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  1. R

    New to forum, need some advice with new girlfriend!

    Thanks Die Hard, I appreciate your feedback. I did a self check as you described in your first post and yes, I would feel awful, something I'd rather not go through. I'm confused as to the BPD relationship thing. Honestly, to me she seems very stable considering. Yes, she is going through a...
  2. R

    New to forum, need some advice with new girlfriend!

    Thanks again guys. I agree that need to step back and let this unfold into a different direction. I'm not willing to let it completely go, but I also dont want to throw in the towel because there are some good things that have come out of this relationship that are hard for me to convey here, a...
  3. R

    New to forum, need some advice with new girlfriend!

    So how should I handle her texts at this point? I've been getting them at least once a day. I've been keeping my responses super brief. No responses that would require additional texts. I should respond right? I've been very slow on the responses, but haven't ignored her. I guess I'm trying to...
  4. R

    New to forum, need some advice with new girlfriend!

    Deleted for double post
  5. R

    Where is the post I just submitted?

    Yep, should have saved it. Way too long to redo right now.
  6. R

    Where is the post I just submitted?

    Just typed a long ass post and it never showed up on the forum? Received confirmation it was accepted but no post!
  7. R

    New to forum, need some advice with new girlfriend!

    Hi, I'm new to this site/forum and first off want to say good work. A lot of valuable information and good advice here. I'm shocked to find so much useful and insightful information on a subject most men can relate with. Here's my story. I'm 45 divorced with a 6 year old daughter. Met a woman...