from husband that abused her (At least that's what shes told me) * Had been dating another dude for 2 years, beginning about 1 mo after divorce. They broke it off prior to the passing of...